The realm of the Demiurge

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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Stranger »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:32 pm Eugene, a question about the latest meditation you posted on the other thread. I'm writing here because it fits the topic better.

I'm sure you know that the affirmation "I'm indestructible and changeless", if taken one-sidedly becomes something very seductive to the lower self. So the question really is what is changeless?

I know that you are aware of all this and my question is what are your methods to counteract this danger? For example, the fact the Eugene in this present incarnation feels certain sympathies and antipathies about reincarnation obviously cannot be a part of the changeless aspect because what we call incarnation doesn't even exist in the higher strata of being (where there's only transformation). When you meditate, what are the countermeasures to be taken in order to avoid mistaking the changeless aspect of the essential being with something that is relatively consistent through our present incarnation but at the scale of evolution is only a swing of a pendulum far from equilibrium?
You are absolutely right, Cleric, there are so many pitfalls and distorted ways in nondual practices. You are right, some meditative states are very seductive for the lower self. Especially in the Advaitic practices where the self-enquiry goes through the "I am That" thinking path, the pitfall is to associate the sense of lower self ("I am") with the Self of all ("That"), and this would be a big cognitive mistake that many Advaita practitioners actually fall into. It basically leads to a self-inflated super-narcistic state of "I am God". The "I am That" is supposed to be understood in a different way: "I am That, you are That, they are That, everything is That". Buddhism takes a safer path, and before proceeding to realize the Self, goes through a practice of realization of the falsity of the lower self (the practice of "anatta"="no self") and a falsity of any self-identification in general. We usually associate our sense of self with our identity, and it is crucial to realize that any kind of identification is a false premise. Christ's teaching (if understood from nondual perspective) also goes through a safer path and approaches the Oneness with the Father through the denial of the lower self ("Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.").

But there are many other pitfalls where people get stuck in some weird states of consciousness mistaking them for nondual realization. This is why, as I said above, in the authentic Tibetan Buddhist schools the nondual practices were kept secret and were only passed directly from masters to students who were practicing under the guidance of the masters to avoid these pitfalls. In our days the authentic teachers are very hard to find and get engaged with, and there many false teachers and practices, especially in modern neoadvaita.
So when we understand things in this way, our changeless being is really something that can be only asymptotically approached towards the point of Source, which is the eternal and infinite potential of Being that lives in all beings.
Well, this is the key point: it can be actually reached to directly, not asymptotically, right here and now. The Source is That which consciously experiences everything (=Awareness), the Source is that which is ever-present (=Being), That which Thinks and Wills. The infinite potential to Be, to Aware, to Think and to Will is changeless. In our direct experience from our first-person perspective we actually know directly that all forms, phenomena and thoughts are present and consciously experienced, that there is always thinking and willing. This knowledge is direct. We usually associate (identify!) this ability with our lower self and think "it is I, human Eugene, who exists and is aware, who thinks and wills", but this is a cognitive mistake, the Being and Awareness, Thinking and Willing is actually the Source itself. It is right here and now, our conscious experiencing, being (presence), thinking and willing is exactly the Source's conscious experiencing, being/presence, thinking and willing. It's exactly like Meister Eckhart said: “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.” We are all Awareness-Being-Thinking-Willing, we are all only made of the Source and only the Source, we have absolutely no mode of existence other than being the Source. It is not "I, a human being Eugene" who is Thinking, willing, Experiencing and Being. We just fooled ourselves and convinced ourselves that it is our lower self that experiences and thinks. We "stole" the Thinking, Willing, Being and Experiencing from the Source and identified our lower self with it pretending to be someone other than the Source. But that is only a stupid idea that we mistake for the truth, it is not what the actual reality of our being is. As a result of this deception, we perceive our lower self as the perceiving "center" of the universe that perceives and experiences the outside world, which is a complete delusion, and form this comes the delusive subject-object split. It is actually the other way around: it is our sense of lower self (which is nothing more than a thought-feeling) that is produced by the Source's ability to Think and experienced by the Source's ability to consciously experience forms (=Awareness). Once this delusion is recognized and removed in our mind like a veil, the reality can now be seen directly as it is - a flow of phenomena and forms, a spiritual activity of Thinking and Willing, all happening in the unlimited space of Source's Consciousness which is the same everywhere in every individuated soul, and we are now directly at the point of the Source (or, more precisely, the Source recognized Itself in our individuated stream of Its Consciousness). But not from its Cosmic perspective, only from its "localized"/individuated perspective, but fundamentally it makes no difference because it is still the same Source in a full existential sense. So, the key is that it is not that we as separate beings asymptotically approaching the point of Source in order to "merge" with the Source, it is a simple realization that we have never been apart from the Source and never been anything/anyone other than the Source, and that the existence as someone other than the Source was just a false idea in the first place, just a delusion. So, once we drop this delusion, what remains is just the direct knowledge of the Source being Itself and being Aware of its own Awareness and own Being in our individuated stream of Thinking.

So now, regarding the distinguishing "changeless" from changing content that can be mistaken as "changeless". The Source's Being is changeless, it cannot not to Be. Its Awareness (which is the same as awareness of the flow of our conscious experience) is changeless, it cannot not to be Aware. It's Thinking ability is changeless, it cannot not to be able to Think. But everything else (including our sense of lower self and identification, of perceiving the world as objects and subject) is a content of Source's awareness that is changing, even though some aspects of that may seem to be relatively constant. Surely, the is ideal content shared between individuated activities, and so it can be said to be "changeless" in its own Platonic way so to speak, so we can also call the Source as the "Idea" as long as we make a distinction between the "coherent" shared content of the Idea from its incoherent content. (And the dualistic delusion is surely a part of its incoherent content).

Another key is not to associate nondual (so-called) "state" with a meditative or seductive state and not to become attached to it (which subconsciously will become a shortcut and something to grab on for the lower-self ego). Nondual realization is not really some king of a blissful state, it's a simple experiential realization of the Source being Aware of Itself here and now in "our" individuated stream of spiritual activity, being Aware of its own changeless Being and Awareness, and of the whole world being a stream of forms in the same One Source's Consciousness. So, when this realization is discovered and become present in our stream of Thinking, this is called "nondual state". But any sense of "bliss" that we may feel is not changeless, it is only a byproduct of this realization. So, in a way, that is why it is called realization of "pure Consciousness" to distinguish its changeless aspect from the ever-changing content (not because the content makes it in any way "impure", but it's just a linguistic idiom not to be taken literally). So, the nondual realization is not a "bliss" to become attached to, but it is simply adhering to the truth of the Source directly knowing Itself as Itself and abandoning a self-deception when we (the individuated spiritual activities of the Source) pretend and believe to be separate from the Source (which is actually just an incoherent thought appearing in the Source's awareness).
For example, the fact the Eugene in this present incarnation feels certain sympathies and antipathies about reincarnation obviously cannot be a part of the changeless aspect because what we call incarnation doesn't even exist in the higher strata of being (where there's only transformation).
That's a fair question. Of course, reincarnation is not a changeless aspect, it indeed has no existence in the higher strata of being. Incarnation is just a specific relatively consistent pattern that our stream of thinking is shaped with (so it is not "changeless" in a full sense, but still has some temporary lawful structures and consistency shaping the thinking). However, the dualistic state is a falsity, and realization of Oneness of everything with the Source is the realization of Truth. Then, what is a point of being in a state of such self-delusion? What is the point of the thinking being shaped with this falsity pattern and relentlessly returning to the same falsity pattern? And if a form of incarnation (such as human) forces these false thinking patterns and memory-erases the true thinking pattern at the moment of birth, then there is a natural reason to avoid it. As I said before, abiding in Truth is not an egoic preference, not a "sympathy", and avoidance of falsity is not an "antipathy" of a lower self. In summary, the Source acts through its individuated spiritual activities, and some of them fall into a false state of thinking by believing to be someone else (separate lower self) other that the Source itself. That is a "spiritual insanity", and recovering and further avoiding of this insanity is a natural and lawful process in the Source's Thinking, which includes avoiding specific incarnations and forms that force the thinking pattern to fall into such insanity.

It can be compared with taking a hallucinogen drug that forcefully puts the mind into a psychotic state. Why would a person in a sane state of mind do that? I mean. it may be ok to do it once just to have such experience, but what's the point of doing it over and over again (other than getting stuck in an addiction)?

See, you are now looking at this nondual practice and you rightly noticed how actually difficult it is to reach to this point of Source realization, how many delusive pitfalls there are on the path, how clever and manipulative is the subconscious ego trying to "privatize" all our realizations, grab on to the blissful meditative states and become the "enlightened ego", and that is all true. It just shows how deeply we are immersed in this dualistic insanity in our human form and human mind patterns. It indeed takes extraordinary move to break through this bubble of dualistic egoic self-delusion. And even after the breakthrough the older egoic patterns continue to forcefully shape out thinking in its habitual delusive ways, even though we can now see "through" these delusive patterns from another nondual perspective of a higher level of thinking. But once we break it, what is the point of falling back into the enclosed bubble state again and again in the next incarnations? But OK, sorry, I keep coming back to the reincarnation issue, and let's put it aside for now and leave it for the discretion of each soul.

And, I think I said that before, but just to emphasize. Recovering from dualistic delusion in no way stops or impedes our evolution as individuated spiritual activities of the Source, it actually catalyzes it in new ways because it liberates it from handicapped state of dualistic delusion. There is still a huge realm of dynamic polarities and lawful structures, forms and ideas, hierarchical levels of cognition to explore, develop and know. It is just that this "realm" (which is a state or mode of thinking) is free from the delusion of duality. (In the Buddhist tradition this mode is called "enlightened activity")

Disclaimer: I know, my explanations are probably confusing and have many inconsistencies, I'm not a teacher of nonduality, so please take them with a grain of salt and discernment.
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Federica »

Stranger wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:18 pm
Federica wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:13 pm Yes, do it, Eugene. And when you catch him, also don’t forget to add that - even if he’s been orthogonal to truth on this forum, and even if he still ignores the reason he’s coming back here, again and again, doing what he’s doing in this very moment
The reason I keep coming to this forum is to be a witness of the Oneness, of the true nondual state of consciousness, to help people to wake up to the truth of nonduality.

Eugene, may I ask you: if you think, as you have reaffirmed today, that there are many risks involved in sharing and releasing in the wild the nondual word, and nondual material, without the direct guidance of a teacher, because the pitfalls are many, how does it make sense that the reason why you keep coming back here, on a public forum, publicly spreading the word of Oneness with appealing new vocabulary, and suggestive YT videos, is to help people wake up, and realize the truth on nonduality?

Stranger wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:26 pm But there are many other pitfalls where people get stuck in some weird states of consciousness mistaken them for nondual realization. This is why, as I said above, in the authentic Tibetan Buddhist schools the nondual practices were kept secret and were only passed directly from masters to students who were practicing under the guidance of the masters to avoid these pitfalls.

Unsurprisingly, mine is a rhetorical question. Obviously, you are here because you long to exchange with people, like Cleric and Ashvin, who understand what you are speaking of, know how to meet you exactly where you want to be met, and never, ever tire (notwithstanding what they might state) of skillfully, brilliantly, and lovingly (notwithstanding what you might state) address each of your arguments, with openness and good will. It's evidently because you (luckily for you) wonder, deep inside, whether or not you might be on a dangerous, possibly mischievous path, and you know that if there is a chance for you to soundly explore through dialogue the true answer to that question, and for your spiritual impulse to finally find its righteous and long searched-for realization, and even if you’ll have to loosen the comfortable drapery of erudition, it's through those exchanges that it's going to happen.
So... why don't you loosen the tightness of your nondual stance a little, remain with the ones who genuinely care, and continue to humbly and carefully explore what views can open up to your sight, and where this new openness can propel you?
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Stranger »

Federica wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:55 pm Eugene, may I ask you: if you think, as you have reaffirmed today, that there are many risks involved in sharing and releasing in the wild the nondual word, and nondual material, without the direct guidance of a teacher, because the pitfalls are many, how does it make sense that the reason why you keep coming back here, on a public forum, publicly spreading the word of Oneness with appealing new vocabulary, and suggestive YT videos, is to help people wake up, and realize the truth on nonduality?

Unsurprisingly, mine is a rhetorical question. Obviously, you are here because you long to exchange with people, like Cleric and Ashvin, who understand what you are speaking of, know how to meet you exactly where you want to be met, and never, ever tire (notwithstanding what they might state) of skillfully, brilliantly, and lovingly (notwithstanding what you might state) address each of your arguments, with openness and good will. It's evidently because you (luckily for you) wonder, deep inside, whether or not you might be on a dangerous, possibly mischievous path, and you know that if there is a chance for you to soundly explore through dialogue the true answer to that question, and for your spiritual impulse to finally find its righteous and long searched-for realization, and even if you’ll have to loosen the comfortable drapery of erudition, it's through those exchanges that it's going to happen.
So... why don't you loosen the tightness of your nondual stance a little, remain with the ones who genuinely care, and continue to humbly and carefully explore what views can open up to your sight, and where this new openness can propel you?
Good question, this has been a dilemma for millennia. Christ came to bring the knowledge of Oneness to humans, and his teachings were terribly misunderstood and twisted, and He knew that it is going to happen, nevertheless He still did it. Same thing happened with the Tibetan Buddhist holders of tradition when they gathered together about hundred years ago and decided to release their sacred texts to the open pubic knowing of all the dangers of such releases and doing it with a warning that it can be wrongly understood and misused. I'm not comparing myself with them, but if you are asking about my motivation here, it is the same. People need to be aware of the Oneness and the way to break from the dualistic delusion. Yes, there are many pitfalls if they start to follow this route, but if they don't start and if they keep remaining in the delusion, then they are already in a pitfall (and pretty bad one) with no chance to recover from it. But if they try, then there is a chance to recover, even though there is a chance to get into one of the pitfalls on the way. So, what do we do? Apparently, Christ and other Masters of Oneness believed that it is still worth to take a chance with understanding all the risks, but also with making people aware of the dangers and asking them to use discretion and to be very careful and sober.
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16)
If you ask me personally why I'm doing that, the answer is: I took the bodhisattva wow, so I'm exercising my bodhisattva's duty. Which is the same as the duty of the Christ's followers to preach the kingdom of heaven "As you go, spread this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.'" (Matthew 10:7)
So... why don't you loosen the tightness of your nondual stance a little, remain with the ones who genuinely care, and continue to humbly and carefully explore what views can open up to your sight, and where this new openness can propel you?
I'm actually doing exactly that, stepping in on this forum only once in a while (again, to execute my bodhisattva's wow). I actually really wanted to close this discussion, but Cleric keeps asking good questions, so I needed to respond. But once people will stop asking here then I will retreat to "continue to humbly and carefully explore what views can open up to my sight".
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Stranger »

Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.
Dharma gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.
The Buddha Way is supreme; I vow to become it.

The Four Bodhisattva Vows
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop" Rumi
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:11 pm
Beings are numberless; I vow to save them.
Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them.
Dharma gates are boundless; I vow to enter them.
The Buddha Way is supreme; I vow to become it.

The Four Bodhisattva Vows

Ok so it is a vow and not a "wow" :)
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There is, within our lives,
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Stranger »

Did I say "wow"? Oh, I did... WOW :)
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Federica »

Under the cover of your good eloquence… What remains? Let’s look at the evidence, what you are doing here, Eugene, is not preaching Oneness. It’s negotiation. Hard-learned, good quality negotiation. There are a few things you must manage to maintain in balance, indeed.
In fact, one of the most decisive things to understand early on for a successful negotiation process is to clearly identify the players. All the players. When this step is overlooked, it often becomes a game of procrastinating the moment when we will have to jump off the tightrope, and decide to either surrender our vows to our stance, or our stance to our vows. But the longer we wait, the more difficult it will become.
I trust you’ll know how to change the game before it’s too tough, and hopefully fall on your feet.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Stranger »

Federica wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:06 pm Under the cover of your good eloquence… What remains? Let’s look at the evidence, what you are doing here, Eugene, is not preaching Oneness. It’s negotiation. Hard-learned, good quality negotiation. There are a few things you must manage to maintain in balance, indeed.
In fact, one of the most decisive things to understand early on for a successful negotiation process is to clearly identify the players. All the players. When this step is overlooked, it often becomes a game of procrastinating the moment when we will have to jump off the tightrope, and decide to either surrender our vows to our stance, or our stance to our vows. But the longer we wait, the more difficult it will become.
I trust you’ll know how to change the game before it’s too tough, and hopefully fall on your feet.
There is really no game here, I don't care about negotiating with anyone. The Truth is not negotiable. You don't exist, I don't exist. There is only One Source, One Consciousness unfolding its creative potential of possibilities through a multitude of individuated spiritual-Thinking activities that are never anything other than the same Source. This includes a possibility of its individuated streams of Thinking to get deluded into believing in a false idea that they exist as separate beings, and by doing that get very confused, stuck in this delusion for a long time, suffer and hurt each other. But that also includes a possibility of recovering from this delusion. And those individuated Thinking streams that recover are always open to help those that fall into delusion and have not yet recovered, because we are all the same Source that helps itself to recover from pitfalls to which it inevitably gets on the way of unfolding of its unlimited creative potential. It's actually very simple.
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. " (Luke 15)
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Cleric K
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Cleric K »

Stranger wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:26 pm Well, this is the key point: it can be actually reached to directly, not asymptotically, right here and now. The Source is That which consciously experiences everything (=Awareness), the Source is that which is ever-present (=Being), That which Thinks and Wills. The infinite potential to Be, to Aware, to Think and to Will is changeless. In our direct experience from our first-person perspective we actually know directly that all forms, phenomena and thoughts are present and consciously experienced, that there is always thinking and willing. This knowledge is direct. We usually associate (identify!) this ability with our lower self and think "it is I, human Eugene, who exists and is aware, who thinks and wills", but this is a cognitive mistake, the Being and Awareness, Thinking and Willing is actually the Source itself. It is right here and now, our conscious experiencing, being (presence), thinking and willing is exactly the Source's conscious experiencing, being/presence, thinking and willing.
Thanks Eugene. Your explanations are good, they are clear to me, I don’t know about others.

Here there is something even more elusive but I'll have to see how to formulate it. It has to do with the fact that even the completely nonverbal intuition that we know ourselves as the changeless being that is Aware, that Thinks and so on, can already stagnate us. I'll see how to make this more explicit but it'll be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
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Re: The realm of the Demiurge

Post by Martin_ »

Federica wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:06 pm Under the cover of your good eloquence… What remains? Let’s look at the evidence, what you are doing here, Eugene, is not preaching Oneness. It’s negotiation. Hard-learned, good quality negotiation. There are a few things you must manage to maintain in balance, indeed.
In fact, one of the most decisive things to understand early on for a successful negotiation process is to clearly identify the players. All the players. When this step is overlooked, it often becomes a game of procrastinating the moment when we will have to jump off the tightrope, and decide to either surrender our vows to our stance, or our stance to our vows. But the longer we wait, the more difficult it will become.
I trust you’ll know how to change the game before it’s too tough, and hopefully fall on your feet.
exactly what is he negotiating for? spell it out please.
"I don't understand." /Unknown
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