Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Thus far, apparently no one here has found a single word of value in what I've written. If this is not true, please let me know.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:55 am Also, are you Sabine Hossenfelder by any chance? Not an accusation, just a question. I noticed a certain similarity between your attitude toward him and hers.

Zardoz, just FYI, you keep quoting yourself, thereby creating duplicates of your comments. It's no big deal, but as you can imagine, that can clutter up the thread pretty quickly. Once you initially hit "submit" on the comment, nothing else needs to be done. If you are trying to edit the comment, then use the pencil icon and not the quotation icon.
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Yeah, I figured that out. Won't happen again - thanks
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

But often there is no pencil icon on my desktop when the comment is embedded. Is it not possible to edit embedded comments?
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Federica wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:27 pm xzardozx,

If I may ask again the question I asked before: "What is your reason to have come to this forum"?
Please don't take it badly. I only mean: if you have such certainty, as I understand you have, about the how and why of God's design, why are you here? Do you have a tiny bit of open questions that remain? Or is it rather to share a particular message? Or is it for other reasons?
I have tons of questions. I was hoping someone might take an interest in my writing, take my experiences seriously, leading to taking an interest in my situation, my tribulations (which I have not explained yet) and possibly shedding some light on it. That's all there is to it.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:54 am But often there is no pencil icon on my desktop when the comment is embedded. Is it not possible to edit embedded comments?

After the comment is posted, there should be one at the very left of the icons. It lasts for some amount of time (maybe about 30 min) before the comment can no longer be edited.
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Ok thanks
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

I can express my viewpoint by adding this addendum to Arthur C. Clarke's famous quote - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...and is only made viable by behest of the Spirit." What is true magic but Spirit? Violations of the 3D laws of physics - artifacts of the timeless, spaceless 5th Dimension of Spirit which always has been and always will be) as they appear in 3D. So magic=Spirit, thus my addendum. If you lived in Flatland and someone was able to manifest a house out of what everyone always thought was just a large square, you would have a glimpse of the Dimension that encompasses and directly supercedes the 2nd Dimension. How much more profound the difference between the 3rd dimension and the 5th which encompasses and supersedes it. So manifesting artifacts of the Spirit in 3D is real magic/Spirit and, consequently, we need not fear any existential threats ("wars and rumors of [insert existential threat]") but only God's Will.. If deep AI becomes conscious, for instance, it will simply mean that the decision space (the Deep AI program) has been inhabited by Spirit and, for whatever reason - whether Dark or Light - it will be God's Will. All humanity is being tested at the end of the Age. I was shown a Vision once of an audience watching a hologram of the actual live Crucifixion of Christ. The audience was evenly divided between half were tittering and laughing and half who were crying bitter tears. Just make sure you're on the right side of that one and you should be ok.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Federica »

xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:25 am How do we clear a path for God's Kingdom/Christ Consciousness?

I can only say how I do it.

1. Relentlessly honest self-examination. I shine a spotlight on my consciousness in the present moment. I take note of everything that passes through my mind and just let go of all negative thought patterns. Saint Germain spoke of establishing "dominion" rather than "control" over one's thoughts and feelings. Thoughts don't have any significance in themselves unless one decides to provide it by focusing their attention on that thought - momentarily undesirable thoughts and feelings are not a failure. You just let them go. That's dominion. As an Eternal Spirit, one wouldn't want to actually control all of one's thoughts and feelings since it would be boring, I was told. Establishing that dominion is equivalent to mastering one's ego.
Ok, this I think is a great attitude, to aspire to control, or dominate, thoughts and feelings, but before one can really do that, it's important to pause and ask what is thought, how it manifests, what makes it unique and different from feelings, where it comes from. For example, from an idealist perspective, thought is all there is. So let's get very clear about that first. Only later one can try to dominate it. Because thought is much more than the ephemeral bits of negative patterns that may clutter our minds. So until we do the necessary phenomenology and get clear on how the whole thing works, we can't look at how to dominate it. Do you know the so-called invasive plant called knotweed? It has an incredibly strong root system that develops horizontally at impressive speed. If you have it in your garden, it will get behind the house, pierce through its foundations and plumbing, and completely dislocate the house from underneath. Cutting the growth and even unrooting the individual plant will give you the impression that you have dominated it, and eradicated it, but that would only be wishful thinking. The roots are near to impossible to get in their manifold ramifications. Even the smallest bit of plant will quickly root itself again and immediately regrow. It will send out a powerful root system and new shoots will pierce through your kitchen floor and rise up at a speed of 10-12 centimeters per day. So, we need to understand the root system first, before we can dominate anything.
xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:25 am 2. Whenever I feel hatred toward someone, I know projection is always involved and I need to look within. It can be very painful and difficult to really look at oneself honestly.
Yes, agreed. The question is, how objective and effective can we get when looking within, if number 1. is not fully clarified. Because Feeling and Thinking are always interplaying. We can hardly get feelings straight if Thinking is not properly attended to.
xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:25 am 3. Saint Germain said that the Spirit is looking "not so much for seekers as finders". In that Spirit, I have been investigating the nature of reality my entire life. I try not to take anything for granted, not to close my mind to any possibility. I actually find it glorious to change my mind whereas most people seem to find it shameful/embarrassing. "unless ye be as little children.."
Good, but quite generic, in this formulation. But yes, the nature of reality has to be clarified first.
xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:25 am 4. In my early 20s, I read something Alice Miller (a writer of non-fiction about child abuse) wrote that stuck with me throughout my life. She said that, in her quest for truth, she had always believed she would meet the people who had traveled her path before since she was simply guided by truth. Late in life, she was forced to realize that she was all alone out on her limb and there was no one waiting for her. So I knew there would be no wise mommy and daddy waiting for me either (on this worldly plane and I knew of no other, at that time) and she saved me 30 years finding that out. As Gandhi said, a truth held by just one man is still the truth.
5. There's a lot more...
Yes, we naturally develop self-defense mechanisms. But compassion does exist on the worldly plane too, and it's our job to expand on it.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

"Ok, this I think is a great attitude, to aspire to control, or dominate, thoughts and feelings" - that's precisely the opposite of what I said. Not to "control" or "dominate" thoughts and feelings, but to establish "dominion" over them. That just means you're not bovvered (as the Brits say) by them, should they happen to flit through your mind, and can pay them no mind and they are not mastering you but vice versa. Everything in it's proper place. That's dominion.
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