Whirlpool's core/first motion

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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:17 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:31 am ...

Thank you for the credit, Ashvin! You are right, I have not realized how difficult it becomes to ignore the life of feelings on the path. I certainly haven’t. All I have realized is my personal work on feelings up to this point and, to some lesser extent, what I am reading about feeling. What’s stated in the lecture you shared - I have read it carefully - I certainly haven’t realized, for the most part. For now I am simply reading:
Steiner wrote:We must be able to include feeling in the development of knowledge. Through constant review of our own being, we must be able to know what kind of persons we are as feeling human beings. This is not easy. With thinking it is relatively easy to achieve clarity about ourselves. [...] But with feeling we never really get to the point of observing ourselves in our souls. We are always convinced that the direction of our feeling is the correct one. We must delve most intimately into our souls if we wish to know ourselves as feeling human beings.
Here I’m surprised that feelings are said to be more difficult to see through than thinking, but for now I simply take notice, and hope I’ll be able to make better sense of that later (not a question I am asking).

There actually are a few things in this lecture that I can relate to directly:
Steiner wrote: When people think clearly they are citizens of the world, for they well know that thinking makes you human, even when it is dead in the present age. But people are separated by their feeling into nations, and especially today they let this unconscious feeling dominate in the worst possible way. Because people feel themselves as only belonging to a certain group, all kinds of conflicts arise.

I was so glad to read this. I was trying to express something along these lines in some of the first posts of this thread, about people trying to get themselves an identity by declaring allegiance to flags and then playing for others and for themselves that role, whatever conflicts it takes, as a hopeless, nonsensical way of feeling that they have ‘meaning’ as humans. Another feeling referenced as necessary to cultivate, that I have felt, is the immersive feeling of being lost in the cosmic void without clues about our own being. I can feel this feeling even without waiting for the night sky. The blue sky of the day is enough. And the ‘earnestness’ it's referred to as another feeling to cultivate, I understand too, I call it urgency.

Right, but let's always remember we are those "people". If we feel that we aren't conditioned by our gender, race, or nationality, then we are simply keeping that influence subconscious (and it's not easy to bring it to consciousness). At the end of the day, we are speaking of the nation as Idea, and as Steiner mentioned in the linked lecture, Ideas don't just hang in the air, but belong to ideational beings. They are experienced from the first-person perspective of such beings, not unlike we experience our own ideas from our first-person perspective. And there are important goals for humanity which are accomplished by such beings ideating national currents of willing, feeling, thinking. Yet, by becoming more conscious of these beings and their ideational currents, we also decondition from them. It's always good to view another human being, first and foremost, as an image of the universal Spirit, transcending any transient identifications, but we don't get a complete understanding of the human individual in that way. For the latter, we must also try to discern these nested layers of influence, of course without any prejudice or moral judgment.

Again from the lecture, there’s this image that I find so brilliant, of the humans of today, going around living life until death, as kind of zombies, dead corpses. We are right now, as alive as we are, the dead form of the human figure, ”the visible corpses of our animating invisible soul. And so it is for thinking. Our ordinary thoughts are dead thoughts in a corpse figure.” What a helpful image, it makes the idea that our concepts are dead precipitations much more apprehensible. It really is a powerful metaphor, not an ordinary one, but a metaphor that one can try on oneself instead of looking at it. What I don’t get in that passage is “It’s perhaps depressing to realize that it’s a corpse”. Why should it be depressing… It's such a brilliant insight!

Well, if you don't find it depressing, that means you are making a real living connection to your core inner being, not bound up with the physical body and its senses-concepts. So that's great!

I also read the link to the TCT thread and the great metaphor of the toy-concepts assigned by the council of children to the TV news. A robust one whose explanatory value extends in quite a few directions. It’s interesting how solid understanding is gained. I have heard some ideas multiple times by now, however every new metaphor that revisits these same ideas is not superfluous. There is a way in which depth in meaning is added every time. The tissues of understanding are densified every time by the images. It doesn’t seem to work the same way for abstract concepts without analogical correlates, where there is no real gradient of understanding, it’s a zero-one switch. Flipping the switch may require some enterprise, but once it’s done the extra example won’t add much meaning. Anyhow, following the links in there, I even stumbled upon a joke that you made!? I couldn’t believe my eyes : ) (I just mean: nice to see that you allow yourself to joke sometimes.)

Great point about the metaphors, allegories, parables. These are a great way to cultivate Imagination, either reading them or making them. I have my moments with the jokes :)

You probably won't be surprised to hear, smiling and laughter can become spiritual exercises as well. There is a great exercise to calm the soul before meditation - imagine each of your body parts 'smiling', not physically, but with the inner meaning of 'smiling', working up from the toes to the forehead in a slow and methodical way. This really helped me early on in the process.

For the most part, if I ever watch TV/movies anymore, it is either a simple comedy (I really like rewatching old comedy 'sketches') or an optimistic drama which highlights the endless creativity and drive of the human spirit.

Lastly, a serious thought about feelings. Your reference to the feeling of devotion makes me notice that in my long list of feelings, I omitted devotion, and the mood of prayer. Are they the same thing? If they are, I would prefer for myself the latter expression, which I can understand and find.
I can’t really find devotion, I can’t see myself as a devotee. These words have colors of abandonment to blind belief in my ear. I do think devotion is one possible approach to ease one’s way towards spiritual life, for those who are inclined to find and cultivate the feeling in their heart, as it was in the Vedanta tradition with Bhakti Yoga as well, but it’s not my way. And I noticed another word that I perceive with a similar semantic color as devotion. It’s “impure”. You use it in reference to not entering the higher worlds impure. The word is not used in the lecture and I wonder if there's a particular meaning you assign to it?

Yeah, I would say they are the same thing. By devotion, I certainly don't mean anything like blind belief. In my view, there is a huge difference between that blind belief and freely surrendering oneself to the Ideas, Feelings, and Will of the higher progressive spirits out of reasoned gratitude, trust, and love. It's not anything much different than what you mention above when looking into the blue sky - "the immersive feeling of being lost in the cosmic void without clues about our own being" - although we certainly want to maintain a connection to our own being with meditation. Blue colors have generally signified a mood of devotion in religious practices.

Steiner wrote:Imagine that dawn has gone by and it is daytime. You see freely up into the air, as it is today. What do you see? You see the so-called blue sky. To be sure, it is not there, but you see it all the same. That certainly does not continue into all infinity, but you see the blue sky as if it were surrounding the earth like a blue shell.

Why is that? Now you have only to think of how it is out there in distant universal space. It is in fact dark. For universal space is dark. The sun shines only on the earth and because there is air round the earth the sunbeams are caught and make it light here, especially when they shine through watery air. But out there in universal space it is absolutely black darkness. So that if one stands here by day one looks into darkness, and one should actually see darkness. But one does not see it black, but blue, because all round there is light from the sun. The air and the moisture in the air are illumined.

So you see quite clearly darkness through the light. You look through the light, through the illumined air into darkness. And therefore we can say: Darkness through light is blue.

...you will also be aware that when people who understand such things want to be thoroughly meek and humble, they use blue, or black — deep black. That is so beautiful to see in Catholicism: when Advent comes and people are supposed to become humble, the Church is made blue; above all the vestments are blue. People get quietened, humble; they feel themselves inwardly connected with the subdued mood — especially if a man has previously exhausted his fury, like a bull, as for instance at Shrove Tuesday's carnival. Then one has the proper time of fasting afterwards, not only dark raiment, black raiment. Then men become tamed down after their violence is over.

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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by Federica »

Cleric K wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:11 pm ...
So that's why inner work begins with concentration of the mind. This is symbolized by the gradual spiraling of the spotlight into the center.
Initially this looks like quite boring activity, it's like we have forsaken the richness of inner life for the stagnation of a point. But this is only temporary. When we manage to prolong this state of concentration (the ideal and feeling atmosphere of this concentration are of utmost importance. It's not all the same if we concentrate on just any one thought-image.) something very specific begins to occur.
Hi Cleric, Ashvin,
I am wondering, what would be some criteria that you recommend for choosing a thought-image to concentrate on?
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by Cleric K »

Federica wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:34 am Hi Cleric, Ashvin,
I am wondering, what would be some criteria that you recommend for choosing a thought-image to concentrate on?
I would say the important thing is that the thought-image is imbued with deep feeling. If we avoid being prejudiced about it, we could say that these feelings should be of religious magnitude. Of course, the word 'religious' today usually lights up as red alarm for most people because it has become almost synonymous to blind belief.

Man is called today to recover the Cosmicallity of feeling, not through blind belief but by penetrating religious feeling with the light of cognition. What was previously only felt with deep reverence must gradually become known as a world within which the knowing spirit weaves. (There's great difference between 'known' and 'reduced').

The age of materialism has made it very convenient to reduce everything to mental symbols. Today spiritualism tries to recover something of the fuller reality of our being, yet even though it would hardly admit it, it has fallen in love with the reductionist thought it has borrowed from materialism. Take a concept as MAL. What is this other than a floating thought in the mind? Yet there's no real interest to find how these thoughts relate to the real MAL. One is quite comfortable to remain with the intellectual theory, while the reality is left to the domain of inexplicable feelings, completely opaque to cognition.

With this said, one of the most important characteristics of the thought-image should be that it shouldn't be something the lives entirely in the mind. The thought-image should be like a condensation of something of Cosmic magnitude, which initially can only be anticipated as a feeling.

Imagine that someone throws and object and shouts "Watch out!". You don't see the object but cover your head with your hands and freeze in anticipation of the impact. You expect to come into contact with something external to you. Well, in our meditations we should also be open to go beyond ourselves. As long as we concentrate only on abstract thoughts, we'll certainly benefit from developing some finer control over thinking but ultimately we remain in our mind sphere. Anything we may expect to find in this way is expected simply as some other, probably more exotic kind of thoughts. This is also why people are generally very skeptical when describing that spiritual reality is approached through transformation of thinking. One can't help but imagine that one simply mistakes mental fantasies for realities.

If they were to take seriously that we should go beyond our intellectual self in meditation, the first reaction would be to simply freeze in anticipation of something to fall on our head from the spiritual world. That's why we need to find the religious feeling once again yet not as naive belief but as the inner courage to come into contact with something much greater, living, intelligent and real. This something won't simply stand before us as a perception that we begin to analyze but it is like the spiritual fabric over which our ordinary thoughts are modulated. If it feels slightly disturbing that our thoughts are like overtones modulated over deeper Cosmic Thoughts thought by living Intelligence, then we're on the right track. If we don't feel that this is at least a tiny bit scarily intimate, then we're probably holding the idea only as a floating concept in our mind, which has no power to nudge our ego from its throne (thus the saying "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom").

So in this sense, the criteria for the thought-image is not so much about the details of the image itself but about the necessity that the image should be a symbol for something which simply doesn't fit inside our head, so to speak. It's actually the opposite - our head (the forces that build our head and think inside it) precipitate from that greater world. The symbol for concentration is especially effective when it is imbued with these deep religious feelings. And I beg you once again not to mistake the word 'religious' for naive belief. It is only to suggest we need this intellectual inversion, to feel that the forces over which our intellectual activity is modulated, are far greater and more powerful than our conscious personality. In other words, we need to find once again the sacred dimension of being. We've had our historical five minutes of fame, when we considered the ego to be the highest consciousness in reality but we can't make a step further with that attitude. And of course this remark doesn't suggest that we should turn back to worship deities hidden around us. True worship today consists into making way for the Divine to work through us.
And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
It is really amazing how the scriptures today can be re-read and seen in completely Imaginative light. The shoes that we have to take off are our rigid intellectual forms, which aim to live entirely enclosed within themselves, forming a closed system of thought within the mind. When we take off these shoes, we remain with our spiritual gestures and we should be stepping very gently because the ground is holy. Every step must also be a perception. We should be conscious of how we stir the waters with our every move because these waters are home for many more beings.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by Cleric K »

PS: In the light of the above, even something like the animation from the previous post can be condensed into a point-symbol for concentration.

The condition, however, is that this shouldn't remain a purely intellectual activity. The peripheral gears shouldn't be taken for something that simply emerges before our mind's eye at certain point, in the same way we can, for example, behold the Earth from space. It is precisely here that the feeling part should be incorporated and we should be clear that the periphery only symbolizes the holy ground within which our intellectual self is embedded. And this holy ground is really the Thoughts of the Spirit, within which we modulate our own self-conscious activity.

This is probably the greatest stumbling block for those happy with the dissociation theory. The latter makes it feel that we exist within a bubble of real estate that is completely our private property. We need quite other attitude if we're to conceive that our state of being is really composed of a superposition of many layers of consciousness of a whole hierarchy of beings (our state is like a cross section of these layers of consciousness). The vast majority of 'movements' that we experience in our inner world are actually the activity of these beings. Our own self-conscious activity is only the final overtones of this superposition.

In this sense, if we fill our soul with the sacred feeling that our inner life is modulated on the waves of activity of higher order beings (symbolized as the peripheral gears in the animation), then this image can certainly be used for meditation and it can actually be quite powerful.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by Federica »

Cleric K wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:20 am PS: In the light of the above, even something like the animation from the previous post can be condensed into a point-symbol for concentration.

The condition, however, is that this shouldn't remain a purely intellectual activity. The peripheral gears shouldn't be taken for something that simply emerges before our mind's eye at certain point, in the same way we can, for example, behold the Earth from space. It is precisely here that the feeling part should be incorporated and we should be clear that the periphery only symbolizes the holy ground within which our intellectual self is embedded. And this holy ground is really the Thoughts of the Spirit, within which we modulate our own self-conscious activity.

This is probably the greatest stumbling block for those happy with the dissociation theory. The latter makes it feel that we exist within a bubble of real estate that is completely our private property. We need quite other attitude if we're to conceive that our state of being is really composed of a superposition of many layers of consciousness of a whole hierarchy of beings (our state is like a cross section of these layers of consciousness). The vast majority of 'movements' that we experience in our inner world are actually the activity of these beings. Our own self-conscious activity is only the final overtones of this superposition.

In this sense, if we fill our soul with the sacred feeling that our inner life is modulated on the waves of activity of higher order beings (symbolized as the peripheral gears in the animation), then this image can certainly be used for meditation and it can actually be quite powerful.
Once again, thank you for these indications, they are extremely clear.
I understand it’s not a sitting with oneself in the privacy of one’s ego-world and have really no resistance to the fact that “there's deeper lawfulness of the world flow (resulting from the spiritual activity at various levels) and that the knowledge of this depth may present us with possibilities that are inconceivable in our sensory life.” You don't have to worry about the religious feeling. I understand, without any hostility towards religion, not even towards naive belief. I won’t do anything until I feel I can nurture the feeling, cultivate it. I imagine it at this moment in a specific way, similar to the "lost in the cosmic void" feeling in the lecture referred to yesterday - as Ashvin wrote yesterday - but wrapped in a wish and a hope. I say imagine because I haven’t applied myself to it yet.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by Federica »

AshvinP wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:22 pm
Federica wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:17 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:31 am ...
I was so glad to read this. I was trying to express something along these lines in some of the first posts of this thread, about people trying to get themselves an identity by declaring allegiance to flags and then playing for others and for themselves that role, whatever conflicts it takes, as a hopeless, nonsensical way of feeling that they have ‘meaning’ as humans. Another feeling referenced as necessary to cultivate, that I have felt, is the immersive feeling of being lost in the cosmic void without clues about our own being. I can feel this feeling even without waiting for the night sky. The blue sky of the day is enough. And the ‘earnestness’ it's referred to as another feeling to cultivate, I understand too, I call it urgency.

Right, but let's always remember we are those "people". If we feel that we aren't conditioned by our gender, race, or nationality, then we are simply keeping that influence subconscious (and it's not easy to bring it to consciousness). At the end of the day, we are speaking of the nation as Idea, and as Steiner mentioned in the linked lecture, Ideas don't just hang in the air, but belong to ideational beings. They are experienced from the first-person perspective of such beings, not unlike we experience our own ideas from our first-person perspective. And there are important goals for humanity which are accomplished by such beings ideating national currents of willing, feeling, thinking. Yet, by becoming more conscious of these beings and their ideational currents, we also decondition from them. It's always good to view another human being, first and foremost, as an image of the universal Spirit, transcending any transient identifications, but we don't get a complete understanding of the human individual in that way. For the latter, we must also try to discern these nested layers of influence, of course without any prejudice or moral judgment.
It's really being a struggle for me to get across this point! Earlier in this thread, it made me look like I was mystical, and now, like I see myself as a ghost floating around without gender and nationality. Of course I am aware that these qualities are operating in me, and I wouldn’t say that I hope or expect to decondition from higher beings by becoming more conscious of them and their ideational currents. If I ever become more conscious in that way, would I see it as a deconditioning? I hope not...

Thanks for the other hints!
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:13 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:22 pm
Federica wrote: Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:17 pm
I was so glad to read this. I was trying to express something along these lines in some of the first posts of this thread, about people trying to get themselves an identity by declaring allegiance to flags and then playing for others and for themselves that role, whatever conflicts it takes, as a hopeless, nonsensical way of feeling that they have ‘meaning’ as humans. Another feeling referenced as necessary to cultivate, that I have felt, is the immersive feeling of being lost in the cosmic void without clues about our own being. I can feel this feeling even without waiting for the night sky. The blue sky of the day is enough. And the ‘earnestness’ it's referred to as another feeling to cultivate, I understand too, I call it urgency.

Right, but let's always remember we are those "people". If we feel that we aren't conditioned by our gender, race, or nationality, then we are simply keeping that influence subconscious (and it's not easy to bring it to consciousness). At the end of the day, we are speaking of the nation as Idea, and as Steiner mentioned in the linked lecture, Ideas don't just hang in the air, but belong to ideational beings. They are experienced from the first-person perspective of such beings, not unlike we experience our own ideas from our first-person perspective. And there are important goals for humanity which are accomplished by such beings ideating national currents of willing, feeling, thinking. Yet, by becoming more conscious of these beings and their ideational currents, we also decondition from them. It's always good to view another human being, first and foremost, as an image of the universal Spirit, transcending any transient identifications, but we don't get a complete understanding of the human individual in that way. For the latter, we must also try to discern these nested layers of influence, of course without any prejudice or moral judgment.
It's really being a struggle for me to get across this point! Earlier in this thread, it made me look like I was mystical, and now, like I see myself as a ghost floating around without gender and nationality. Of course I am aware that these qualities are operating in me, and I wouldn’t say that I hope or expect to decondition from higher beings by becoming more conscious of them and their ideational currents. If I ever become more conscious in that way, would I see it as a deconditioning? I hope not...

Thanks for the other hints!

The reason I mention it this way is because, in my own case, I have often found myself looking out at people and the world and wondering, "how could they be so silly and ignorant as to become radically nationalistic, racialistic, decriers of the 'evil patriarchy', etc". We can also connect it with what we find often on these forums and the need to move through the Zodiac of world-outlooks - "how is this guy so ignorant as to still be a materialist (or an analytic idealist)!" It's hard not to do that these days when so many people are content to live their lives like ostriches with their heads in the sand. What I try to do lately is immediately sense how that radicalism may also live within me, only buried deep within the subconscious. Just like the 'ordinary men', I could even commit crimes against humanity given the right circumstances and a lack of living, i.e. conscious, connection with higher Ideal-Beings.

As for developing that consciousness, perhaps "deconditioning" wasn't the right word. We have been naturally, instinctively deconditioning from these higher forces of destiny for some time due to the evolutionary progression. This is nothing other than the birth of the free-thinking individual agency. We had to go out of rhythm with the Cosmos, the Earth, its kingdoms, our races, nationalities, cultures, and our fellow individual humans for this free agency to really take root. There is no turning back and reattaching the umbilical chord, so to speak. Instead, by becoming more conscious of our spiritual roots, we begin to take over creative responsibility for harmonizing the rhythms in freedom. As long as the Gods continue to do for us what we can begin doing for ourselves, our freedom is forestalled, our deepest desires and feelings don't align with our thoughts and perceptions, and the subconscious begins to project into all sorts of shadow qualities - that is precisely the radical 'causes' attached to race, nation, class, etc. we have witnessed in last century or so. We really begin to free our will when we can locate the causes for our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions within the sphere of our own individual imaginations, inspirations, intuitions - this is what I meant by "deconditioning" from the subconscious impulses.
Last edited by AshvinP on Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:15 pm Hi Cleric, Ashvin,
I am wondering, what would be some criteria that you recommend for choosing a thought-image to concentrate on?

I think this was implicit in Cleric's post, but to make it explicit, the thought-image shouldn't be derived from the sensory world or our accessible memory. If we build up an unfamiliar image with feeling, this makes it less likely we will try to encapsulate the experience with our sensory/intellectual expectations. You perhaps already knew this.

And since I am the 'keeper of quotes' here, I wanted to share something from another 20th century philosopher who intuited these connections and may help orient the feeling.

Heidegger, "What is Called Thinking?" wrote:The word "memory" originally means this incessant concentration on contiguity. In its original telling sense, memory means as much as devotion. This word possesses the special tone of the pious and piety, and designates the devotion of prayer, only because it denotes the all-comprehensive relation of concentration upon the holy and the gracious. The thanc unfolds in memory, which persists as devotion. Memory in this originary sense later loses its name to a restricted denomination, which now signifies no more than the capacity to retain things that are in the past.

But if we understand memory in the light of the old word thanc, the connection between memory and thanks will dawn on us at once. For in giving thanks, the heart in thought recalls where it remains gathered and concentrated, because that is where it belongs. This thinking that recalls in memory is the original thanks.
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by idlecuriosity »

I'm going to be really blunt here because I don't think anything else really works, if you consider it ad hom (some of it might be, but I don't think you can omit truths for something this delicate) that's fine


Seen the U diagram for human progress? I'll try to put it in simple terms. The problem is that people here conflate excavating extraordinary evidence with their extraordinary claims and don't put things straight forwardly for a lot of reasons, many that are understandable and that I will try to elucidate you on here

I'll admit outright the way Ashvin P's put a lot of his findings has elicited panic and dread in me and the way Cleric puts it is a lot more soothing, so delivery matters, and it ties into my explanation to simplify this

Extraordinary claim: we're inside a superstructure shaped like a flower and the petals resemble that U on the graph. Crazy, right?

The evidence is then more or less the arguments made. Simple.

The problem is that reality tends to break down at the level of true understanding in terms of commonly accepted definitions, so a lot of really difficult to follow arguments end up using words to simply point at what they commonly refer to in our heads and then hijack their meaning in a way that would make them sound hypocritical in the intellectual model because it speeds the process up

For example, time 'exists' and individuals 'exist' still, but pointing to them and turning them inside out is of dire import to get sensations and moods across in a way that has one goal - to make people question if their senses are more like a warning that the car is going to hit you, "look out!" than the car itself. It's why the emphasis on repeated and strange chants and sounds

So you get a mentally ill manga fantastic like me coming in hoping for an explanation as to if I'm the same guy when I fall asleep, people larping as 'medieval knights' and picking fights and making wet blankets like me have breakdowns because they got picked on in school or w/e, (no offense Ash, you're still a pretty based guy and truth is still important) and people like Cleric who I think have the right delivery. It does not help the moderator openly compares a conversation to a pissing contest and opens up about needing to lock it for that only to allow it to go on and joke with one of the pissers (I guess you are the other one, Eugene.) The orwell references will look strange if this post, nonetheless, gets killed. But lying or making things flowery and poetic just complicates this process because it's so complicated already

Here's the individual: a soul, a coil, a waveform, an ocean. It's all of those things and I think these were represented by chakras in the indian mythos. You have to get your root in order, then the one above that, then the one above that

Phenomenologically, for a moment, you are a real individual with what most would consider a real 'soul', both ephemerial and eternal

This is why I think when talking about this shit our personal lives probably need to be left at the door and people need to behave in a uniform way

It's just as important to sort out your root (understand what's unique about you, develop a strong sense of self) as it is to leave your root chakra at the door when discussing these things because they don't concern an individual, they concern 'the' individual. Aka all of us. See, the way I used that terminology could seriously elicit a panic attack in someone with existential issues like me or someone smarter like Nietzsche or you too. We are still an individual and the individual at once, it's a pain to explain and even if I find some people here grind my gears I get the frustration

If this were japanese and we had something like a kana variant alphabet that had the same meanings but was reserved especially for spirit talk it'd probably make a lot more sense.

This shit isn't for me at least until I get my life in order. I trust the indians. But my general idea is that the more you explore this philosophy is useless to it or it isn't that anyway. I never read much to figure this out

The reason we're so 'material' is an overlapping weave of things from the higher domains made with the purpose of converging so many definitions in a place that we take on a physical form. The freedom is then between phenomenological non existence (which will still exist, as we are one - each one individual among many ones, and one as in one period. hate using this language but tyg) and being eternal and cultivating together. I think some of us will choose that quiet night. We might be considered 'evil' in a way for putting ourselves first and not the essential balance between a defined self you can filter higher domains through and leave at the door at a whim. But we're also 'not' evil, that is simply the test fate has made and both sides need a say

I think we can't make it personal. I know I did here, but I'm also not trying to convince anyone of the model so much as explain it. That is, we have to be poignant, direct, to the point - but also dissuade ourselves from certain types of persuasion

@ ash too. Ashvin P is an incredible sounding person, thinker, philosopher, and he understands the way the higher domains work, but I think you can still be a poor spiritualist if your 'chakras' are misaligned.

You need to be gentle about this or you will elicit similar issues that you claim Bernardo will. The alignment between expression and argument needs to be very succinct, imho, because the portrayal of the idea has an artistic quality that then in turn reflects the way it's portrayed.

My chakras are weak; yours are strong but don't align as often as they need to in conversations like these.

It's mostly difficult due to our language I think (that is, english.)
Last edited by idlecuriosity on Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Whirlpool's core/first motion

Post by idlecuriosity »

I definitely see why Ashvin says that all stories are derivatives of the Christ story though. I thought about things I liked more. This story arc had an ant colony that would eat people and animals and gain their traits, with some gaining human personalities and memories because they learned to speak so well. The king was all powerful but didn't know his name and fought endlessly to find it, he started as a vicious murderer but over his life began to show care and concern for the one board game champion he couldn't beat in five games with his insane intellect (he did that for other game's champions and killed each after).

It was an arc with heavy themes of death and rebirth, with the climax of the arc showing that humans with all their powers in this story (think of it as like the 'force' except you have a very unique power with rules and if you make conditions/vows for it that inconvenience you, it gets stronger.) can't actually beat them outright and have to rely on their collective malice, bombing him with a nuke that ends up slowly poisoning him with radiation. In the end, the king plays a last match with the girl, who after being told it's contagious decides to stick with him

There were many other death/rebirth parallels in the plot of this arc but it really interested me that the agreed on best arc of that story was all about being reborn

Eventually he became more human and considerate than the humans and didn't want to fight anymore, and just wanted to play his game with the girl, which in the end lead to that acceptance of death.

"I think I was born for this moment. Though I may be unworthy, allow me to accompany you"

The protagonist on the other hand lost his mind and got consumed with rage, (and remember this is like Star Wars only if the force was just the dark side, was more versatile and let you sacrifice whatever you want) only to be 'reborn' in some other way and get healed so he can try again.

It's funny.

I didn't think of it until I wrote this but it matches up with what Ash and Cleric say about us being reborn again (physically) when we screw up, until we get it right

But remember, that's just the other six chakras above you, the root chakra you have is unique to your body. It's the alignment that makes what we call an individual. And it is still very important to define your unique will so you can temporarily abandon it and anchor yourself back here with sanity and desire afterwards, as spiritual discourse is complicated

The indians were GENIUSES at making this so simple to convey, it must have took centuries
Last edited by idlecuriosity on Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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