A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:28 am
AshvinP wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:51 pm Ok but irrespective of whether we are making the 'right' choices or not, the question is to what extent are our willing gestures conditioned within the context of the personalized soul-forces.

Let's refer to the Newton color theory. I use this example for simplicity, but it could just as easily be applied to practically all secular scientific theories. He set up a prism, passed light through it, and observed the differentiated color spectrum emerge. From that, he concluded there is pure white light existing in the world 'out there', which contains all the colors within it and, when refracted through a prism, the colors emerge. What he failed to account for was his own willing-thinking perspective which designed and executed the experiment. That by itself doesn't give us enough knowledge to determine what exactly is happening, but one thing is for sure - no account of reality can possibly be complete or heading towards completion if it fails to consider the agentic thinking perspective which is always participating in the phenomenal process.

A similar thing happens in your 'account' of the nondual state. You are forgetting that you only arrive to the nondual state because of all the soul-force conditioning which exists in the normal state. The most direct one being your sympathy towards certain spiritual practices, but we must also include practically every factor which led you to be born into a certain family, in a certain place, with a certain upbringing, to attend certain schools, to choose a certain career path, to arrive on the nondual path, etc. All of these reflect the lawful, fractal conditioning forces across incarnations and during the current incarnation which are embedded in your current perspective, and which chooses to do the nondual meditations. We can only safely ignore that conditioning if we declare it irrelevant or forget about it altogether, like the secular scientist. Otherwise we need to squarely confront the fact that it exists and is working into our current perspective regardless of whether we are in the meditative state or not. Then we realize our choice of which curvatures to explore isn't so freely willed after all.

To be clear, we are not claiming you have this conditioning and those pursuing Anthroposophical methods don't. We all have that conditioning. But it is only the modern initiatory method through the brow chakra which allows us to become conscious of the conditioning, not in any abstract intellectual way (as we are speaking of it now), but as living forces which steer our intuitive becoming. In the process of becoming conscious of these forces, we discover certain leeway in the 'riverbed' of our soul-life through which our intuitive activity can find novel ways to flow through and manifest itself in our conceptual and bodily life. I know this likely sounds very monotonous, boring, slow grind, but the living process of engaging this quest is the most intimately real experience we can have. It is the very process of evolving higher cognition so that we can consciously cross the threshold of sleep-death, with discerning judgment intact, and dwell with archetypal beings whose activity is responsible for the Earthly kingdoms, thereby building the gradient to Earthly consciousness.
Of course there is always conditioning by our individuated structure of the ego, that is exactly what I said here:
and it becomes the structure that shapes the individuality of the spiritual activity, but does not control it
In the nondual state when the whole structure of the ego becomes fully transparent though full awareness, all this conditioning is exposed, is still shapes the space of our decisions but does not rigidly control it anymore so that we can consciously make Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level meanings, specifically nondual meanings from higher-level nondual reams that we get access to in the nondual state. On other words, notwithstanding the ego conditioning, there is always a "window of opportunities" within the current conditioning for the Free Will to act according to the higher-level meanings.

Again, let's keep it concrete to first-person experience, because otherwise we are just arguing abstract metaphysics and that cannot possibly go anywhere. You are now saying the soul-conditioning becomes 'fully transparent' yet also 'shapes the space of our decisions' in the nondual state. Remember, this began when you said you had no expectations and no preferences in the nondual state. So you seem to be equivocating now.

But I'm also not sure what you mean by 'Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level nondual meanings'. Are you saying the nondual realm gives you access to more complete information about the normal conceptual-perceptual spectrum which you then use to navigate the latter more freely in Earthly life? If so, then what is a concrete example of this for you?
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by Stranger »

AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:54 am Again, let's keep it concrete to first-person experience, because otherwise we are just arguing abstract metaphysics and that cannot possibly go anywhere. You are now saying the soul-conditioning becomes 'fully transparent' yet also 'shapes the space of our decisions' in the nondual state. Remember, this began when you said you had no expectations and no preferences in the nondual state. So you seem to be equivocating now.

But I'm also not sure what you mean by 'Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level nondual meanings'. Are you saying the nondual realm gives you access to more complete information about the normal conceptual-perceptual spectrum which you then use to navigate the latter more freely in Earthly life? If so, then what is a concrete example of this for you?
Ashvin, you actually do not need to know this stuff because it is irrelevant for your current state. But if you really want these answers, I have a proposal for you: why don't you practice to experience the nondual state yourself and then find out these answers for yourself? Honestly, I'm tired from this long discussion and have more important things to do.

(But to the question: conditioning does not necessarily mean having preferences (it may or may not include them), it rather means limitations for the window of opportunities for the choices of the Free Will)
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:18 am
AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:54 am Again, let's keep it concrete to first-person experience, because otherwise we are just arguing abstract metaphysics and that cannot possibly go anywhere. You are now saying the soul-conditioning becomes 'fully transparent' yet also 'shapes the space of our decisions' in the nondual state. Remember, this began when you said you had no expectations and no preferences in the nondual state. So you seem to be equivocating now.

But I'm also not sure what you mean by 'Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level nondual meanings'. Are you saying the nondual realm gives you access to more complete information about the normal conceptual-perceptual spectrum which you then use to navigate the latter more freely in Earthly life? If so, then what is a concrete example of this for you?
Ashvin, you actually do not need to know this stuff because it is irrelevant for your current state. But if you really want these answers, I have a proposal for you: why don't you practice to experience the nondual state yourself and then find out these answers for yourself? Honestly, I'm tired from this long discussion and have more important things to do.

(But to the question: conditioning does not necessarily mean having preferences (it may or may not include them), it rather means limitations for the window of opportunities for the choices of the Free Will)

Ok well, I thought it was made clear before - I already know what's going wrong in your approach, just like Cleric knew for a long time as well. But we are simply trying to lead you to realize the inner contradiction for yourself. Clearly we can't tell you what the problem is in any straightforward way, because the defense mechanisms immediately go up. So I was trying to lead you to it somewhat more gently with the questions. But apparently the defense mechanisms still go up when you are led there gently.

The reason why you can only speak of these things abstractly, without concrete examples, is because you cannot sense the concrete gradient between the normal soul and intellectual life and the meditative state. All of your comments practically make clear you feel these are completely discontinuous modes of being. That is whole the basis for your Demiurge theory, as well as your admissions here that you cannot build the gradient between them (which is certainly a good thing to admit to ourselves). But you simply don't want to look in the only place where the answer is to be found how to spiritualize the intellect and build the gradient - in your own personal soul-life where the tangled currents need to be purified and straightened out. You jump through all manner of abstract hoops to avoid this domain.

At the end of the day, this is the crux of the issue for all modern worldviews, materialist, fundamentalist, and mystical. People want to keep on living their lives exactly the same, pursuing what is convenient and brings them immediate pleasure (including so-called nondual practice), even though that is precisely what maintains the dualism. When too much light is shone on this central issue for modern humanity, people get 'tired' and tune out, like you just have. That's fine, Eugene, but I hope you at least take some time to reflect on whether it makes sense to complain about the discontinuity, the wall you keep backing into, and to externalize the blame on 'evil divinities', when you are simply unwilling to be transformed, to undergo catharsis, by Cosmic impulses which require patience, discipline, and inner courage.
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by Stranger »

AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:54 am But I'm also not sure what you mean by 'Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level nondual meanings'. Are you saying the nondual realm gives you access to more complete information about the normal conceptual-perceptual spectrum which you then use to navigate the latter more freely in Earthly life? If so, then what is a concrete example of this for you?
Fine, I can give you some examples.

One is: in the nondual state the whole world is experienced in and by One Consciousness, so all pain and suffering of sentient beings is experienced by the same Consciousness. Even though in my space of experience I do not directly feel the pain of other beings, I can "clairvoyantly" still feel it through One common Consciousness, so the Compassion is naturally experienced and its meaning is cognized. As a result, I cannot hurt any being because it feels like hurting my Self, this is how this meaning and experience of nondual Compassion affects my behavior in everyday life (but only when I can maintain the continuity of the nondual mode in everyday life, which does not always happen unfortunately).

Another one: all forms and phenomena in their flow in One Consciousness shine in their primordial Beauty, there is no ugly forms anymore, there is no aversion to anything, everything is beautiful. This is how One Divine Consciousness experiences and Loves its creation, this is the experience and meaning of the undifferentiated/unconditional/nondual Divine Love. In everyday life (again as long as I'm in the nondual mode) it means acceptance and love towards all beings and all forms, no feelings of aversion, irritation or hate etc.

I understand that this may sound like metaphysical abstractions to someone who never experienced it, but I assure you that I refer to actual direct first-person experiences.
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:19 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:54 am But I'm also not sure what you mean by 'Free-Will decisions based on available higher-level nondual meanings'. Are you saying the nondual realm gives you access to more complete information about the normal conceptual-perceptual spectrum which you then use to navigate the latter more freely in Earthly life? If so, then what is a concrete example of this for you?
Fine, I can give you some examples.

One is: in the nondual state the whole world is experienced in and by One Consciousness, so all pain and suffering of sentient beings is experienced by the same Consciousness. Even though in my space of experience I do not directly feel the pain of other beings, I can "clairvoyantly" still feel it through One common Consciousness, so the Compassion is naturally experienced and its meaning is cognized. As a result, I cannot hurt any being because it feels like hurting my Self, this is how this meaning and experience of nondual Compassion affects my behavior in everyday life (but only when I can maintain the continuity of the nondual mode in everyday life, which does not always happen unfortunately).

Another one: all forms and phenomena in their flow in One Consciousness shine in their primordial Beauty, there is no ugly forms anymore, there is no aversion to anything, everything is beautiful. This is how One Divine Consciousness experiences and Loves its creation, this is the experience and meaning of the undifferentiated/unconditional/nondual Divine Love. In everyday life (again as long as I'm in the nondual mode) it means acceptance and love towards all beings and all forms, no feelings of aversion, irritation or hate etc.

I understand that this may sound like metaphysical abstractions to someone who never experienced it, but I assure you that I refer to actual direct first-person experiences.


I have never doubted that you are having genuine first-person experiences of the loving and compassionate and beautiful One Consciousness which permeates all forms, such as you describe above. The whole issue here is about building the concrete gradient between our normal Earthly intellect which participates in the march of human civilization through science, art, religion, etc., and the Cosmic archetypal consciousness which structures the Earthly sphere. We are currently intellectual thinking beings with scientific consciousness and thereby the Spirit can only properly manifest in this Earthly sphere, for the benefit of humanity as a whole, through those pathways. For ex., spiritual science developed through higher cognitive capacities has a lot to say about the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, medicine, agriculture, geology, etc., sometimes turning standard materialist theories entirely on their head and pointing to completely unsuspected avenues for further investigation, which also integrates the domains of aesthetics and morality with the sciences (of course this is a very complex field which requires patient research to begin discerning).

On that note, let me revisit a comment you made awhile back on a thread started by Mike more than a year ago, which contains many of the same issues we are once again discussing here:

Cleric, I asked you this question many times and never got any answers. You claim that "expansion can continue waaay further than the veil" and that perceiving the higher-order meanings through the veil is possible if you do it right. Steiner claimed to be an esoteric initiate with clairvoyant abilities and he practiced it for decades. But when he tried to cognate the meanings of human biology, instead of getting knowledge of the rich and intricate world of microbiologic processes that happen in the human blood, he only got "blood pumping itself". When he tried to cognate the knowledge of medicine to heal deceases, he only got "willows healing arthritis". He claimed that the expansion can continue further than the veil but was never able to show it. Most of the knowledge he brought from his clairvoyant expansion of cognition turned out to be complete nonsense and pseudo-science garbage. So, where is the proof that such expansion can be done? When one claims that something can be done, it needs to be proven that it indeed can be, otherwise it remains just wishful thinking. Steinerians had a whole century to demonstrate it at least on one example, and they got none. In the meantime natural science done by people using scientific method instead of clairvoyance progressed tremendously over the century and gained so much new knowledge and so many new meanings.

What is your stance on this now?
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by Stranger »

AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:49 pm Eugene,

I have never doubted that you are having genuine first-person experiences of the loving and compassionate and beautiful One Consciousness which permeates all forms, such as you describe above. The whole issue here is about building the concrete gradient between our normal Earthly intellect which participates in the march of human civilization through science, art, religion, etc., and the Cosmic archetypal consciousness which structures the Earthly sphere. We are currently intellectual thinking beings with scientific consciousness and thereby the Spirit can only properly manifest in this Earthly sphere, for the benefit of humanity as a whole, through those pathways. For ex., spiritual science developed through higher cognitive capacities has a lot to say about the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, medicine, agriculture, geology, etc., sometimes turning standard materialist theories entirely on their head and pointing to completely unsuspected avenues for further investigation, which also integrates the domains of aesthetics and morality with the sciences (of course this is a very complex field which requires patient research to begin discerning).
Of course, we are building a gradient, this also is how I got through the transition to the nondual state - I followed the gradient of knowledge, meanings and practices established by nondual spiritual traditions that built a "bridge" for people between the mundane and nondual states of consciousness. So, what you sad is true in general, but the problem is that there is a humongous field of knowledge for SS to investigate and the abilities of one human person are limited, therefore it is important to focus on what is most essential, and once that essential is getting accomplished, other things can be added to an extent that they can be reasonably tackled by a person. "Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you." So, each individual can choose according to their conditioning (talents, inclinations) which fields are most appropriate for them to focus on and expand to, but only once the "kingdom of God" is first reached to. For me it is mostly aesthetics (arts and music) with a bit of spiritual philosophy as approached from spiritual and phenomenological perspective.
On that note, let me revisit a comment you made awhile back on a thread started by Mike more than a year ago, which contains many of the same issues we are once again discussing here:
Cleric, I asked you this question many times and never got any answers. You claim that "expansion can continue waaay further than the veil" and that perceiving the higher-order meanings through the veil is possible if you do it right. Steiner claimed to be an esoteric initiate with clairvoyant abilities and he practiced it for decades. But when he tried to cognate the meanings of human biology, instead of getting knowledge of the rich and intricate world of microbiologic processes that happen in the human blood, he only got "blood pumping itself". When he tried to cognate the knowledge of medicine to heal deceases, he only got "willows healing arthritis". He claimed that the expansion can continue further than the veil but was never able to show it. Most of the knowledge he brought from his clairvoyant expansion of cognition turned out to be complete nonsense and pseudo-science garbage. So, where is the proof that such expansion can be done? When one claims that something can be done, it needs to be proven that it indeed can be, otherwise it remains just wishful thinking. Steinerians had a whole century to demonstrate it at least on one example, and they got none. In the meantime natural science done by people using scientific method instead of clairvoyance progressed tremendously over the century and gained so much new knowledge and so many new meanings.
What is your stance on this now?
Well, what do you think? Where is a demonstration of successful discoveries in natural sciences by SS? He definitely had a lot of insights in certain areas of spiritual domains by intuitive and imaginative cognition, but is seems like he did not show much success in natural sciences. It is just a fact, not a blame. I still think that he overestimated the human capacity to access certain areas of universal knowledge specifically related to natural lawful processes. Much of them are still veiled from us in our human form even if we develop higher cognition, and maybe there is a reason for that, because those are not the areas we need to focus on, but instead focus on spiritual side of things which are more open to us through developing higher cognition capacities. So, yes, I agree that the "expansion can continue waaay further than the veil", yet there are certain limits to which this expansion can be accomplished in human form specifically in the areas of natural laws pertaining to the material realm. And it is likely that those limits were established by higher-order beings for a good reason, it's like a sign "stop, don't go there, wrong way", and instead the highest-order being gave us a sign-post "Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God".
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:27 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:49 pm Eugene,

I have never doubted that you are having genuine first-person experiences of the loving and compassionate and beautiful One Consciousness which permeates all forms, such as you describe above. The whole issue here is about building the concrete gradient between our normal Earthly intellect which participates in the march of human civilization through science, art, religion, etc., and the Cosmic archetypal consciousness which structures the Earthly sphere. We are currently intellectual thinking beings with scientific consciousness and thereby the Spirit can only properly manifest in this Earthly sphere, for the benefit of humanity as a whole, through those pathways. For ex., spiritual science developed through higher cognitive capacities has a lot to say about the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, medicine, agriculture, geology, etc., sometimes turning standard materialist theories entirely on their head and pointing to completely unsuspected avenues for further investigation, which also integrates the domains of aesthetics and morality with the sciences (of course this is a very complex field which requires patient research to begin discerning).
Of course, we are building a gradient, this also is how I got through the transition to the nondual state - I followed the gradient of knowledge, meanings and practices established by nondual spiritual traditions that built a "bridge" for people between the mundane and nondual states of consciousness. So, what you sad is true in general, but the problem is that there is a humongous field of knowledge for SS to investigate and the abilities of one human person are limited, therefore it is important to focus on what is most essential, and once that essential is getting accomplished, other things can be added to an extent that they can be reasonably tackled by a person. "Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you." So, each individual can choose according to their conditioning (talents, inclinations) which fields are most appropriate for them to focus on and expand to, but only once the "kingdom of God" is first reached to. For me it is mostly aesthetics (arts and music) with a bit of spiritual philosophy as approached from spiritual and phenomenological perspective.
On that note, let me revisit a comment you made awhile back on a thread started by Mike more than a year ago, which contains many of the same issues we are once again discussing here:

What is your stance on this now?
Well, what do you think? Where is a demonstration of successful discoveries in natural sciences by SS? He definitely had a lot of insights in certain areas of spiritual domains by intuitive cognition, but is seems like he did not show much success in natural sciences. It is just a fact, not a blame. I still think that he overestimated the human capacity to access certain areas of universal knowledge specifically related to natural lawful processes. Much of them are still veiled from us in our human form even if we develop higher cognition, and maybe there is a reason for that, because those are not the areas we need to focus on, but instead focus on spiritual side of things which are more open to us through developing higher cognition capacities.

Eugene, you have admitted over and over again that the gradient hasn't been discerned between archetypal consciousness and the intellectual thinking voice in your head. It is also evident in your comments, like the one above about "still veiled from us in our human form". The reason I asked is not to debate the research of spiritual science (which isn't only limited to 'one human person'), which can only be livingly understood with our spiritualized intellect, but to focus in on how you are not even clear on what is meant by the word "gradient". If we are unable to inform the course of natural sciences with archetypal spiritual realities, then there is no gradient to speak of. You simply haven't understood that the 'veil' is a function of materialist or mystical polarization in the hysteresis, not an absolute property of Earthly reality. That leads you to maintain all sorts of discontinuities between 'nondual meanings' in the archetypal realms and the living course of body-soul-spirit evolution on Earth. It leads you to practically adopt a materialist understanding of everything which takes place on Earth, and which we investigate through science.

You are satisfied with leaving them discontinuous for the same reason you are led to the amoral conclusion that the 'loving' One Consciousness isn't very interested in the destiny of human and Earthy evolution, the latter being governed by Demiurgic forces we should generally escape from. So this isn't just a question of horizontally exploring lawful 'mechanisms/structures' as a side hobby, but its proper understanding lies at the very root of unified Cosmic evolution through human moral agency. Without this understanding, one fails to realize the lawfulness of Earthly evolution is a direct reflection of what disincarnate human souls are doing within the higher planes in coordination with the Divine wise guidance. Then one fails to realize that what they are doing to build the gradient right now on Earth is the only opportunity they will have to remain conscious after death, participate in that work, and evolve towards freedom from the reincarnation cycle.

Cleric touched on this before as well. The lack of interest in establishing the concrete gradient right now will ensure one goes through more Earthly lives than otherwise necessary, regardless of what we abstractly convince ourselves with various theories while we are on Earth. So the gradient is not some side hobby that we can toy around with while we do the 'most essential' work of self-interested merging with One Consciousness. It is the very heart of spiritual evolution. But I suppose now it is best to end the discussion, because I can't see any other viable way to point your attention to the inner contradictions which need to be resolved before any of the above will come to life for you.
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by Stranger »

AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:58 pm You simply haven't understood that the 'veil' is a function of materialist or mystical polarization in the hysteresis, not an absolute property of Earthly reality. That leads you to maintain all sorts of discontinuities between 'nondual meanings' in the archetypal realms and the living course of body-soul-spirit evolution on Earth. It leads you to practically adopt a materialist understanding of everything which takes place on Earth, and which we investigate through science.
If you read our conversation with Federica, that exactly what I said: the "veil" of the dualistic perception is not the absolute property of Earthly reality, it is only an artificial abstract layer in our human mode of perception of the Earth reality, and that layer can be to a certain extent dismantled, which opens to us an access to the realities "behind the veil".

Also you said:
For ex., spiritual science developed through higher cognitive capacities has a lot to say about the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, medicine, agriculture, geology, etc., sometimes turning standard materialist theories entirely on their head and pointing to completely unsuspected avenues for further investigation
That is one example of discontinuity/incoherence that I was talking about. "Turning on their head" is the same as to say that such development needs to go through a revolutionary step, a discontinuity in the direction of development. The materialistic (which is one of the expressions of dualistic) theories are incoherent with and completely "orthogonal" to the spiritual perspective on the reality.

But I think it is enough, I do not have time for these discussions anymore which are mostly going through the same circles over and over again. Instead, I would suggest for all of us to go back to spiritual practice and "Seek therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice"
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 4:14 pm
AshvinP wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:58 pm You simply haven't understood that the 'veil' is a function of materialist or mystical polarization in the hysteresis, not an absolute property of Earthly reality. That leads you to maintain all sorts of discontinuities between 'nondual meanings' in the archetypal realms and the living course of body-soul-spirit evolution on Earth. It leads you to practically adopt a materialist understanding of everything which takes place on Earth, and which we investigate through science.
If you read our conversation with Federica, that exactly what I said: the "veil" of the dualistic perception is not the absolute property of Earthly reality, it is only an artificial abstract layer in our human mode of perception of the Earth reality, and that layer can be to a certain extent dismantled, which opens to us an access to the realities "behind the veil".

Also you said:
For ex., spiritual science developed through higher cognitive capacities has a lot to say about the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, medicine, agriculture, geology, etc., sometimes turning standard materialist theories entirely on their head and pointing to completely unsuspected avenues for further investigation
That is one example of discontinuity/incoherence that I was talking about. "Turning on their head" is the same as to say that such development needs to go through a revolutionary step, a discontinuity in the direction of development. The materialistic (which is one of the expressions of dualistic) theories are incoherent with and completely "orthogonal" to the spiritual perspective on the reality.

But I think it is enough, I do not have time for these discussions anymore and going through the same circles over and over again. Instead I would suggest for all of us to go back to spiritual practice and "Seek therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice"

I know what you say to Federica, but you functionally treat the 'veil' as an absolute property, otherwise you would not have trouble comprehending the lawful, precisely investigable continuity between natural sciences and archetypal spiritual realities. Then it would not be a problem to understand how the realities 'behind the veil' are embedded in all our Earthly concepts-percepts which we use to do science and all other investigations and those layers can be progressively revealed through the spiritualized intellect without any principle limit. You have also been saying you "agree" with Cleric's posts this entire time, when your position is practically the exact same as it was back on that old thread in 2021, i.e. completely at odds with phenomenology of spiritual activity. We can't get anywhere unless you own up to these simple facts of your own position, instead of insisting on a theoretical "agreement" which simply doesn't exist.

'Turning on their head' will be understood when the inversion horizon, i.e. the turning of the intellect inside-out, is crossed. It is not orthogonal, just like GR is not orthogonal to Newtonian mechanics, but rather the former is a more holistic understanding of the dynamics captured by the latter, from a higher spiritualized vantage point which cannot be anticipated by the lower perspective beforehand through any linear extrapolations. It is a discernment of top-down structuring of phenomenal dynamics rather than bottom-up, so naturally there in an inversion from the perspective of Matter to that of the Spirit. Until you spiral the hysteresis together by orienting towards Thy Will and humbly seek the Heliocentric perspective on the course of Earthly happenings, Heaven and Earth will remain a discontinuity/incoherence for you, and then there is no chance of participating in the progressive manifestation of the kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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Re: A Phenomenology of Cognition (Max Leyf)

Post by Stranger »

Ashvin, I invite you to experience "God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) as the only way to heal yourself from this anguish that you are currently experiencing compelling you to spend so much time on the forums criticizing someone else's cognitive mistakes (and I am guilty of that too of course).
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop" Rumi
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