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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

LukeJTM wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:45 am Hi everyone,

I would like to ask about meditation. I noticed that I tend to have difficulties staying awake during meditation; I have tendencies to fall asleep during it, and it feels like a waste of a meditation.

I think part of the problem is that I sometimes do it in bed (e.g. the evening), so that could be what contributes to this issue. But I can still get it when sitting in a chair during day to day activities. It can be really annoying to deal with this.

Can anyone here relate to what I am saying? If anyone had found ways of overcoming this issue, please do share, that would be much appreciated.
Hi Luke, new guy here offering my three cents. Why not practice active meditation??? In this way you connect a circuit of multiple beneficial practices such as the high heart rate and low breath rate dynamic. This can be most effectively done in a very hot bath tub, it is how I meditate, the hot water turns my skin red as I get in. This is a much more controlled environment than meditating while exercising, it allows you to focus while artificially elevating your heart rate. Of course doing this offers other benefits such as sweating quite a bit which expels toxins from the body AND connects you directly to Spirit/God because water is considered the the Material manifestation of Spirit/God. In this way then the circuit you create is a coveted delta circuit, three positive actions combined in to one practice.

Obviously active meditation is much more difficult than regular meditation because of the elevated heart rate but do not let that deter you. The most important part is the initiation of the practice and the continued effort of doing your best which will lead you to incrementally getting better at adapting to the heat if done in a hot bath, which has a very releasing or transformative nature to it. This will certainly keep you awake during the process however when you are done, you could certainly fall asleep, especially if you get to the point where you can get very deep. At one point I was down to about 1.6bpm over about an hour long session, early on in the process I learned if I got up to quickly or stood up during an inhalation as opposed to exhalation, I could easily fall down or pass out. I most often would do this prior to going in to work so I would be much more relaxed and chill to the stress and non sense that inevitably ensued.

This hot meditative bath is the core of my personal practice and pairs well with a cold soak after, which I always affirmed to myself was locking in the released, reformatted state. It works wonders and can be taken to still yet other levels such that it can be tailored to connect to Spirit/God in a most profound way.
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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

A soul that wants to prepare itself for knowledge of the spiritual world gradually begins to search everywhere in the world, at every point that can be reached, for the understanding of number, above all the number three; it begins then to see polar opposites revealed in all things and the necessity for these opposites to balance each other. A middle condition cannot be a mere flowing onward, but we must find ourselves within the stream directing our inner vision to the left and to the right, while steering our vessel, the third, middle thing, safely between the left and right polarities.
The Holy Trinity, most powerful indeed. The third or middle thing can be seen as synthesis (implosion) or source (explosion), depending on perspective. The numbers three, six and nine are a huge part of my own practice as they are the numeric representation of Spirit. I personally equate the number three with the concept of Mind of the Holy Trinity such that 0=Spirit, 3=Mind, 6=Body(Matter) and 9=Spirit.

The way out of Duality is through the Trinity which can lead directly back to Unity through the implosive perspective of attaining simple, fundamental knowledge. One might even be inclined to put it all to equation if one were experienced enough...
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Re: Meditation

Post by LukeJTM »

Soloma369 wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:46 am
LukeJTM wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:45 am Hi everyone,

I would like to ask about meditation. I noticed that I tend to have difficulties staying awake during meditation; I have tendencies to fall asleep during it, and it feels like a waste of a meditation.

I think part of the problem is that I sometimes do it in bed (e.g. the evening), so that could be what contributes to this issue. But I can still get it when sitting in a chair during day to day activities. It can be really annoying to deal with this.

Can anyone here relate to what I am saying? If anyone had found ways of overcoming this issue, please do share, that would be much appreciated.
Hi Luke, new guy here offering my three cents. Why not practice active meditation??? In this way you connect a circuit of multiple beneficial practices such as the high heart rate and low breath rate dynamic. This can be most effectively done in a very hot bath tub, it is how I meditate, the hot water turns my skin red as I get in. This is a much more controlled environment than meditating while exercising, it allows you to focus while artificially elevating your heart rate. Of course doing this offers other benefits such as sweating quite a bit which expels toxins from the body AND connects you directly to Spirit/God because water is considered the the Material manifestation of Spirit/God. In this way then the circuit you create is a coveted delta circuit, three positive actions combined in to one practice.

Obviously active meditation is much more difficult than regular meditation because of the elevated heart rate but do not let that deter you. The most important part is the initiation of the practice and the continued effort of doing your best which will lead you to incrementally getting better at adapting to the heat if done in a hot bath, which has a very releasing or transformative nature to it. This will certainly keep you awake during the process however when you are done, you could certainly fall asleep, especially if you get to the point where you can get very deep. At one point I was down to about 1.6bpm over about an hour long session, early on in the process I learned if I got up to quickly or stood up during an inhalation as opposed to exhalation, I could easily fall down or pass out. I most often would do this prior to going in to work so I would be much more relaxed and chill to the stress and non sense that inevitably ensued.

This hot meditative bath is the core of my personal practice and pairs well with a cold soak after, which I always affirmed to myself was locking in the released, reformatted state. It works wonders and can be taken to still yet other levels such that it can be tailored to connect to Spirit/God in a most profound way.
Hi Soloma,

Thanks for the suggestion. However, I don't have a bath, just a shower!

I have been finding it easier to stay awake during a meditation by keeping a good diet and incorporating more exercise into my day. I think the tiredness happens because my etheric body becomes undercharged, and this affects my physical body. Even just talking a walk outdoors is helping me, and it helps me stay focused. I've also noticed yoga makes it a lot easier to stay focused during meditation... I started doing it daily last year (around the summer) and it made it way easier to stay focused and awake. But I stopped lately (just became distracted with personal issues), but now I'm changing and working on getting back into it.
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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

Hi Luke,

That all sounds great, I might suggest trying to meditate while you are walking outdoors. This is active meditation itself and gives you the higher heart rate and lower breath rate dynamic that can be so beneficial. It drives blood and oxygen to the brain, I know in my own practice when I get out of the tub, my eyes are so completely blood shot. Even toking a little bit of cannabis does not come close to how blood shot my eyes are due to how much blood is driven to the brain from the active meditation process I employ.

I recall years ago I was chasing a young lady's affection that was ultimately not returned. She was a runner and I picked up running around the farm I lived on doing laps of one of the front fields. When I was able to adapt meditating to my running, it seemed as if I would never tire, I could run and run and run, which would be unusual for me as I had been leading a fairly sedentary lifestyle of escape online. I imagine this is what long distance marathon runners do and can figure there would have been a massive pay off if I had continued to do such, alas when the affection was not returned, the running subsided and I never fully explored this potential.

You might also consider Earthing to recharge your etheric body, when the weather permits, find a place during your walks to take your shoes and socks off and connect directly with the energy of the earth. Spend a little time doing this, whatever feels right and reap the benefits of connecting again like you were a little child running around everywhere with no shoes on.
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Cleric K
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Re: Meditation

Post by Cleric K »

Soloma369 wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:46 am Hi Luke, new guy here offering my three cents. Why not practice active meditation??? In this way you connect a circuit of multiple beneficial practices such as the high heart rate and low breath rate dynamic. This can be most effectively done in a very hot bath tub, it is how I meditate, the hot water turns my skin red as I get in. This is a much more controlled environment than meditating while exercising, it allows you to focus while artificially elevating your heart rate. Of course doing this offers other benefits such as sweating quite a bit which expels toxins from the body AND connects you directly to Spirit/God because water is considered the the Material manifestation of Spirit/God. In this way then the circuit you create is a coveted delta circuit, three positive actions combined in to one practice.

Obviously active meditation is much more difficult than regular meditation because of the elevated heart rate but do not let that deter you. The most important part is the initiation of the practice and the continued effort of doing your best which will lead you to incrementally getting better at adapting to the heat if done in a hot bath, which has a very releasing or transformative nature to it. This will certainly keep you awake during the process however when you are done, you could certainly fall asleep, especially if you get to the point where you can get very deep. At one point I was down to about 1.6bpm over about an hour long session, early on in the process I learned if I got up to quickly or stood up during an inhalation as opposed to exhalation, I could easily fall down or pass out. I most often would do this prior to going in to work so I would be much more relaxed and chill to the stress and non sense that inevitably ensued.

This hot meditative bath is the core of my personal practice and pairs well with a cold soak after, which I always affirmed to myself was locking in the released, reformatted state. It works wonders and can be taken to still yet other levels such that it can be tailored to connect to Spirit/God in a most profound way.
Hi Soloma,
do you see these hot tub meditations as a transition/training wheels? Or they are the way to go for you?

For my part, just like Luke, I don't have a tub. But even if I had, I would still not be interested, simply because in my view, meditation shouldn't become dependent on any specific outer circumstances. To be fair, I would be very depressed if I had an impulse for meditation but can't give it a way because there's no hot tub around :)

Another point of concern is that we should make a distinction between meditation and simply finding a way to induce an altered state of consciousness. Undoubtedly, hot tub, psychedelic, holotropic breathwork and so on can have such an effect but in all of these cases we should remember that our inner experience is closely shaped by the conditions in the physical body. It is useful to reflect on to what degree this really is. We can try to conceive how our state would change if suddenly the hot water disappears, if the psychedelic substance is pumped out of our bloodstream and so on. We can only do that speculatively but it nevertheless heightens our awareness about the fact that much of our meditative experience is really the inner experience of our bodily processes. We simply experience the way they stir our soul life and we reflect our inner activity in these stirrings. As a little extreme example, through mechanical stimulation we can obviously induce pain. This pain is a soul experience. It fills our inner space like a kind of painful aura. If we can ignore the unpleasant nature of the feeling, this painful aura actually can become a kind of inner imaginative screen in which hidden facts from our soul life can be reflected.

It is important to have these things in sight because otherwise we won't be able to recognize that through meditation we can also reach deeper states of existence, for which the forceful bodily states are actually a detriment. In such states the body is 'pumped up' such that within it we can experience non-ordinary reflections of deeper existence. But in order to know the deeper spiritual foundations of the bodily life itself, this pumped up intensity has to actually become transparent. Let me try to put that in a metaphor.

In our ordinary life we become quite numb. We maintain sensitivity only for the most trivial aspects of existence through which we go about our daily life. The forceful bodily states can be compared to energizing our bodily life (and that's why all such states are achieved through some form of modification of the bodily state) where it is as if the atoms of our body begin to vibrate much more vigorously. This is all metaphoric of course (although rising the temperature of the body do that also literally, but that's not the point). This pumped up bodily state feels as out-of-the-ordinary and our "I" becomes more alert, it finds means to imaginatively reflect within the energized bodily environment, deeper intuitions. However, as most things in this area, we also have the problem of tolerance. Our ego quickly gets used to the modified bodily environment and soon the state loses its magic. This is quite obvious with psychedelics, for example.

To reach deeper states of consciousness, the ego has to find its being as if in between the atoms of the body. In a sense, our ideal activity awakens within the spiritual streamlines along which formed existence coalesces, analogously to the way ferrofluid or iron filings are aligned along the magnetic force lines. Here, however, we're not speaking about some force field that we behold but instead our ideal existence flows along lines of meaning (as in a kind of mathematical realm but alive and dynamic).

Such states can be reached only when our bodily processes begin to vibrate in resonance with the ideal streamlines. There's nothing forceful in this experience. Instead, as said, our body comes to feel transparent, as if superfluid or superconductive. It is utterly impossible to reach this state through forceful modification of the bodily state. This only makes it oscillate more intensely, which only deafens the subtle ideal life. It's like each point of our body is a pendulum that swings more and more vigorously and as such spends even less time near the point of balance. If our "I" is to find its spiritual essence, these oscillations need to be brough in-phase with the ideal currents of archetypal meaning. Then an important inversion happens. We no longer feel that our lower bodies give us the foundation in which we reflect our consciousness but instead, we awaken to a spiritual world of living meaningful intents of beings, within which all lower life takes form.
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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

Hiya Cleric K,
do you see these hot tub meditations as a transition/training wheels? Or they are the way to go for you?
Oh I have been doing this for many years and will continue to do it for many more. It is a active meditation that is very nuanced, I couple it with what I call the Tesla Ritual which opens up the door for Source/Spirit/God to enter one's practice/life/work.
To be fair, I would be very depressed if I had an impulse for meditation but can't give it a way because there's no hot tub around :)
This doesnt really become a concern once you are meditating all the time. The hot bath meditation prepares us for this since you are stressing yourself with the high heart rate. Once you become accustomed to meditating with the higher heart rate, meditating during normal day to day activities becomes very easy as you find yourself always meditating. I actually do not even fully involve my practice as I have in the past due to a OBE block I seem to have, my Consciousness initiates separations as I drift off to sleep multiple times a night yet I find myself jerking out of it. I suspect there is a fear blockage from past abduction or I have some how consented to the block instilled by the Light Beings in my life. Either way I am very dialed back on what my active meditation has been in the past just so I experience the OBE blockage less. This will resolve itself when it is supposed to.
Undoubtedly, hot tub, psychedelic, holotropic breathwork and so on can have such an effect but in all of these cases we should remember that our inner experience is closely shaped by the conditions in the physical body.
Oh I have used all sorts of aids in my work, from binaural tones, 432hz music to taking three tokes of cannabis prior. Cannabis is great for meditation, especially active at deeper levels of understanding of use. Cannabis creates the high heart rate as it is an energy gateway like the hot water as well as allows for deeper levels of meditation. I personally have found all of this translates to when I choose not to use them to a degree that I am perfectly happy with. I am fairly sure I am tuned to a theta/alpha state full time, manifestation comes easy for me. Back in October I manifested the Unity Equation and since then I have been sharing the teaching that has come with it. The practices and internal/external work that I have done are part of the Equation and even in my very toned down practice, I am manifesting exactly what I am intending, often better than imagined. I have no concerns with my practice and internal/external work.

I Ascended back in October, it was a direct result of the Revelation "It all resolves fundamentally" which triggered the Enlightened thought "that means I can pass my arm through this road sign" that was quickly approaching as I was driving up the road to buy pizza. This triggered Ascension as I then had a two conscious perspectives, one of which was actually passing my arm through the road sign, they felt the exact same, total resonance, there was no difference. When I came out of this two perspective experience, I was vibrating at such a high level my next thought was "this means I can fly", I had no doubt whatsoever I would be able to phase through the roof of my car and fly off like in my dreams. I had always thought/felt that my dreams of flying should translate to the waking state, now I know they can.

This all lead me to putting the experience to Equation which was done on Reddit. The day I finished it, the 23rd of October and recorded it in my Fundamental Ascension Equation thread, I was uplifted again. This time a local/non-local energy opened up and began to interact with me, it shook my house like an earthquake for close to 10 days, yet it was very harmonious, rhythmic in its nature. I was ultimately acknowledge by two different UAP in a symbolic fashion as well as two terrestrial craft that I had never seen before that made themselves obvious to me by their close proximity. The Great Work of the age was complete, the Unity Equation or God's Fundamental Law of Relationship was manifest.
To reach deeper states of consciousness
What about Christ Consciousness? I am pretty sure that was the bump I received when I recorded the Unity Equation on Reddit. It is something we are all capable of, which is what I have been sharing and teaching on my Reddit sub r/Liberment which of course means free mind, the inversion of government.
Instead, as said, our body comes to feel transparent, as if superfluid or superconductive. It is utterly impossible to reach this state through forceful modification of the bodily state.
I would suggest you find out for yourself as I would disagree with you based on experience.
We no longer feel that our lower bodies give us the foundation in which we reflect our consciousness but instead, we awaken to a spiritual world of living meaningful intents of beings, within which all lower life takes form.
I reached full equilibrium both within and without. I did the work, cut through my beliefs, stopped setting limitations and transcended it all. This is my objective truth and have absolutely no issue sharing my understandings of "how things work".
Ben Iscatus
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Re: Meditation

Post by Ben Iscatus »

Soloma, you appear to be a highly evolved soul! Can you demonstrate your skills - for example, post a video of yourself passing through a solid object? This would be very impressive and convincing evidence . Or are you invisible when you do that? Also, where do the aliens you've seen come from? Are they living in our spacetime reality or in a higher dimension?
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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

Ben Iscatus wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:35 pm Soloma, you appear to be a highly evolved soul! Can you demonstrate your skills - for example, post a video of yourself passing through a solid object? This would be very impressive and convincing evidence . Or are you invisible when you do that? Also, where do the aliens you've seen come from? Are they living in our spacetime reality or in a higher dimension?
Hi Ben,

This is going to be tough for folks to accept but I will try my best to explain it to you. I have a sort of unwritten/unspoken contract that is obvious to me based on my objective experiences. It was made long ago when I first started to dabble in Mind over Matter in relation to some health issues. I generated some very obvious results that brought me relief in one instance (diverticulitus) and a great deal of pain in another (dislocated ankle). The former my guts did a very peculiar and never experienced before or after "dance" that lead me to pass a very old looking stool that I conjecture was trapped in a pocket and causing me great discomfort. The latter I experienced bolts of energy in to my ankle that made my entire leg bounce off my bed in a 90 degree angle on the three night that I had been channeling white light into my ankle during my hot bath meditations.

I was back to work on my feet for six hours in the restaurant biz i the front of the house on the eleventh day after my foot was folded up under my shin, limping and in great pain but back to work none the less. I never went to the doctor for either issue and my diverticulitus has cured itself with my recent experiences. The diverticulitus issue was what drove me in to the hot bath in the first place where I began to implement meditation as a way to pass the time beneficially and it evolved from there. This was almost ten years ago. I did not pursue Mind over Matter then, I did not realize it but I still had internal work to do.

When presented with "the choice" in the car, stay or go, I had already made it, perhaps even prior to the choice not to pursue Mind over Matter as explained above. I had burst in to laughter and started to cry as I was driving, my life now made complete sense to me. I had completed the required internal circuits and I had always chosen to teach as opposed to benefit from. I have totally given over to God my manifestation needs and they are appearing in the form of the lovely lady I will be co-author with in her book explaining the Unity Equation and the Tesla Ritual. I have been approached about potentially doing a very small podcast to do similar, which I am hoping turns out to be a investigative long term project where the pod-caster intends to find out for themselves. "He" is also bringing like minded people into my life supporting my work in various ways such as potential students and other people to share the journey with and compare notes. All paths are valid and ultimately intersect, I am actively manifesting a intersection point making myself available to be part of other peoples journey if they should choose to connect in that way. Ultimately, it all resolves to Unity, one way or the other.

So to answer your question, I can not provide you with proof however I do have a video of my prayers being answered from 2009 when I was suffering from a negative entity attachment. My prayers have been answered on many occasions and is a form of manifestation itself. Ill be happy to share that here.

Demons/Aliens/Angels = Polarity/Synthesis/Polarity. My only cognition of any "alien" in my life was from a very successful regression session where the therapist did no leading and used binaural tones to help facilitate the desired state. She called me trance monster as I was able to get very deep and I saw a little greenish/grey due at the foot of my couch where I had been sleeping and when I began to stress, she had me rise up out of the house where I encountered a saucer which had been plaguing me in the waking state. I also experienced a Light Being in a OBE within a dream like state where I saw myself communicate with the Being in an egg shaped craft of light. In retrospect, this was the Being getting permission to help me due to my prayers for help from the seven week ordeal I was experiencing from April of 2009 to June of 2009.

This will end up being a test for those who come across my material and expect me to jump through hoops to prove to them my story. I might counter, what good did it do Jesus in performing his miracles? How many of his disciples actually did the work and were found worthy to be uplifted themselves to the point of creating their own miracles? They of course were reported to have done miracles in his name, I consider this a placebo effect, we are all capable of the same. When they no longer "believed" they had the authority to perform the miracles, they no longer could. Veronica was the one who put Jesus teachings to work without having ever been taught when she healed herself by touching one of Jesus tassels. She tapped in to her Intention/Willpower/Faith Trinity without realizing she was the source of the "power" and why Jesus claimed she had given him a great gift. She put the teaching in to action without ever having been taught.

I am looking for Veronicas, not Disciples. Find out for yourself, or dont, the choice will always be yours.
Ben Iscatus
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Re: Meditation

Post by Ben Iscatus »

Soloma, I'm glad your health has improved. What you say about Jesus and his disciples is a new idea for me - I think your interpretation is good.
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Re: Meditation

Post by Soloma369 »

Ben Iscatus wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:31 am Soloma, I'm glad your health has improved. What you say about Jesus and his disciples is a new idea for me - I think your interpretation is good.
Unfortunately for all of us, Jesus was exalted and not the teachings. I am of the perspective that "believing in Jesus" is a false teaching, we should be having faith in ourselves and applying the teachings. This is what I did myself, finally coming to crescendo for me in October of this year. From the two very profound experiences, I emerged with a deeper understanding of the fundamental nature of reality. I see Trinities in all the great teachings I look into now, such that Father/Son/Holy-Spirit is a parallel to fundamental forces or aspect of Mind/Body/Spirit. This can be extrapolated to Thought/Action/Emotion, Knowledge/Wisdom/Intuition, Philosophy/Science/Spirituality, Sulfur/Salt/Mercury, Thesis/Synthesis/Antithesis, Intention/Willpower/Faith, etc etc etc.

It boils down to the Trinity being the two Polarities and the Synthesis or Harmonization of the Polarities. When we bring our Mind & Heart and our Mind & Guts into balance, we gain full control of the Material/Spiritual 4d Conscious experience. It is a above/below, within/without sort of thing, we are resolving the Dualistic nature internally to a more balance state of Being. When we do this, the gate opens up as we have transcended what we created and or consented to that was keeping us in a lower vibratory state.

The Unity Equation is based around the fundamental Trinity of Mind/Matter/Spirit which is also Brain/Guts/Heart. When we are looking at the Trinity in this format, the middle third is seen as the Synthesis while the outer two thirds are seen as the Polarities. This is age old esoteric wisdom, is nothing new, simply a fresh perspective. The UE itself explains how we can use the fundamental Trinity to attain Unity, both within and without.
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