Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

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Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Jonathan Österman »



OK, in simplistic terms : If reality does NOT exist, because the world is an illusion, then how would we hope to mathematically model and quantify this scientific empirical fact? Any ideas, please?

It seems to me that in order to produce such mathematical model, we would need a new branch of mathematics : The Mathematics of Illusions, ontological NON-existence, and the ambiguous metaphysical meaning of Chemical Brain Hallucinations.

I have only sincere respect and great admiration for Prof. Donald Hoffman PhD, and for all his groundbreaking efforts in the field of mainstream academic theoretical science.

The following is NOT for the purpose to poke fun at, and ridicule Dr. Hoffman's ideas, to be clear about my invisible motivation.

As we know, conscious mind is a first-person experience.

To be a human person, or any living animal "person", any such person must have a genuine natural sense of self.

Even though for any person the actual numeric value of the quantity of self is equal to one, other than that, every genuine natural personal sense of self, I would claim, has the nature of mere mental quality.

Having said that, my question to you (to your kind self) is what would you say the self is, speaking from your direct ]first-person experience of it?

Like for example : Where is your self located? In your head?

Because the point I have been trying to make all along is simple and pretty obvious.

Namely, that before we start mathematically modelling our own direct first-person genuine natural sense of personal self, perhaps it could be somewhat helpful to clearly know what exactly is it that we are going to be modelling?

What exactly are we referring to when all day long we constantly think and speak of : me, myself, and I, the very Center of the entire Universe, and the Holy Trinity of existence — the Most Important Thing ever?

Because it is going to be this "I", this self of ours, that has a natural potential to attain the final supreme spiritual Enlightenment and the eternal sublime pure Bliss of the holy Soul, which we all have heard about more than once by now on various internet discussion forums.


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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by lorenzop »

I don't think Hoffman has ever said reality does not exist - this sounds like what people say he says.
He does say it's an illusion - but illusion does mean does not exist.
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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Jonathan Österman »

Stranger wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:24 pm
That's right, and Hoffman understands these limitations of math models of reality. As he said, the Goedel's incompleteness theorem places fundamental limitation on the scope of math models: any computable math model is necessarily incomplete and can never describe reality fully. Nevertheless, these models do help us to understand certain aspects of the structures and patterns of reality.
You made very insightful observations.

And, thank you very much for being concise. It is a virtue.

For the sake of maintaining a sufficient level of coherence in such discussions, it is important to be able to extract central essence of what is being claimed.

Here are, briefly and concisely, my two cents worth of an opinion.

In view of the Kurt Gödel's two irrefutable incompleteness theorems, there will never be such thing as the Theory of Everything: https://quantumantigravity.wordpress.com/up/
Other than that, the notion that natural humans could possibly ever come to know absolutely EVERYTHING that there is to be known is clearly a case of childish wishful thinking, which is absurd and ridicules, to say the least. Even in our simple daily life, not everything can be sufficiently and clearly conceptualized and quantified. Don't you think that human intellect might have some limitations, and also its ultimate limits?




In my opinion, this particular model of Hoffman's do NOT help us to understand any aspects of the structures and patterns of reality. Quite the opposite. This pseudo-scientific Pied Piper is leading us astray in virtue of his non-existent authority.

This particular Hoffman's model naively imposes his preconceived mathematical notions on whatever he imagines "reality" to be, when according NOT only to Kant, all we can honestly say is that "reality", in itself, is ultimately unknowable, and therefore fundamentally inexpressible in our conceptual language terms.

Reality is always specific, and our concepts of reality are always general.

We try our best to survive in virtue of generalizing, while we often fail to realize that our general concepts of reality are not the reality. We are proud generalists wielding the cutting-edge sword of our natural general intelligence. We passionately love to generalize about invisible mysteries of Spirituality. We directly engage reality via inherent filters of sensory perception and our hopeless conceptualizations of our sensory perception. How could we ever make any sense of the contents of our chemically "hallucinating" brains, like on AYAHUASCA? viewtopic.php?t=956

William P. Byers, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics
wrote the following:

“ It is certainly conceivable that the clarity we perceive in the external world is something we bring to the world, not something that is there independent of us. The clarity of the natural world is a metaphysical belief that we unconsciously impose on the situation. We consider it to be obvious that the natural world is something exterior of us and independent of our thoughts and sense impressions; we believe in a mind-independent reality. Paradoxically, we do not recognize that the belief in a mind-independent reality is itself mind-dependent. Logically, we cannot work our way free of the bubble we live in, which consists of all of our sense impression and thoughts. The pristine world of clarity, the natural external world independent of the observer, is merely a hypothesis that cannot, even in principle, ever be verified. To say that the natural world is ambiguous is to highlight this assumption. It is to emphasize that the feeling that there is a natural world ‘out there’ that is the same for all people at all times, is an assumption that is not self-evident. This is not to embrace a kind of solipsism and to deny the reality of the world. It is to emphasize that the natural external world is intimately intertwined with the internal world of the mind.” — Princeton University Press https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardc ... blind-spot

Instead of directly exploring the reality of our conscious experience, especially by doing various kinds of advanced meditations (empirical method), theoretical academics, like Hoffman, are expected to make a living by their futile daily efforts of producing descriptions of the indescribable, and by conceptually expressing the inexpressible.

For Hoffman's model to be helpful, or at least to be wrong, it would have to be falsifiable and experimentally testable. Otherwise, Hoffman's model is another sad case of being scientifically NOT EVEN WRONG.



Dr. NIma Arkani Hamed's AMPLITUHEDRON is another pure (theoretical physics) mathematical conjecutre that has nothing to do with consciousness whatsoever:

Lastly, the idea of applying mathematics to model consciousness, or any aspect of consciousness, is obviously fatally flawed for the simple reason that consciousness has a purely qualitative nature.

Quantities and qualities are mutually exclusive conceptual categories.

Any attempt to mathematically quantify a quality will only produce another quantity. This is a basic reason why the view of philosophy of Idealism will never resort to mathematics or theoretical physics. Period. Take a look at this short article inspired by the Hoffman's early valuable contributions:

In my opinion, Dr. Donald Hoffman started by making a real breakthrough in science. Sadly, because he has to make a living as a respectable academic, and no respectable mainstream academic can ever openly profess genuine mysticism and spirituality, we may safely stop wasting our time on any further Hoffman's misguided academic mathematical conjectures that are, at best, a typical case of so-called spiritual materialism :
https://www.amazon.ca/Cutting-Through-S ... 1590306392


Is there anything above that you disagree with? If yes, then let's debate it, please.

Even though the ultimate nature of reality is absolutely truly conceptually indescribable and inexpressible, yet we always experience it directly, and philosophy of Idealism is the only proper starting point from which we can start developing a valid insight into the nature of human existence.


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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Jonathan Österman »

Stranger wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:49 pm
Jonathan Österman wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:36 pm Therefore, my question to you is what exactly are the above mentioned quantitative and computable aspects of consciousness?

When you think a mathematical thought, for ex. "2+2=4", your thought itself is qualitative by nature (as it is a first-person qualitative cosncious experience). However, the mathematical structure in the content of the thought is still quantitative. So, quantitative-qualitative is not an opposition/contradiction, but it is an inclusion: the quantitative/computable is a limited subset of qualitative, or we can say, a limited aspect of it. Therefore, reality can never be fully described by quantitative, yet quantitative (being an aspect of qualitative) can still describe certain aspects of reality, in particular, its certain structural and quantitative properties and aspects.

Dear Stranger,

Thank you very much for your above concise, logical, and clear answer.
Much appreciated.

Let me assure you that I have studied basic Algebra, and am well capable of performing simple arithmetic operations on integer number variables, and this is direct scientific evidence of conscious mind being able to learn mathematics and perform quantitative numeric calculations.

However, my question was not about mathematical abilities of conscious first-person mind, but about quantitative and computable aspects of consciousness.

Even though the way I understand it, "consciousness" and "mind" are not strict synonyms, let me rephrase my question as follows: What are the quantitative and computable aspects of conscious first-person mind, because your above answer to my question uses an example of human mind.

If I understood your answer correctly, and please correct me if I am wrong, your train of reasoning seems to me to be as follows:

" Human mind can obviously quantitatively and correctly calculate that "2+2=4", this mathematical structure in the content of the thought is clearly quantitative and mathematical, therefore it follows that without any opposition/contradiction, this aspect of human mind is quantitative-qualitative, and also the quantitative is an aspect of the qualitative. And therefore mathematics is used in theoretical physics to calculate numeric values of specific physical quantities of physical phenomena being experimented upon."

So far, so good. I am willing to let it slide for now. You don't have to defend it, or necessarily clarify it for me any further.

Having said that, my next question to you is as follows:

If we take my above quote as a premise, could we claim that conscious human mind can originate, or come into being, as a result of a complex quantum super-computer hardware-software combination performing very complex parallel computations and calculations, very similar to human brain?

In relation to your above answer, the way I see it, even though we can think of such conceptual category as "quantity", and then apply this concept to counting apples and oranges, or money, in our daily existence, all these are still QUALIA that lack anything that could be considered as having essentially a non-qualium nature.

In this view, in the context of Idealism, there is no essential distinction between numerical quantitative mathematics and philosophical & spiritual narratives.

Moreover, conscious human mind can easily produce a completely qualitative narrative about what mathematics and quantities are, but no mathematical model expressed in equations and numeric values could ever produce a narrative about human experience of "meaning" or "sense of humour".

A good example is always in order. Let's consider a digital camera. A photo taken by the camera, in the most fundamental sense, is a representation of a set of zeros and ones. This mathematical information is encoded in an electronic form in camera's memory as physical quantities. Then, these physical quantities can be displayed on an LCD screen, as a photo of somebody.

From the side of the camera alone, in a third-person narrative, when no conscious mind is looking at all of this, would you say that there is any "meaning" or "common sense" physically embedded in all of this, which could be extracted in a purely mathematical manner, via equations, as numeric value? For example, from looking at this photo it is obvious to us that this person was killed for good. Is this correct conclusion somehow present somewhere among all kinds of quantities used to produce the displayed image, when nobody is looking at it?

When nobody is looking at it, are there any quantities objectively existing in there from their own side?

As we know, mathematical equations, or even computer algorithms, are an objective third-person "narrative". In a world of purely subjective first-person experience, "objectivity" is only an illusion. In a world of pure qualia, "quantities" are merely a qualitative illusion, too.

Could there be such thing as the first-person mathematical equation that could calculate "meaning"?

In my opinion, we can't reduce the subjective meaning of the photo to the mathematical information composing the photo, and therefore no mathematical "description" via equations could possibly ever contain any "meaning", and human experience is all about "meaning". What mentally-healthy person would want to live a meaningless life devoid of any meaning, but full of a large variety of all sorts of quantities only?

Dear Stranger, I am looking forward to learning your opinion, and to learning from your counter-examples.

And, please, don't be a stranger, and please answer my question: What are the quantitative and computable aspects of conscious first-person mind, and NOT about functions that such conscious first-person mind can perform, like simple arithmetic operations on integer number variables, or calculating a quantitative numeric result of 2 + 2.

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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Stranger »

Jonathan Österman wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:11 am In a world of pure qualia, "quantities" are merely a qualitative illusion, too.
The are not illusions, they are just a certain category of qualitative conscious phenomena (qualia) containing mathematical (quantitative) meanings.
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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Jonathan Österman »

Stranger wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:23 am
Jonathan Österman wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:11 am In a world of pure qualia, "quantities" are merely a qualitative illusion, too.
The are not illusions, they are just a certain category of qualitative conscious phenomena (qualia) containing mathematical (quantitative) meanings.
Quantities are conscious phenomena containing meanings ?

"Conscious phenomena" as opposed to "unconscious phenomena" ?

Meaning is a property of a qualium, according to Dr. Donald Hoffman PhD ??

Because if it was according to you, then this claim of yours,
for now, is baseless. :lol:

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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Jonathan Österman »

Stranger wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:23 am
There are no illusions !!!!


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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by AshvinP »

Stranger wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:23 am
Jonathan Österman wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:11 am In a world of pure qualia, "quantities" are merely a qualitative illusion, too.
The are not illusions, they are just a certain category of qualitative conscious phenomena (qualia) containing mathematical (quantitative) meanings.

Right, this is really simple but frequently missed by those who continue straying from the first-person thought perspective and try to divide the world into "real" and "illusion", like the materialists divide the world into "matter" and "mind". Quantities can be understood as the simultaneous relation of qualitative temporal rhythms, flattened to their lowest common denominator in our thought. For ex. when we speak quantitatively about the rhythms of planets traveling around the Sun and develop a mathematic model to capture that image, we have expressed qualitative movements as something whole in a quantitative thought-image. Or even more simply, the clock on our wall with three arrows is a quantitative image of living temporal relations between domains of our inner life. The latter transforms along certain ideal curvatures that contextualize its first-person state of being, and we represent their simultaneous influence as the clock that 'tells the time'. It is when interfering inner temporal relations have been made space-like.

It's also worth remembering that quantities began as sacred symbols in all ancient cultures. It was instinctively known that within these quantities was embedded the ideal (qualitative) life of the Cosmos. Now we have progressed to the point where these quantities are completely reflected thought-pictures - they are shadows of shadows. We can't patch together quantities in our reflected intellect to recover the qualitative depth any more than we can patch together the shards of a broken mirror to recover the living being that was originally reflected in the mirror. Yet when we develop our thinking to become more living and imaginative, then the quantities begin revealing their qualitative depth once again - they are resurrected to a new life from within us. As long as we continue speculating through our shard-thoughts between the poles of quantity and quality, we are procrastinating the work of actually spiraling them together and making them Whole.
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Re: Dr. HOFFMAN's mathematical model of the "SELF"

Post by Stranger »

Jonathan Österman wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:40 am " We live in illusion and the appearance of things.
There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this,
you see that you are nothing, and being nothing,
you are everything." — The Buddha
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Last edited by Stranger on Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop" Rumi
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