Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:36 pm Then how would you interpret "God's Wrath" metaphorically? The creator seems to have a love/hate relationship with his own creation, no? It's just one of many dramatic tensions that keep the old Axis Mundi turning, as it were. He has high expectations. He wants to perfect our Souls.

The question here is always whether we are simply anthropomorphizing the highest Deity (which we shouldn't even do with the Angels directly above us), or whether we are working to understand exactly how the 'wrath' of God precipitates into our consciousness as a 'love/hate' relationship. We can't really blame the skeptics and atheists for dismissing the idea of a God who 'hates' in the way we experience such emotions. That would indeed be a cruel and arbitrary divinity. What we experience as the righteous wrath of God are the ways in which our Karmic destiny is allotted to us on the physical plane, applying the necessary impulses, pains, sufferings, etc. to prompt us towards higher Self-knowledge - the spiritual activity by which we perfect our souls, as you say. Karma shouldn't here be understood as it typically is in the East or in mystical circles, but rather as a lawful and even scientifically discernable process by which our inner activity feeds back into our outer circumstances. So it is 'metaphorical' in the sense that it is pointing to a higher activity of soul-spirit that we have no familiarity with in our everyday consciousness, which projects into our consciousness as the forces of nature and destiny, but it is also 'literal' in the sense that it is lawfully continuous with our inner life of desires, feelings, thoughts.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

So you believe in the "highest Deity" and in "Angels"? But you don't think that they ever reach out to humans, or vice versa, to communicate with them?

Also, do you believe in reincarnation? And what about Ascended Masters (humans who have Ascended to Spirit?)

You don't think God made us in his Image and therefore would naturally expect us to anthropomorphize Him and indeed to emulate His Son/Sun of Man?
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

As to the love/hate thing, I think Bernardo's metaphor of Christ as an incarnated 5D Spirit crucified on the Cross of space and time explains this "love/hate" relationship. We are not here to have an easy time of it. We descend into this sad, dark highly constrained 3D world to be challenged at the deepest level of our being and to evolve. Think of the challenges you have faced and overcome in your life, challenges that helped you to grow. Would you trade them for anything? Yes, I know it's not all sad and dark. And some Blessed Spirits are incarnated for "reward lives" because they've earned them karmically, so they can do "everything they want to do as many times as they want to do them", as Alan Watts, the Brit, not the Scot, pointed out.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:03 pm So you believe in the "highest Deity" and in "Angels"? But you don't think that they ever reach out to humans, or vice versa, to communicate with them?

Also, do you believe in reincarnation? And what about Ascended Masters (humans who have Ascended to Spirit?)

You don't think God made us in his Image and therefore would naturally expect us to anthropomorphize Him?

Yes, they are constantly reaching out to humans, and that is what we call the life of ideas, feelings, desires, impulses, etc. (or what is abstractly referred to as the 'subconscious' and 'supra-conscious'). The entire course of our willing-feeling-thinking lives, as individuals and collectives, as well as the kingdoms of Nature, can be understood as the 'interference' of countless spiritual beings, a symphony of hierarchies. We are not only passive observers of their symphonic activity, but participants at varying degrees of consciousness. Everything that flows from the invisible worlds into the visible stream of becoming goes through the "I"-consciousness of humanity. In our life of thinking, we are somewhat awake to this process, in our life of feeling we are dreaming through it, and in our life of will, we are mostly asleep to it. These domains of life are nothing other than the Divinities working into the World through us over many incarnations.

So it is not a matter of higher beings 'miraculously' sending down communications from time to time, into an otherwise mechanical natural order. Rather, we should begin to feel that we can't understand anything about the course of World history or our own successive lives apart from the higher spiritual activity - the archetypal Will, Feeling, and Thinking of the higher hierarchies (including ascended masters). The image and likeness of God means that we are able to take on more and more creative responsibility for our stream of becoming, like the Gods do (and in the example of Christ Jesus). We can sacrifice our old habits of thinking and layers of our selfish personality so that new living ideals can flow into us and through us into the World. Anthropomorphization, like all reductionist thinking, is rather a means of avoiding that responsibility. Instead of ascending our cognition to the Divinities, we attempt to bring the Divinities down to our current level of sensory-intellectual thinking, to put them in convenient conceptual boxes (an image of Eve grasping at the apple on the Tree of Knowledge). This is a more consumptive type of knowledge than productive-creative knowledge.

The divine human is the evolutionary ideal of all beings in the universe, spiritual as well as earthly. In a certain sense, all spiritual beings strive to become human in the sense of having the power to overcome karma; but the task of humankind is to become divine, to absorb the divine love into the human will. Ezekiel recognized this central truth of the universe when he saw, as the center of his cosmic vision of the hierarchy of the Holy Spirit, the Son enthroned in “the likeness of a man.” No doubt, he saw this archetypal picture prophetically, as a cosmic purpose for the future, because at the time the Christ had not yet become human; but he saw it as the center of the sublime tableau of the activity of the Holy Spirit, directed toward the fulfillment of this purpose.

Tomberg, Valentin; Bruce, R.H.. Christ and Sophia: Anthroposophic Meditations on the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocalypse (p. 135). steinerbooks. Kindle Edition.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by Federica »

xzardozx wrote: Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:29 pm Why are you suspicious of the answers I gave you twice already - I believe I said to "share and converse" and also hopefully to find someone who might take an interest in my own personal trials and tribs and possibly even shed some light on them. Why do you find that suspicious?
When I said let's go back to your initial purpose, I referred to you own words of course: "I will respond to your posts but, before that, one question - have you ever heard of Saint Germain?". I was not asking again why you are here :)
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:26 pm As to the love/hate thing, I think Bernardo's metaphor of Christ as an incarnated 5D Spirit crucified on the Cross of space and time explains this "love/hate" relationship. We are not here to have an easy time of it. We descend into this sad, dark highly constrained 3D world to be challenged at the deepest level of our being and to evolve. Think of the challenges you have faced and overcome in your life, challenges that helped you to grow. Would you trade them for anything? Yes, I know it's not all sad and dark. And some Blessed Spirits are incarnated for "reward lives" because they've earned them karmically, so they can do "everything they want to do as many times as they want to do them", as Alan Watts, the Brit, not the Scot, pointed out.

There is broad agreement here. So the question is, what exactly are we evolving and growing into? Does it have to remain in a black box of 'Divine Will' that we simply surrender to, or is part of that Will for us to become precisely conscious of how that Will works into our lives so we may more smoothly and efficiently serve its fulfillment? Kant, Schopenhauer, BK, et al. would say it's impossible to become inwardly conscious of the Will - the best we can hope for is abstract conceptual models of the spiritual Cosmos and vague mystical experiences. You are acknowledging there is a higher knowledge of the Divine, however, which has been attained by ascended masters. That we can 'karmically earn' a Blessed life in which we only incarnate to serve others, not ourselves (which may be in tension with how Alan Watts the Brit characterized it). What is your vision for how we go about ascending this gradient of higher knowledge?
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Frederica - I will reply to those posts. I've been a bit wrapped up lately.

Ashvin, I have only a vague memory though I thought Schopenhauer referred to the the "will to will" being inscrutable, rather than the will. In any case, I think Schopenhauer is using the word "will" almost synonymously with my use of the word "Spirit". As in this bible verse - "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known" You shall know the Spirit even as the Spirit knows you [which is far deeper than you know yourself] when you wake up from this dream. If Schopenhauer is asking who is ultimately pulling the strings of our individual wills, it's the Spirit. All our lives are diabolically arranged for the adversity and challenges we will face and overcome. This is how the Dark compliments the Light since "God never gives you more than you can handle" - a common belief among Christians, though it may sound trite to some who are suffering. I know that my own challenges have been carefully calibrated.
How do we get there? Saint Germain said, "we are looking not so much for seekers as finders" "lest ye be like little children..." "wise as serpents, gentle as doves...". To be in the world but not of it, to live for the world to come. God wants you to do your part in bringing God's Kingdom. If you ask Him about your purpose in this life, He will answer you, however always in his own way and his own time. Meaningful synchronicities are often used. The more you think about those messages, immerse yourself in questioning/knowing their meaning, the more they will come to you.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

Federica wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:47 pm
xzardozx wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:45 am Could you please summarize for me briefly your view of the nature of our reality without using obscurantist terms? And what is the meaning of life, etc?
Yeah. I have a non religious background, and always felt antipathy for materialism. After years of putting these questions in stand by ("important at some point, but I don't have time right now") I seized the opportunity of the pandemic years, 2020-21 to enquire about them some more. After a fair amount of searching, I found in idealism the only reasonable way to understand reality. I soon learnt about BK. But the more I looked into the details of his philosophy, the more I became critical. Which brought me to this forum, one year ago. Here I have had the unheard-of chance to learn about Esoteric Christianity, also known as Anthroposophy, and reorient and expand on my understanding of the nature of reality. Reality is of course of thought nature. But not in the way BK sees it, that we are trapped in bubbles with no chance to really know that nature. That the depth structure of reality can be known through a thorough phenomenological inquisitive process has been philosophically and practically demonstrated by Steiner, and realized in their own existence, by many initiates before and after him. Today initiation is an open path everyone with a normal human organization can and should follow. It's a lifelong path along which we can only find orientation through the guiding light of Christ. I am only at the very beginning of this path, and I have only started to realize the crucial importance of the Christ events for the evolution of humanity. You may want to read here a concise summary of what is meant by Christian Esotericism in these conversations and see if you agree with it.
I've always been impressed by Steiner and his Anthroposophy though I'm not very well read in esoteric literature. There's something called the "Mysteries" or "Mystery Religion" that underlies almost all esoteric traditions. It's all about going Home, returning to the Spirit. I was mainly wrapped up in issues like global politics and social engineering by corrupt globalist elites (same sorts of issues Vandana Shiva covers), global politics from a Spiritual perspective, which was also what Alan Watt's 15-year weekly "blurb" (show) was about, following his early esoteric days when he was more revealing. In fact he would steer me away from "Spiritual bypassing", from immersing myself in esoteric literature, since we were both engaged in the same Spiritual Warfare. I had appointed him my "Spirit Commander" while he was alive and we had a handful of telepathic interactions. After I heard he had "passed", I knew I'd be hearing from him shortly and I did. He was the most righteous, upright man I knew and if I had to trust someone with my very Soul, I would have chosen him. It's still difficult for me to reconcile his being Satan the Adversary, but, like I say, that's just his Dark Side (little humor there). After he blew up in popularity around 2006 (after appearing on Coast to Coast - link below) his show became much more temporal. He expressed that there were many new listeners who did not have "ears to hear" his esoteric teachings from a proper perspective. Reading over those early esoteric transcripts, he speaks about the human condition just like a craftsman (the Great Craftsman AKA Satan). And all his work seems, in retrospect, consistent with his being, or having been, an incarnation of "the One, True, Living God".

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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by xzardozx »

"In their higher orders, they [elites] actually refer to themselves as "Masters of the Universe", which I think is a bit premature". That dry wit of his...
By the way, Alan has an exoteric and esoteric side and this is his exoteric side.
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Re: Possible agenda of Bernardo's "daemon"

Post by AshvinP »

xzardozx wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:30 pm Frederica - I will reply to those posts. I've been a bit wrapped up lately.

Ashvin, I have only a vague memory though I thought Schopenhauer referred to the the "will to will" being inscrutable, rather than the will. In any case, I think Schopenhauer is using the word "will" almost synonymously with my use of the word "Spirit". As in this bible verse - "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known" You shall know the Spirit even as the Spirit knows you [which is far deeper than you know yourself] when you wake up from this dream. If Schopenhauer is asking who is ultimately pulling the strings of our individual wills, it's the Spirit. All our lives are diabolically arranged for the adversity and challenges we will face and overcome. This is how the Dark compliments the Light since "God never gives you more than you can handle" - a common belief among Christians, though it may sound trite to some who are suffering. I know that my own challenges have been carefully calibrated.
How do we get there? Saint Germain said, "we are looking not so much for seekers as finders" "lest ye be like little children..." "wise as serpents, gentle as doves...". To be in the world but not of it, to live for the world to come. God wants you to do your part in bringing God's Kingdom. If you ask Him about your purpose in this life, He will answer you, however always in his own way and his own time. Meaningful synchronicities are often used. The more you think about those messages, immerse yourself in questioning/knowing their meaning, the more they will come to you.

The issue with Schopenhauer, however, is that he didn't discern any connection between the Spirit as Will and our cognitive faculty (or Thinking). In fact, he viewed them to be at odds with one another, rather than two poles of the same underlying Power. That is why it is often spoken of as the 'blind Will', pressing forward like an animal following its instincts in predictable ways (hence the regularity of nature). Our life of ideas, for him, was like dream images spread over the Spirit/Will with no lawful relationship to it.

What is your position on the relationship of Spirit to Thinking? It is practically self-evident that, in the normal course of life, we must explore our circumstances in thinking to get a better and better idea of how to optimally navigate them and use them in our striving towards spiritual ideals. We must send our 'thought-feelers' out into the world and explore its contours with energetic effort. Do you see higher esoteric knowledge as a continuation of that process on a higher level, but also turned inwardly?
"A secret law contrives,
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