Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

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Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by AshvinP »

I was thinking about posting this essay in the same thread as Cleric's new phenomneological outline essay, because it should be much easier to orient to in the light of what he discusses there. I will keep it separate for now, but in any case, I recommend anyone reading first work through Cleric's essay. Hopefully, this will also serve as a complement to the series of more detailed essays he will be posting.

* * *

This essay is intended to explore the ideas of truth and truthfulness from their inner dimension, through the phenomenological method. To begin with, all we can know for certain is that we experience a 'now' state of being from the first-person perspective. This state embeds ideas, emotions, desires, sensations, and an intuitive sense of all these being temporally extended in memory and in anticipation of future states. We have a certain intuition for the lawfulness of this transformation, which we can condense into our concepts of ‘natural laws’, ‘psychic mechanisms’, ‘rules of logic’, and so forth. How our state of being will transform is a result of both our intuitive intent and factors beyond our control. The latter serve as resistance to our intents so that our ideas can only manifest themselves in the flow of experience in certain ways and not others. For ex., we may have an artistic imagination to compose an elaborate symphony, which we have even worked out in detail, but if financial constraints have made it so we can only afford one instrument, we can't fully manifest that intended idea.

We know that the transformation of our state meets certain resistance within different layers of experience. In the layer of pure thinking intents, we meet the least resistance. We can summon the mental image of a 'triangle' and transform it in various ways. The perceptual flow we experience will synchronize very closely with our intuitive intent. In the layer of feeling, on the other hand, there is more resistance - if we want to summon a state of intense joy, this will be more difficult than summoning a mental image of 'triangle'. The state of intense joy will not enter into our perceptual experience in such close synchronization with our intent, if at all. We meet even more resistance in the transforming layer of sensations – our perceptual experience of sunlight and warmth will remain firm outside on a hot summer day even if we intend to observe the starry skies on a cool winter night. Likewise, if we intend to move our leg but it has been paralyzed by a debilitating illness, nothing will happen. Notice how all the layers must first be reflected in our thinking before we are conscious of them – we don’t have any ‘direct access’ to feelings and sensations independent of our thinking state.

In that sense, there is an implicit contextual hierarchy through which our thinking state transforms just as a word is meaningfully embedded within a phrase, which is embedded within a sentence, which is embedded within a paragraph, and so forth. Our intuitive intents (I) are normally felt to be embedded within the context of our thoughts (T), feelings/desires (F), and sensations (S). The latter modulates what sort of intents and thoughts can be concretely realized from the infinite potential of possibilities. If I intend to transform my thinking state from the context of ‘bed’ to ‘couch’, my thoughts, feelings, and sensations give me feedback on how to effectively fulfill this intent. On the other hand, if I intend to transform my state from the context of ‘Earth’ to ‘Mars’, they give me feedback that the intent cannot be fulfilled. Such intents then naturally drop out of the palette of options that can transform my state.


Clearly, we cannot perceive our inner life from the side as circles like we do above – these are only symbols for our completely first-person flow of experience. Let's say we set an intention to accomplish a certain goal such as putting some new furniture together, like a new chair. Now we start thinking about the goal and all our thoughts are concentric with the intention - we have thoughts about what the finished product will look like, what tools will be needed, what steps to follow, and so on. Since we are eagerly anticipating the finished chair (maybe it has excellent lumbar support), our feelings are also concentric with this goal - we are emotionally inspired to fulfill our intention. We set our bodily will in motion and start building the furniture, and now all our sensations become concentric with the goal as well. The colors, sounds, smells, and textures that emerge as we read the instructions, lay out the pieces, put them together, tighten the screws, and so forth are all generally related to the core intention. In this way, our flow of experience is concentrically aligned across the contextual layers. We will experience the task in a harmonious way – it may even inspire some sense of faith, hope, and courage in the face of life.

Things are rarely as idealized as the above scenario and, in modern life, we have gotten quite used to doing daily tasks while our thinking swings around to many unrelated topics. Working on the computer to finish some project while also browsing a dozen of different open tabs, including comments on our favorite Discord servers, is a prime example of this. Generally, our feelings and sensations are more stable and aligned with the core task we are engaged in, although this can quickly stop being the case if extraneous events are introduced into our stream of experience. Perhaps we get a cramp in our arm or leg while working on the chair and now our sensations are out of alignment with the intent. Since we are rarely laser-focused on tasks, it is often the case that the 'circles' of our inner life lose their concentric alignment and oscillate wildly like a three-arm pendulum.


We experience a certain inner friction and cloudiness when these contextual layers are not aligned properly. For example, if we intend to build our chair but get distracted somewhere along the middle of the task, a level of indirection is introduced. Perhaps a family member calls us and we get in a heated argument with them over the phone. Now we finish the phone call and return to the chair-building task but our feelings are swamped in the argument and our thoughts keep returning to what we said and what the other person said. Perhaps the argument was so bitter that even our blood pressure is up, our breathing has become jagged, and we are sweating a bit. Now even many of our sensations have lost their concentricity with the core task. That makes it harder to orient ourselves properly to the task and experience reality as a lawful experiential flow. If we recognize that our days consist of many such tasks, it is easy to see why these frequent misalignments can interfere with our ability to lucidly comprehend the living structure of reality.

Modern thinking habits have conditioned many people to habitually feel that 'truth' must mean: what we think or say corresponds to some objective set of facts 'out there' in the World state (the 'correspondence theory of truth'). In other words, understanding the truth means using our thinking state to model a separate, objective World state that is independent of our thinking. However, if we stick to only the givens of phenomenological experience, there is no warrant for imposing this duality between our thinking state and the World state. Instead, our flow of thinking states should be considered a 'curvature' of the World state along which our existence transforms as something whole (see Cleric’s ‘Symphony of Minds’ essay for further reference). From that perspective, we only grasp the Truth in so far as our thinking state becomes concentric with other layers of the World state which modulate the former’s becoming, beginning with the most proximate layers of our personal soul life - our assumptions, likes, dislikes, interests, preferences, etc. That is when the arms of the pendulum stabilize and move in harmonious rhythms, which we experience as 'insights' and ‘knowledge’ about the living flow of reality.

In that sense, to approach the inner dimension of truth, we have to examine the reason why stating or misstating a set of facts about the World state is truthful or untruthful. In the former case, it is because our sensations, memories, feelings, thoughts, and intents are all aligned, whereas in the latter case, they have become misaligned. When we misstate a set of facts about the World state, our sensations and memories are out of alignment with our intent, feelings, and thoughts. For example, we tell a police officer that a car involved in an accident was bright red, when in fact we remember it as being white. We intend to convey a different perceptual state of being than the one we remember experiencing, and the thoughts that we condense into words to communicate with the police align with that disharmonious intent. Moreover, the feeling of experiencing a bright red car doesn't align with our memory experience of the white car.

As we see, the idea of Truthfulness goes well beyond the specific instance of reporting objective facts about the World state. We can also be untruthful, for example, when our intent and feelings/desires become misaligned with our thoughts. Perhaps we have thoughts about becoming more organized and disciplined in our life, let's say by eating more healthily. Yet we may often find that we are still indulging in unhealthy foods, skipping steps in our diet, etc. In this way, it is revealed that we were merely thinking about eating more healthily but didn't sincerely intend it or feel motivated to carry through with the intent. This sort of untruthfulness speaks to the inner reasons why the World state becomes disharmonious over time, since the World state is simply the cumulative effect of balances and imbalances within the depths of our inner organization. If we are paying attention, it provides feedback as to what within that inner organization may need to be creatively managed for its contextual layers to become more finely tuned.

In a certain sense, our cone of concentric experiential layers is always extremely fragile, always teetering on the edge of collapse into misalignment when our intuitive intents are only related to personal tasks. That is because the broader World state of sensory events, including our inner state of sense-based thoughts and feelings, wield lopsided influence over our intentional soul-life. These contextual layers continually get diverted into channels that are unrelated to our intents or even working at cross-purposes with them. The sensory events and feelings may become so overwhelming that we no longer experience ourselves as intentional beings who have creative input in the flow of experience, only helpless victims of external circumstances. Then we lose sight of the intent-driven flow altogether.

How many people feel like they are helpless victims of external circumstances, including their own soul tendencies? Their sympathies, preferences, personality, character, and so forth are experienced as immutable parts of their being that were allotted to them from mindless nature or a remote deity. With the rise of modern virtual technology, there are plenty of avenues to become more and more passive in the face of these circumstances, more and more resigned to what Nature/God/whatever has thrown our way. People may soon be able to stay in bed most of the day, with all necessities delivered to their doorstep and entertainment practically force-fed to them. All of this results because more and more people are losing sight of the Truth, that is, the concentricity of their first-person experiences with the intentional architecture of reality.

Although there is no room to discuss it here, those familiar with the work of Jean Gebser, Owen Barfield, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, and similar 20th-century thinkers will be familiar with humanity's evolution of consciousness from cultural epoch to cultural epoch. It roughly traces a development of consciousness similar to what we individually experience from infancy to childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In ancient Greek times, the mythic image-based consciousness had already started decohering into more sharply defined mental images, yet these were experienced as being naturally ordered by ideal 'lines of force' which were collectively referred to as the Logos. Gradually, through the Middle Ages, these mental images were further refined and abstracted into the clear-cut concepts that we are familiar with today.

In that process, we have managed to convince ourselves that the concepts are 'subjective' and 'private' to our consciousness and that they are only useful to model a 'real world out there'. We feel ourselves to be the original creators of concepts that we arbitrarily configure, according to mysterious ‘rules of logic’, to mimic the perceptual dynamics of the World state. In other words, the archetypal Logos forces that structure the pictorial and conceptual life have been blotted out from modern consciousness. Our thinking flow has become dualized from the World flow. It is because we have lost cognitive sight of these forces that our intentional cone has become so unstable, our thinking dragged around helplessly by the lower layers.


Humanity has now arrived at the stage where the archetypal forces structuring its thinking consciousness should become more transparent again - in other words, thinking must begin investigating its own living structure and dynamics to rediscover the Logos more inwardly and lucidly than the ancient Greeks. We could say this task, in contrast to our daily personal tasks, is a Cosmic level intent that structures the World flow at the level of human cultural history. By extending our insights to resonate with such Cosmic level intents, we add a certain ‘top-heavy’ stability (symbolized by blue arrows) to our localized intent and our ‘cone’ of TFS experience. Our local intent is stabilized within the Cosmic intentional flow from ‘above’.

The TFS layers of the intuitive cone are, in a sense, personalized reflections or shadows of these Cosmic intents. By centering our local intents within the Cosmic intents and gaining intuitive insight into the latter, we also become more intimately familiar with the personal life of thoughts, feelings, and sensations. We become aware of more creative opportunities to harmonize the latter with the former. When our intentional life expands its sphere of interest to such Cosmic level goals, the balance of power begins to shift from the sensory and impulsive life to the purely ideal and moral life. We begin to live more in currents of pure ideality.

That is primarily because our thought patterns start to become living symbols and testimonies for the ideal potential, the higher-order intents, from which they have condensed and crystallized, just as the words on these pages are testimonies for my local intent to write an essay. When our thoughts are consciously understood as such testimonies, we gain exponentially more opportunities to extract Cosmic-level insight from them. At the same time, our feelings are continually inspired by these expansive Cosmic intents. We may even start to notice our sensations shift - colors and sounds begin to thicken out, so to speak, so they are experienced as not only flattened perceptual qualities, but also imbued with soul and spiritual qualities. They are the outer manifestations of living minds and their activity. In this way, the feeling and sensory layers are gradually depersonalized and relocated within their truthful Cosmic context.

This is how the phenomenology of intentional activity not only helps us understand the nature of lies and Truth, as misalignments and alignments of the contextual layers embedded within our transforming first-person ‘now’ state, but also orient our intentional lives within that pillar of Truth and pursue it to its furthest Cosmic reaches, into the realms of creative and moral freedom. This concentric orientation is greatly enriched when we take our phenomenological method through the portal of concentration. When we intentionally and inwardly direct our cognitive activity back toward the archetypal layers that structure it, we are seeking to live in Spirit and in Truth. These meditative moments can then become the most truthful ones of our lives, when our inner stream that we normally flow along with is made objective and laid bare before our cognitive perception.
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
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Cleric K
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Cleric K »

AshvinP wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:54 pm ...
Thank you Ashvin! There are so many everyday examples here that can bring us to the essence of our inner life, only if we're willing to make the needed observations.

The concentric alignment of the inner ITFS depth is really key. It is of great value if we get in the habit throughout the day, to make these circles concentric 🧿 even if just for a split-second. My personal favorite when I'm walking through the city streets, is waiting at a traffic light 🚦. It gives the perfect opportunity to freeze for a few seconds and make the whole spectrum - from the elemental to the Cosmic - in concentric alignment. With our mind we make concentric the lower circles while with our heart we allow ourselves to be made concentric to the Cosmic minds, in prayerful submission.

Here's another way to metaphorically express these concentric relations and the multi-arm pendulum:

An interesting thing to contemplate is how adding each additional circle on top of the others, yields ever more complicated patterns. Another thing to contemplate is how if we look carefully, we'll see how periodically the three circles completely align. This is really what we strive for in the split-second experiences 🧿 and when we try to hold these experiences for longer in meditation. It can be said that when we reach the stage where we can hold all the circles in alignment, when all ITFS are in tune, we are in the Intuitive stage. Then our thinking is united with and intuits the true ideal foundations (the largest circle - S). Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition can be metaphorically understood as the stages of alignment of the grids, where we first learn to align the smallest grid of our thinking life (T). It's important to note that at our stage, aligning the grids doesn't mean that they disappear. We're still in the Earthly context, yet our whole physical body (S) is so attuned to the Cosmic ideal curvatures, that only from this perspective we understand what it means for the Gods to Think-Will the ideal lattice of the inner Cosmos. As the circles wiggle again, the Intuitions transduce into images and concepts.

The physical condition is a spiritual state of existence, where these circles are all out-of-phase - thus the incredible complexity of the experience (yet mathematically lawful). It can be noted that in the animation above I have taken care that the rates of rotation of the circles have integer ratios. Only because of this, the conjunction moments may happen. This is very important in music:


The Greeks were the first to investigate the numerical relations of the string lengths (related to frequency). They found that the simplest integer relations sound most consonant. For example, the perfect fifth interval, which corresponds to a 1:3 ratio and the octave 1:2. Our familiar 7/12 tone system originates from such relations. The more nodes the vibrations share, the more consonant they sound. On a larger scale this holds also for rhythm, where the measures are divided into whole, half, quarter, etc. notes. For example, I may be playing quarter notes, and the other person plays whole notes but what counts is to have the conjunction at the end of the measure.

If the animation above is set up with irrational ratios of the rotations, then there may never be a conjunction. Alas, this is how most of the life in present humankind passes between birth and death. There are still so many human beings who live in permanent Moiré chaos of spiritual phenomena, never sensing a conjunction of the spiritual depth. I really pray that the tides are gradually turning.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Federica »

AshvinP wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:54 pm I was thinking about posting this essay in the same thread as Cleric's new phenomneological outline essay, because it should be much easier to orient to in the light of what he discusses there. I will keep it separate for now, but in any case, I recommend anyone reading first work through Cleric's essay. Hopefully, this will also serve as a complement to the series of more detailed essays he will be posting.

* * *

This essay is intended to explore the ideas of truth and truthfulness from their inner dimension, through the phenomenological method. To begin with, all we can know for certain is that we experience a 'now' state of being from the first-person perspective. This state embeds ideas, emotions, desires, sensations, and an intuitive sense of all these being temporally extended in memory and in anticipation of future states. We have a certain intuition for the lawfulness of this transformation, which we can condense into our concepts of ‘natural laws’, ‘psychic mechanisms’, ‘rules of logic’, and so forth. How our state of being will transform is a result of both our intuitive intent and factors beyond our control. The latter serve as resistance to our intents so that our ideas can only manifest themselves in the flow of experience in certain ways and not others. For ex., we may have an artistic imagination to compose an elaborate symphony, which we have even worked out in detail, but if financial constraints have made it so we can only afford one instrument, we can't fully manifest that intended idea.

We know that the transformation of our state meets certain resistance within different layers of experience. In the layer of pure thinking intents, we meet the least resistance. We can summon the mental image of a 'triangle' and transform it in various ways. The perceptual flow we experience will synchronize very closely with our intuitive intent. In the layer of feeling, on the other hand, there is more resistance - if we want to summon a state of intense joy, this will be more difficult than summoning a mental image of 'triangle'. The state of intense joy will not enter into our perceptual experience in such close synchronization with our intent, if at all. We meet even more resistance in the transforming layer of sensations – our perceptual experience of sunlight and warmth will remain firm outside on a hot summer day even if we intend to observe the starry skies on a cool winter night. Likewise, if we intend to move our leg but it has been paralyzed by a debilitating illness, nothing will happen. Notice how all the layers must first be reflected in our thinking before we are conscious of them – we don’t have any ‘direct access’ to feelings and sensations independent of our thinking state.

In that sense, there is an implicit contextual hierarchy through which our thinking state transforms just as a word is meaningfully embedded within a phrase, which is embedded within a sentence, which is embedded within a paragraph, and so forth. Our intuitive intents (I) are normally felt to be embedded within the context of our thoughts (T), feelings/desires (F), and sensations (S). The latter modulates what sort of intents and thoughts can be concretely realized from the infinite potential of possibilities. If I intend to transform my thinking state from the context of ‘bed’ to ‘couch’, my thoughts, feelings, and sensations give me feedback on how to effectively fulfill this intent. On the other hand, if I intend to transform my state from the context of ‘Earth’ to ‘Mars’, they give me feedback that the intent cannot be fulfilled. Such intents then naturally drop out of the palette of options that can transform my state.


Clearly, we cannot perceive our inner life from the side as circles like we do above – these are only symbols for our completely first-person flow of experience. Let's say we set an intention to accomplish a certain goal such as putting some new furniture together, like a new chair. Now we start thinking about the goal and all our thoughts are concentric with the intention - we have thoughts about what the finished product will look like, what tools will be needed, what steps to follow, and so on. Since we are eagerly anticipating the finished chair (maybe it has excellent lumbar support), our feelings are also concentric with this goal - we are emotionally inspired to fulfill our intention. We set our bodily will in motion and start building the furniture, and now all our sensations become concentric with the goal as well. The colors, sounds, smells, and textures that emerge as we read the instructions, lay out the pieces, put them together, tighten the screws, and so forth are all generally related to the core intention. In this way, our flow of experience is concentrically aligned across the contextual layers. We will experience the task in a harmonious way – it may even inspire some sense of faith, hope, and courage in the face of life.

Things are rarely as idealized as the above scenario and, in modern life, we have gotten quite used to doing daily tasks while our thinking swings around to many unrelated topics. Working on the computer to finish some project while also browsing a dozen of different open tabs, including comments on our favorite Discord servers, is a prime example of this. Generally, our feelings and sensations are more stable and aligned with the core task we are engaged in, although this can quickly stop being the case if extraneous events are introduced into our stream of experience. Perhaps we get a cramp in our arm or leg while working on the chair and now our sensations are out of alignment with the intent. Since we are rarely laser-focused on tasks, it is often the case that the 'circles' of our inner life lose their concentric alignment and oscillate wildly like a three-arm pendulum.


We experience a certain inner friction and cloudiness when these contextual layers are not aligned properly. For example, if we intend to build our chair but get distracted somewhere along the middle of the task, a level of indirection is introduced. Perhaps a family member calls us and we get in a heated argument with them over the phone. Now we finish the phone call and return to the chair-building task but our feelings are swamped in the argument and our thoughts keep returning to what we said and what the other person said. Perhaps the argument was so bitter that even our blood pressure is up, our breathing has become jagged, and we are sweating a bit. Now even many of our sensations have lost their concentricity with the core task. That makes it harder to orient ourselves properly to the task and experience reality as a lawful experiential flow. If we recognize that our days consist of many such tasks, it is easy to see why these frequent misalignments can interfere with our ability to lucidly comprehend the living structure of reality.

Modern thinking habits have conditioned many people to habitually feel that 'truth' must mean: what we think or say corresponds to some objective set of facts 'out there' in the World state (the 'correspondence theory of truth'). In other words, understanding the truth means using our thinking state to model a separate, objective World state that is independent of our thinking. However, if we stick to only the givens of phenomenological experience, there is no warrant for imposing this duality between our thinking state and the World state. Instead, our flow of thinking states should be considered a 'curvature' of the World state along which our existence transforms as something whole (see Cleric’s ‘Symphony of Minds’ essay for further reference). From that perspective, we only grasp the Truth in so far as our thinking state becomes concentric with other layers of the World state which modulate the former’s becoming, beginning with the most proximate layers of our personal soul life - our assumptions, likes, dislikes, interests, preferences, etc. That is when the arms of the pendulum stabilize and move in harmonious rhythms, which we experience as 'insights' and ‘knowledge’ about the living flow of reality.

In that sense, to approach the inner dimension of truth, we have to examine the reason why stating or misstating a set of facts about the World state is truthful or untruthful. In the former case, it is because our sensations, memories, feelings, thoughts, and intents are all aligned, whereas in the latter case, they have become misaligned. When we misstate a set of facts about the World state, our sensations and memories are out of alignment with our intent, feelings, and thoughts. For example, we tell a police officer that a car involved in an accident was bright red, when in fact we remember it as being white. We intend to convey a different perceptual state of being than the one we remember experiencing, and the thoughts that we condense into words to communicate with the police align with that disharmonious intent. Moreover, the feeling of experiencing a bright red car doesn't align with our memory experience of the white car.

As we see, the idea of Truthfulness goes well beyond the specific instance of reporting objective facts about the World state. We can also be untruthful, for example, when our intent and feelings/desires become misaligned with our thoughts. Perhaps we have thoughts about becoming more organized and disciplined in our life, let's say by eating more healthily. Yet we may often find that we are still indulging in unhealthy foods, skipping steps in our diet, etc. In this way, it is revealed that we were merely thinking about eating more healthily but didn't sincerely intend it or feel motivated to carry through with the intent. This sort of untruthfulness speaks to the inner reasons why the World state becomes disharmonious over time, since the World state is simply the cumulative effect of balances and imbalances within the depths of our inner organization. If we are paying attention, it provides feedback as to what within that inner organization may need to be creatively managed for its contextual layers to become more finely tuned.

In a certain sense, our cone of concentric experiential layers is always extremely fragile, always teetering on the edge of collapse into misalignment when our intuitive intents are only related to personal tasks. That is because the broader World state of sensory events, including our inner state of sense-based thoughts and feelings, wield lopsided influence over our intentional soul-life. These contextual layers continually get diverted into channels that are unrelated to our intents or even working at cross-purposes with them. The sensory events and feelings may become so overwhelming that we no longer experience ourselves as intentional beings who have creative input in the flow of experience, only helpless victims of external circumstances. Then we lose sight of the intent-driven flow altogether.

How many people feel like they are helpless victims of external circumstances, including their own soul tendencies? Their sympathies, preferences, personality, character, and so forth are experienced as immutable parts of their being that were allotted to them from mindless nature or a remote deity. With the rise of modern virtual technology, there are plenty of avenues to become more and more passive in the face of these circumstances, more and more resigned to what Nature/God/whatever has thrown our way. People may soon be able to stay in bed most of the day, with all necessities delivered to their doorstep and entertainment practically force-fed to them. All of this results because more and more people are losing sight of the Truth, that is, the concentricity of their first-person experiences with the intentional architecture of reality.

Although there is no room to discuss it here, those familiar with the work of Jean Gebser, Owen Barfield, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, and similar 20th-century thinkers will be familiar with humanity's evolution of consciousness from cultural epoch to cultural epoch. It roughly traces a development of consciousness similar to what we individually experience from infancy to childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In ancient Greek times, the mythic image-based consciousness had already started decohering into more sharply defined mental images, yet these were experienced as being naturally ordered by ideal 'lines of force' which were collectively referred to as the Logos. Gradually, through the Middle Ages, these mental images were further refined and abstracted into the clear-cut concepts that we are familiar with today.

In that process, we have managed to convince ourselves that the concepts are 'subjective' and 'private' to our consciousness and that they are only useful to model a 'real world out there'. We feel ourselves to be the original creators of concepts that we arbitrarily configure, according to mysterious ‘rules of logic’, to mimic the perceptual dynamics of the World state. In other words, the archetypal Logos forces that structure the pictorial and conceptual life have been blotted out from modern consciousness. Our thinking flow has become dualized from the World flow. It is because we have lost cognitive sight of these forces that our intentional cone has become so unstable, our thinking dragged around helplessly by the lower layers.


Humanity has now arrived at the stage where the archetypal forces structuring its thinking consciousness should become more transparent again - in other words, thinking must begin investigating its own living structure and dynamics to rediscover the Logos more inwardly and lucidly than the ancient Greeks. We could say this task, in contrast to our daily personal tasks, is a Cosmic level intent that structures the World flow at the level of human cultural history. By extending our insights to resonate with such Cosmic level intents, we add a certain ‘top-heavy’ stability (symbolized by blue arrows) to our localized intent and our ‘cone’ of TFS experience. Our local intent is stabilized within the Cosmic intentional flow from ‘above’.

The TFS layers of the intuitive cone are, in a sense, personalized reflections or shadows of these Cosmic intents. By centering our local intents within the Cosmic intents and gaining intuitive insight into the latter, we also become more intimately familiar with the personal life of thoughts, feelings, and sensations. We become aware of more creative opportunities to harmonize the latter with the former. When our intentional life expands its sphere of interest to such Cosmic level goals, the balance of power begins to shift from the sensory and impulsive life to the purely ideal and moral life. We begin to live more in currents of pure ideality.

That is primarily because our thought patterns start to become living symbols and testimonies for the ideal potential, the higher-order intents, from which they have condensed and crystallized, just as the words on these pages are testimonies for my local intent to write an essay. When our thoughts are consciously understood as such testimonies, we gain exponentially more opportunities to extract Cosmic-level insight from them. At the same time, our feelings are continually inspired by these expansive Cosmic intents. We may even start to notice our sensations shift - colors and sounds begin to thicken out, so to speak, so they are experienced as not only flattened perceptual qualities, but also imbued with soul and spiritual qualities. They are the outer manifestations of living minds and their activity. In this way, the feeling and sensory layers are gradually depersonalized and relocated within their truthful Cosmic context.

This is how the phenomenology of intentional activity not only helps us understand the nature of lies and Truth, as misalignments and alignments of the contextual layers embedded within our transforming first-person ‘now’ state, but also orient our intentional lives within that pillar of Truth and pursue it to its furthest Cosmic reaches, into the realms of creative and moral freedom. This concentric orientation is greatly enriched when we take our phenomenological method through the portal of concentration. When we intentionally and inwardly direct our cognitive activity back toward the archetypal layers that structure it, we are seeking to live in Spirit and in Truth. These meditative moments can then become the most truthful ones of our lives, when our inner stream that we normally flow along with is made objective and laid bare before our cognitive perception.


Thanks for posting this essay, I think it offers great clarity and structure around the ideal and the idea of truth, and also the feeling of truth and its pursuit. This is a beneficial opportunity to train one’s phenomenological muscles as well, actively working at the necessary “retraining of our thinking habits” as Cleric puts it. And I think it’s brilliant to have modulated the words, for example by introducing the idea of inner truthfulness as phenomenological equivalent to what most people understand as external, when truth is in question, and by replacing W with S, in the spectrum of activity. Sensory experience is more immediately intelligible for many, I believe. A few questions have also arisen from this read, and I thought I would log some of them. I expect that you won't particularly appreciate what follows. I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this. I hope you will not just discard them by default.

The main question is the following. Maybe it depends on the length you wanted for your essay, but I wonder: in your illustration of the phenomenological strive for truthfulness, why did you choose to leave the degrees of freedom out of focus? I believe you chose to concentrate all DoF in the initial layer of intuitive intents. But they are crucial all along the depth of the concentric layers. In your chair example, it is probably not an expression of untruthfulness if, in the middle of building your chair, the patterns on the wooden pieces evoke a music or a painting idea, and you decide to seize and explore that thought-feeling.

I agree that humanity today needs alignment with inner truthfulness, and with truth, much more than it needs mindless degrees of freedom. Still, in my humble opinion, DoF are crucial in a phenomenological explication, and when they are out of focus, I receive the impression that truthfulness has a monolithic character. But we are permanent co-actors in shaping the lawfulness in relation to which alignment is to be constantly sought. And I would say, the experience of some misalignment is even a necessity and finally a good thing (with measure) because finding truthfulness is an iterative, cyclical process that requires expression of DoF. And when we express them, it’s inevitable that some pendulum clumsiness is experienced.

Because lawfulness resists our TFS activity, and accommodates it, and facilitates it, at the same time. There is also a positive, non-orthogonal effect in those bouncings against the lawfulness of reality, as the surfing metaphor effectively renders.
Sticking to a phenomenological approach, I believe that everything becomes more intuitive, and less monolithic, when the freedom of our TFS is explicitly incorporated in every step of the flow, especially in thinking, where we meet the least resistance, and the least accommodation too, thus we have to take more creative responsibility in order to experience truthfulness. I’ll use our most recent discussion as a concrete example.

To begin with, you have the general intent (I) to engage discussion on various forums, helping people realize the evidence of the inner path. In the context of this intuitive intent, you had an idea the other day (T) of engaging in a discussion with BK. As per your illustration above, the observation is that you experienced some early inner friction in pursuing that eventline, since you were confident (T+F) that BK was too intellectual and ego-inflated in his speculation to be able to grasp anything of value, however, you decided to act (S) as if you were thinking/feeling there was a chance. Then you wrote to him that his idea was very interesting (S), while actually thinking/feeling pretty much the opposite. So, according to the essay, you started off with a lack of truthfulness in that experiential flow. Then you decided to write an esoteric comment (S) and when BK’s disconnected reply came back, you reacted: “See? I was correct. He is indeed too intellectual to understand. But no big deal, all this is trivial.” This, in terms of your essay, reflects even more misalignment, since you formed the thought-feeling that the resistance encountered (BKs disgraceful reply) was a corroborating evidence for your initial judgment about BKs capacities, rather than instructive feedback to your (already misaligned) deeds. To conclude, you dismantled the whole pendulum (it’s trivial) disconnecting in this way the entire eventline from your higher intent.

Now, if the episode is reviewed with an accent on freedom in mind, everything can be read in a more helpful light, or at least this is my opinion. When you were undecided whether to write or not to write, there was indeed friction, but that was not necessarily a negatively untruthful thing. You had many possible options ahead, to shape your flow and search for a truthful alignment of your thoughts, feelings and actions with your higher intent. There were degrees of freedom to experiment with, and it was OK to experience the 'untruthfulness' of momentarily conflicting layers of activity. The alternative is always to remain still and not risk anything. But you chose to surf the lawfulness of that eventline, and I don't see that this should be stigmatized with "untruthfulness". You were a co-actor in shaping that flow. You made choices, like thinking, feeling and writing your comment in esoteric words, and your layers got factored into the turns the experiential eventline subsequently took. In this context, it’s evident that it makes no sense to say that BK’s response corroborated your upstream judgment about him being stuck in intellect and ego-inflated. That would be like using your freedom first, and then claiming that the resulting curvature was actually an intrinsic feature of the lawful background. One can surely doubt and err, but one can't later dismiss one’s free choices and pretend they played no role in shaping the downstream flow. However, the free choices in themselves are not the problem, as long as the downstream flow is recognized as instructive feedback, and actively integrated to orient the future DoF, so that a possibly different curvatures can unfold next time, with BK or with anyone/anything else.

So in this sense, I wonder whether it wouldn't be helpful to give more prominence to the DoF, in the phenomenology of truthfulness that is both inner and co-created.

our thought patterns start to become living symbols and testimonies for the ideal potential, the higher-order intents, from which they have condensed and crystallized, just as the words on these pages are testimonies for my local intent to write an essay. When our thoughts are consciously understood as such testimonies, we gain exponentially more opportunities to extract Cosmic-level insight from them. At the same time, our feelings are continually inspired by these expansive Cosmic intents.

I understand this point, I understand it is the same as in Cleric's last animation above, however this specific formulation strikes me as monolithic. I don’t prefer to comment in more personalized detail than that, but only suggest that maybe the point could be made with a slightly different expression.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:37 pm Ashvin,

Thanks for posting this essay, I think it offers great clarity and structure around the ideal and the idea of truth, and also the feeling of truth and its pursuit. This is a beneficial opportunity to train one’s phenomenological muscles as well, actively working at the necessary “retraining of our thinking habits” as Cleric puts it. And I think it’s brilliant to have modulated the words, for example by introducing the idea of inner truthfulness as phenomenological equivalent to what most people understand as external, when truth is in question, and by replacing W with S, in the spectrum of activity. Sensory experience is more immediately intelligible for many, I believe. A few questions have also arisen from this read, and I thought I would log some of them. I expect that you won't particularly appreciate what follows. I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this. I hope you will not just discard them by default.

The main question is the following. Maybe it depends on the length you wanted for your essay, but I wonder: in your illustration of the phenomenological strive for truthfulness, why did you choose to leave the degrees of freedom out of focus? I believe you chose to concentrate all DoF in the initial layer of intuitive intents. But they are crucial all along the depth of the concentric layers. In your chair example, it is probably not an expression of untruthfulness if, in the middle of building your chair, the patterns on the wooden pieces evoke a music or a painting idea, and you decide to seize and explore that thought-feeling.

I agree that humanity today needs alignment with inner truthfulness, and with truth, much more than it needs mindless degrees of freedom. Still, in my humble opinion, DoF are crucial in a phenomenological explication, and when they are out of focus, I receive the impression that truthfulness has a monolithic character. But we are permanent co-actors in shaping the lawfulness in relation to which alignment is to be constantly sought. And I would say, the experience of some misalignment is even a necessity and finally a good thing (with measure) because finding truthfulness is an iterative, cyclical process that requires expression of DoF. And when we express them, it’s inevitable that some pendulum clumsiness is experienced.

Because lawfulness resists our TFS activity, and accommodates it, and facilitates it, at the same time. There is also a positive, non-orthogonal effect in those bouncings against the lawfulness of reality, as the surfing metaphor effectively renders.
Sticking to a phenomenological approach, I believe that everything becomes more intuitive, and less monolithic, when the freedom of our TFS is explicitly incorporated in every step of the flow, especially in thinking, where we meet the least resistance, and the least accommodation too, thus we have to take more creative responsibility in order to experience truthfulness.

Thank you, Federica, there are interesting and considered points you raise. They could lead us to some fruitful topics that help our intuitive orientation. I will say that the essay was originally developed for submission on a Discord server that was limiting the length to 10 paragraphs or 2-3 pages, so I was trying to keep it from going too far over that limit. So, in that process, there were aspects of the phenomenology that were left out and would have otherwise been helpful to include. I think the discussion of DoF certainly could have used a more expansive treatment, in terms of both how we normally experience those degrees and how we may extend them through our intentionally centered activity. 

I also want to be clear that, by using the word 'untruthful', it is not meant to convey evilness or disparagement or anything similar, in any way. We are speaking of Truth at a much more profound and Cosmic level, which of course relates to our daily stream of experience but also speaks to our evolution over many ages and eons to come. It is the very process by which we will attain our full archetypal humanity and become Divine creators in the evolutionary drama. So, in that sense, we are all untruthful in our stream of experience and will continue to be for many iterations to come. 

I think we have to be careful with what we consider 'DoF' in this context, especially since we often can convince ourselves that getting carried away on an impulsive thought-train is our free act when, in fact, it is simply the expression of an inner soul configuration - a constellation of preferences, sympathies, etc. - that grabs hold of our thinking in the middle of a task. We cannot claim any creative responsibility for these inner soul configurations to begin with. In a certain sense, we are always expanding DoF by simply existing through the flow of Time, integrating every previous duration. But clearly, that's not the sort of DoF we are interested in expanding through the phenomenology of spiritual activity. Instead, we aim to expand DoF in a vertical direction, which we first do by investigating the living structure of our thinking and gaining cognitive distance on the curvatures through which it flows. We could say the more horizontal DoF we gain through simply existing and following thought-trains remain as untapped potential, as unredeemed experience, until we move vertically. 

Imagine we are working through a phenomenological post and something expressed in it evokes a musical or painting idea, which we seize and explore. Would this be expanding our vertical DoF? Clearly not. In a certain sense, our task is exactly to resist those evocative flourishes that tend to disperse our thinking energy and our ability to remain concentric within the flow of experience. In our daily lives, we are understandably becoming frustrated and bored with our increasingly physicalized, prosaic, philistine tasks (like furniture building), and we seek to recover the spiritual orientation through daydreaming, intellectual theorizing, artistic pursuits, etc. Yet by doing so, we continually miss the spiritually concentric forces in the here and now, the very forces that allow us to pursue and fulfill the task. The amazing thing is that we can think about these forces, or at least intuitively sense them, without forsaking any sensory tasks we are engaged in. We can inflow their depth of meaning into the tasks and understand how the latter are fragments of a more holistic tapestry of our spiritual evolution. 

It is a really important exercise, I would say, to utilize the 'law of shrinking' in our daily intents and tasks (outside of meditation). We can try to sense how what we consider "me" should only be the tiny point of balance in our head space where we fashion intuitive intents in relation to the layers of experience that confront our activity. Our physical body, our biological rhythms, and our psychic configurations should all be considered supersensible curvatures in which our tiny point is embedded, and which are normally flattened and projected on the sensory-intellectual screen. They are all on loan to us from the Cosmos so we can gradually exercise and perfect our intuitive activity. In that way, we become more accustomed to only ascribing the expansion of DoF to our thinking state at any given time, rather than to the engagement with any feelings or will/sensory impulses that influence our thinking. 

Of course, this doesn't mean we are forsaking any creative engagement with the currents of feeling and bodily will. In fact, when we center our activity in the Cosmic intentional flow, we rediscover these currents in an entirely new way, a more idealized way. We gain cognitive distance from them and can then find opportunities to creatively apply 'torque' to their rhythms. In this way, the feelings evoked when we engage our tasks will naturally become more archetypal and therefore more concentric, since they equally encompass all sensory tasks. These don't distract us but further inspire us to find the best tasks for our ideal becoming and do them as faithfully and effectively as we can. These tasks can themselves become artistic, musical expressions of our intuitive being.

I am also not suggesting we can be perfectly centered at all times, or that we should feel bad, ashamed, guilty, or anything similar when we are carried away on the pendulum or Moiré of misalignment. You are correct that these misalignments are, overall, an integral part of our development in so far as they prompt us to freely realign and harmonize the rhythms of ITFS. On the other hand, we should try to be perfectly honest with ourselves about how our daily lives are often weaved of disharmony and the corresponding untruthfulness. We should try to look that reality squarely in the eye and realize our full humanity will only be reached when those untruthful ways are overcome. Far from being stigmatizing, this honest assessment should be experienced as liberating and motivating. That recognition is in itself a centering of our intent within the pillar of Truth that will gradually set us free. 

Federica wrote:I’ll use our most recent discussion as a concrete example.

To begin with, you have the general intent (I) to engage discussion on various forums, helping people realize the evidence of the inner path. In the context of this intuitive intent, you had an idea the other day (T) of engaging in a discussion with BK. As per your illustration above, the observation is that you experienced some early inner friction in pursuing that eventline, since you were confident (T+F) that BK was too intellectual and ego-inflated in his speculation to be able to grasp anything of value, however, you decided to act (S) as if you were thinking/feeling there was a chance. Then you wrote to him that his idea was very interesting (S), while actually thinking/feeling pretty much the opposite. So, according to the essay, you started off with a lack of truthfulness in that experiential flow. Then you decided to write an esoteric comment (S) and when BK’s disconnected reply came back, you reacted: “See? I was correct. He is indeed too intellectual to understand. But no big deal, all this is trivial.” This, in terms of your essay, reflects even more misalignment, since you formed the thought-feeling that the resistance encountered (BKs disgraceful reply) was a corroborating evidence for your initial judgment about BKs capacities, rather than instructive feedback to your (already misaligned) deeds. To conclude, you dismantled the whole pendulum (it’s trivial) disconnecting in this way the entire eventline from your higher intent.

Now, if the episode is reviewed with an accent on freedom in mind, everything can be read in a more helpful light, or at least this is my opinion. When you were undecided whether to write or not to write, there was indeed friction, but that was not necessarily a negatively untruthful thing. You had many possible options ahead, to shape your flow and search for a truthful alignment of your thoughts, feelings and actions with your higher intent. There were degrees of freedom to experiment with, and it was OK to experience the 'untruthfulness' of momentarily conflicting layers of activity. The alternative is always to remain still and not risk anything. But you chose to surf the lawfulness of that eventline, and I don't see that this should be stigmatized with "untruthfulness". You were a co-actor in shaping that flow. You made choices, like thinking, feeling and writing your comment in esoteric words, and your layers got factored into the turns the experiential eventline subsequently took. In this context, it’s evident that it makes no sense to say that BK’s response corroborated your upstream judgment about him being stuck in intellect and ego-inflated. That would be like using your freedom first, and then claiming that the resulting curvature was actually an intrinsic feature of the lawful background. One can surely doubt and err, but one can't later dismiss one’s free choices and pretend they played no role in shaping the downstream flow. However, the free choices in themselves are not the problem, as long as the downstream flow is recognized as instructive feedback, and actively integrated to orient the future DoF, so that a possibly different curvatures can unfold next time, with BK or with anyone/anything else.

So in this sense, I wonder whether it wouldn't be helpful to give more prominence to the DoF, in the phenomenology of truthfulness that is both inner and co-created.

I wrote somewhat of a response to this part already, but I am hesitating to post it. I have a sense that it could lead into many unfruitful directions, generally away from the core topic. It may be more helpful to just ask a question - why did you choose this example to illustrate your point instead of another phenomenological one, an example that has nothing to do with your conception of our recent exchange on the forum, which you admittedly found irritating?

If you think this is an attempt to avoid your reasoning, the proverbial 'slap in the face', and don't want to answer, that's fine. I would then ask you to come up with another example, unrelated to your conception of what took place in the recent discussion, to illustrate the point you are trying to make. Perhaps my response to the first part has already modified your view on the ideas at issue.

Suffice to say, so it's not felt as a complete avoidance, I don't think this 'concrete' example is either phenomenological or helpful to orient our intuition of the concentric layers of intent across the elemental to Cosmic spectrum.

I hope it's clear that I am not addressing your example in this way because I feel that I am incapable of being misaligned and untruthful in my own stream of IFTS experience. Again, if that were the case, I would practically be an Initiate or an Angelic being. And I assure you that I have no illusions I am anywhere close to being either :)

Federica wrote:
our thought patterns start to become living symbols and testimonies for the ideal potential, the higher-order intents, from which they have condensed and crystallized, just as the words on these pages are testimonies for my local intent to write an essay. When our thoughts are consciously understood as such testimonies, we gain exponentially more opportunities to extract Cosmic-level insight from them. At the same time, our feelings are continually inspired by these expansive Cosmic intents.
I understand this point, I understand it is the same as in Cleric's last animation above, however this specific formulation strikes me as monolithic. I don’t prefer to comment in more personalized detail than that, but only suggest that maybe the point could be made with a slightly different expression.

Certainly, this was a very abstract and low-resolution way of putting it. This is one of the areas I would have expanded on if there was more room and more inspiration. And, yes, there are always ways to improve our expression of the intuitions we are trying to point attention to.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Federica »

AshvinP wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:42 am ...
Ashvin wrote:I think we have to be careful with what we consider 'DoF' in this context, especially since we often can convince ourselves that getting carried away on an impulsive thought-train is our free act when, in fact, it is simply the expression of an inner soul configuration

Admittedly, the wooden pattern example was not the most striking I ever came up with. I was mainly trying to tie into your chair example, and I agree the particular eventline I sketched isn’t a great case for how the degrees of freedom are built into every layer of the concentricity and normally create some healthy level of misalignment. That’s why I then spent two long paragraphs detailing a much better example which I believe illustrates my point much more effectively. In short, I understand and agree with your whole elaboration on why following a horizontal insight is not a great example of the DoF we are interested in developing. I would say, though, I don’t think the only way to leverage degrees of freedom is by means of concentration, meditation, study-meditation. Also ‘normal thinking’ immersed in the daily flow of worldly activities can be a means to that.

Ashvin wrote: It is a really important exercise, I would say, to utilize the 'law of shrinking' in our daily intents and tasks (outside of meditation). We can try to sense how what we consider "me" should only be the tiny point of balance in our head space where we fashion intuitive intents in relation to the layers of experience that confront our activity. Our physical body, our biological rhythms, and our psychic configurations should all be considered supersensible curvatures in which our tiny point is embedded, and which are normally flattened and projected on the sensory-intellectual screen.

Yes - I think I have tried to render something similar in my recent dummy-to-dummy post:
Federica wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:33 pm When we consider reality as a dynamic experiential ecosystem of ever-interacting inner and outer flows of countless beings, we also may start to decondition from primary identification with our physical extension (body) as the center of our outer eventlines. We decondition from that one-to-one correspondence between our experiential flow and our physical body. We may realize that we are not so much a physical body owning a purely individual flow of experience, but more like an inner + outer perceptual flow that we’re only partially conscious of as yet. This flow that we are, includes the experience of a clearly individualized material body.
Ashvin wrote:It may be more helpful to just ask a question - why did you choose this example to illustrate your point instead of another phenomenological one, an example that has nothing to do with your conception of our recent exchange on the forum, which you admittedly found irritating?

🚩If you think this is an attempt to avoid your reasoning🚩, the proverbial 'slap in the face', and don't want to answer, that's fine. I would then ask you to come up with another example, unrelated to your conception of what took place in the recent discussion, to illustrate the point you are trying to make. Perhaps my response to the first part has already modified your view on the ideas at issue.

Suffice to say, 🚩so it's not felt as a complete avoidance,🚩 I don't think this 'concrete' example is either phenomenological or helpful to orient our intuition of the concentric layers of intent across the elemental to Cosmic spectrum.

Ashvin :)

At this point I genuinely wonder if you noticed: your “question” here is precisely the one I asked you to consider as a premise to my whole comment! :D I believe it was clearly put: "I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this. I hope you will not just discard them by default."

So - you can imagine - I for myself know the answer. If you can, please believe me :D
My hope was that, rather than confirming your bias about me, you would try to consider what other reasons I might have had to write what I wrote, other than: Here's a twisted soul in a self-victimizing delirium. Anyway, for some reason, you couldn’t do what I asked and just had to turn the question back to me. Now I could keep playing the same game, but I won’t. Let me answer the question for you now.

I wanted to flag a trait I notice. I notice that you tend to have a 🚩monolithic stance.🚩 I found it clearly present in our latest BK discussion for instance, and I found noticeable traces of it in your essay too (as I tried to describe) and in your reply here. And I think the illustration I provided is an effective way to flag both cases in one go. That’s why I chose it.

Trying to be more precise - I do take these conversations non trivially (unapologetically so). However, from there to the "proverbial slap in the face” there is a whole gradient of contexts and a whole trajectory of inner growth. The slap in the face was a long time ago, and in a different context. Over against that, the 🚩monolithic stance🚩here appears when you prefer to force-fit new data into the template of your old judgments, ignoring the new context. Not that this is an unusual phenomenon, but I thought I could express myself more openly and freely here. I added multiple smiles to my "point of irritation", I repeated it was anecdotal compared to the main point, but it didn't help. You kept force-fitting my thoughts and feelings on my behalf, into your old templates. You are right, of course, my example can’t be a phenomenological example from my perspective. How could it be, only you hold the first person experience of it. From my viewpoint it’s a speculation. Nevertheless, I think it is an appropriate speculation. On the one hand, it suggests that, when the essential DoF are kept in focus, they attenuate the monolithic character of truthfulness as it seems to emerge from your essay (in my opinion), and on the other hand, it shows that, when our DoF are left out of focus, the risk is to mistake them for contextual lawfulness (which I feel applies to both your BK discussion and our discussion about it). Moreover the example incorporates a phenomenological invitation. It's a real experience that can be re-membered and re-evaluated in these perspectives. There you have them, all the reasons why I thought that was a fitting example.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Güney27 »

AshvinP wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:42 am
Federica wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:37 pm Ashvin,

Thanks for posting this essay, I think it offers great clarity and structure around the ideal and the idea of truth, and also the feeling of truth and its pursuit. This is a beneficial opportunity to train one’s phenomenological muscles as well, actively working at the necessary “retraining of our thinking habits” as Cleric puts it. And I think it’s brilliant to have modulated the words, for example by introducing the idea of inner truthfulness as phenomenological equivalent to what most people understand as external, when truth is in question, and by replacing W with S, in the spectrum of activity. Sensory experience is more immediately intelligible for many, I believe. A few questions have also arisen from this read, and I thought I would log some of them. I expect that you won't particularly appreciate what follows. I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this. I hope you will not just discard them by default.

The main question is the following. Maybe it depends on the length you wanted for your essay, but I wonder: in your illustration of the phenomenological strive for truthfulness, why did you choose to leave the degrees of freedom out of focus? I believe you chose to concentrate all DoF in the initial layer of intuitive intents. But they are crucial all along the depth of the concentric layers. In your chair example, it is probably not an expression of untruthfulness if, in the middle of building your chair, the patterns on the wooden pieces evoke a music or a painting idea, and you decide to seize and explore that thought-feeling.

I agree that humanity today needs alignment with inner truthfulness, and with truth, much more than it needs mindless degrees of freedom. Still, in my humble opinion, DoF are crucial in a phenomenological explication, and when they are out of focus, I receive the impression that truthfulness has a monolithic character. But we are permanent co-actors in shaping the lawfulness in relation to which alignment is to be constantly sought. And I would say, the experience of some misalignment is even a necessity and finally a good thing (with measure) because finding truthfulness is an iterative, cyclical process that requires expression of DoF. And when we express them, it’s inevitable that some pendulum clumsiness is experienced.

Because lawfulness resists our TFS activity, and accommodates it, and facilitates it, at the same time. There is also a positive, non-orthogonal effect in those bouncings against the lawfulness of reality, as the surfing metaphor effectively renders.
Sticking to a phenomenological approach, I believe that everything becomes more intuitive, and less monolithic, when the freedom of our TFS is explicitly incorporated in every step of the flow, especially in thinking, where we meet the least resistance, and the least accommodation too, thus we have to take more creative responsibility in order to experience truthfulness.

Thank you, Federica, there are interesting and considered points you raise. They could lead us to some fruitful topics that help our intuitive orientation. I will say that the essay was originally developed for submission on a Discord server that was limiting the length to 10 paragraphs or 2-3 pages, so I was trying to keep it from going too far over that limit. So, in that process, there were aspects of the phenomenology that were left out and would have otherwise been helpful to include. I think the discussion of DoF certainly could have used a more expansive treatment, in terms of both how we normally experience those degrees and how we may extend them through our intentionally centered activity. 

I also want to be clear that, by using the word 'untruthful', it is not meant to convey evilness or disparagement or anything similar, in any way. We are speaking of Truth at a much more profound and Cosmic level, which of course relates to our daily stream of experience but also speaks to our evolution over many ages and eons to come. It is the very process by which we will attain our full archetypal humanity and become Divine creators in the evolutionary drama. So, in that sense, we are all untruthful in our stream of experience and will continue to be for many iterations to come. 

I think we have to be careful with what we consider 'DoF' in this context, especially since we often can convince ourselves that getting carried away on an impulsive thought-train is our free act when, in fact, it is simply the expression of an inner soul configuration - a constellation of preferences, sympathies, etc. - that grabs hold of our thinking in the middle of a task. We cannot claim any creative responsibility for these inner soul configurations to begin with. In a certain sense, we are always expanding DoF by simply existing through the flow of Time, integrating every previous duration. But clearly, that's not the sort of DoF we are interested in expanding through the phenomenology of spiritual activity. Instead, we aim to expand DoF in a vertical direction, which we first do by investigating the living structure of our thinking and gaining cognitive distance on the curvatures through which it flows. We could say the more horizontal DoF we gain through simply existing and following thought-trains remain as untapped potential, as unredeemed experience, until we move vertically. 

Imagine we are working through a phenomenological post and something expressed in it evokes a musical or painting idea, which we seize and explore. Would this be expanding our vertical DoF? Clearly not. In a certain sense, our task is exactly to resist those evocative flourishes that tend to disperse our thinking energy and our ability to remain concentric within the flow of experience. In our daily lives, we are understandably becoming frustrated and bored with our increasingly physicalized, prosaic, philistine tasks (like furniture building), and we seek to recover the spiritual orientation through daydreaming, intellectual theorizing, artistic pursuits, etc. Yet by doing so, we continually miss the spiritually concentric forces in the here and now, the very forces that allow us to pursue and fulfill the task. The amazing thing is that we can think about these forces, or at least intuitively sense them, without forsaking any sensory tasks we are engaged in. We can inflow their depth of meaning into the tasks and understand how the latter are fragments of a more holistic tapestry of our spiritual evolution. 

It is a really important exercise, I would say, to utilize the 'law of shrinking' in our daily intents and tasks (outside of meditation). We can try to sense how what we consider "me" should only be the tiny point of balance in our head space where we fashion intuitive intents in relation to the layers of experience that confront our activity. Our physical body, our biological rhythms, and our psychic configurations should all be considered supersensible curvatures in which our tiny point is embedded, and which are normally flattened and projected on the sensory-intellectual screen. They are all on loan to us from the Cosmos so we can gradually exercise and perfect our intuitive activity. In that way, we become more accustomed to only ascribing the expansion of DoF to our thinking state at any given time, rather than to the engagement with any feelings or will/sensory impulses that influence our thinking. 

Of course, this doesn't mean we are forsaking any creative engagement with the currents of feeling and bodily will. In fact, when we center our activity in the Cosmic intentional flow, we rediscover these currents in an entirely new way, a more idealized way. We gain cognitive distance from them and can then find opportunities to creatively apply 'torque' to their rhythms. In this way, the feelings evoked when we engage our tasks will naturally become more archetypal and therefore more concentric, since they equally encompass all sensory tasks. These don't distract us but further inspire us to find the best tasks for our ideal becoming and do them as faithfully and effectively as we can. These tasks can themselves become artistic, musical expressions of our intuitive being.

I am also not suggesting we can be perfectly centered at all times, or that we should feel bad, ashamed, guilty, or anything similar when we are carried away on the pendulum or Moiré of misalignment. You are correct that these misalignments are, overall, an integral part of our development in so far as they prompt us to freely realign and harmonize the rhythms of ITFS. On the other hand, we should try to be perfectly honest with ourselves about how our daily lives are often weaved of disharmony and the corresponding untruthfulness. We should try to look that reality squarely in the eye and realize our full humanity will only be reached when those untruthful ways are overcome. Far from being stigmatizing, this honest assessment should be experienced as liberating and motivating. That recognition is in itself a centering of our intent within the pillar of Truth that will gradually set us free. 

Federica wrote:I’ll use our most recent discussion as a concrete example.

To begin with, you have the general intent (I) to engage discussion on various forums, helping people realize the evidence of the inner path. In the context of this intuitive intent, you had an idea the other day (T) of engaging in a discussion with BK. As per your illustration above, the observation is that you experienced some early inner friction in pursuing that eventline, since you were confident (T+F) that BK was too intellectual and ego-inflated in his speculation to be able to grasp anything of value, however, you decided to act (S) as if you were thinking/feeling there was a chance. Then you wrote to him that his idea was very interesting (S), while actually thinking/feeling pretty much the opposite. So, according to the essay, you started off with a lack of truthfulness in that experiential flow. Then you decided to write an esoteric comment (S) and when BK’s disconnected reply came back, you reacted: “See? I was correct. He is indeed too intellectual to understand. But no big deal, all this is trivial.” This, in terms of your essay, reflects even more misalignment, since you formed the thought-feeling that the resistance encountered (BKs disgraceful reply) was a corroborating evidence for your initial judgment about BKs capacities, rather than instructive feedback to your (already misaligned) deeds. To conclude, you dismantled the whole pendulum (it’s trivial) disconnecting in this way the entire eventline from your higher intent.

Now, if the episode is reviewed with an accent on freedom in mind, everything can be read in a more helpful light, or at least this is my opinion. When you were undecided whether to write or not to write, there was indeed friction, but that was not necessarily a negatively untruthful thing. You had many possible options ahead, to shape your flow and search for a truthful alignment of your thoughts, feelings and actions with your higher intent. There were degrees of freedom to experiment with, and it was OK to experience the 'untruthfulness' of momentarily conflicting layers of activity. The alternative is always to remain still and not risk anything. But you chose to surf the lawfulness of that eventline, and I don't see that this should be stigmatized with "untruthfulness". You were a co-actor in shaping that flow. You made choices, like thinking, feeling and writing your comment in esoteric words, and your layers got factored into the turns the experiential eventline subsequently took. In this context, it’s evident that it makes no sense to say that BK’s response corroborated your upstream judgment about him being stuck in intellect and ego-inflated. That would be like using your freedom first, and then claiming that the resulting curvature was actually an intrinsic feature of the lawful background. One can surely doubt and err, but one can't later dismiss one’s free choices and pretend they played no role in shaping the downstream flow. However, the free choices in themselves are not the problem, as long as the downstream flow is recognized as instructive feedback, and actively integrated to orient the future DoF, so that a possibly different curvatures can unfold next time, with BK or with anyone/anything else.

So in this sense, I wonder whether it wouldn't be helpful to give more prominence to the DoF, in the phenomenology of truthfulness that is both inner and co-created.

I wrote somewhat of a response to this part already, but I am hesitating to post it. I have a sense that it could lead into many unfruitful directions, generally away from the core topic. It may be more helpful to just ask a question - why did you choose this example to illustrate your point instead of another phenomenological one, an example that has nothing to do with your conception of our recent exchange on the forum, which you admittedly found irritating?

If you think this is an attempt to avoid your reasoning, the proverbial 'slap in the face', and don't want to answer, that's fine. I would then ask you to come up with another example, unrelated to your conception of what took place in the recent discussion, to illustrate the point you are trying to make. Perhaps my response to the first part has already modified your view on the ideas at issue.

Suffice to say, so it's not felt as a complete avoidance, I don't think this 'concrete' example is either phenomenological or helpful to orient our intuition of the concentric layers of intent across the elemental to Cosmic spectrum.

I hope it's clear that I am not addressing your example in this way because I feel that I am incapable of being misaligned and untruthful in my own stream of IFTS experience. Again, if that were the case, I would practically be an Initiate or an Angelic being. And I assure you that I have no illusions I am anywhere close to being either :)

Federica wrote:
our thought patterns start to become living symbols and testimonies for the ideal potential, the higher-order intents, from which they have condensed and crystallized, just as the words on these pages are testimonies for my local intent to write an essay. When our thoughts are consciously understood as such testimonies, we gain exponentially more opportunities to extract Cosmic-level insight from them. At the same time, our feelings are continually inspired by these expansive Cosmic intents.
I understand this point, I understand it is the same as in Cleric's last animation above, however this specific formulation strikes me as monolithic. I don’t prefer to comment in more personalized detail than that, but only suggest that maybe the point could be made with a slightly different expression.

Certainly, this was a very abstract and low-resolution way of putting it. This is one of the areas I would have expanded on if there was more room and more inspiration. And, yes, there are always ways to improve our expression of the intuitions we are trying to point attention to.
Thank you Ashvin!
It is a really important exercise, I would say, to utilize the 'law of shrinking' in our daily intents and tasks (outside of meditation). We can try to sense how what we consider "me" should only be the tiny point of balance in our head space where we fashion intuitive intents in relation to the layers of experience that confront our activity. Our physical body, our biological rhythms, and our psychic configurations should all be considered supersensible curvatures in which our tiny point is embedded, and which are normally flattened and projected on the sensory-intellectual screen. They are all on loan to us from the Cosmos so we can gradually exercise and perfect our intuitive activity. In that way, we become more accustomed to only ascribing the expansion of DoF to our thinking state at any given time, rather than to the engagement with any feelings or will/sensory impulses that influence our thinking.

Of course, this doesn't mean we are forsaking any creative engagement with the currents of feeling and bodily will. In fact, when we center our activity in the Cosmic intentional flow, we rediscover these currents in an entirely new way, a more idealized way. We gain cognitive distance from them and can then find opportunities to creatively apply 'torque' to their rhythms. In this way, the feelings evoked when we engage our tasks will naturally become more archetypal and therefore more concentric, since they equally encompass all sensory tasks. These don't distract us but further inspire us to find the best tasks for our ideal becoming and do them as faithfully and effectively as we can. These tasks can themselves become artistic, musical expressions of our intuitive being.

I am also not suggesting we can be perfectly centered at all times, or that we should feel bad, ashamed, guilty, or anything similar when we are carried away on the pendulum or Moiré of misalignment. You are correct that these misalignments are, overall, an integral part of our development in so far as they prompt us to freely realign and harmonize the rhythms of ITFS. On the other hand, we should try to be perfectly honest with ourselves about how our daily lives are often weaved of disharmony and the corresponding untruthfulness. We should try to look that reality squarely in the eye and realize our full humanity will only be reached when those untruthful ways are overcome. Far from being stigmatizing, this honest assessment should be experienced as liberating and motivating. That recognition is in itself a centering of our intent within the pillar of Truth that will gradually set us free.

How do you do this exercise concretely?
Do you concentrate your thinking on something specific?

Are you doing these exercises to get a better understanding of how our stream of becoming is shaped trough a certain constellation ?
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:34 pm
AshvinP wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:42 am ...
Ashvin wrote:I think we have to be careful with what we consider 'DoF' in this context, especially since we often can convince ourselves that getting carried away on an impulsive thought-train is our free act when, in fact, it is simply the expression of an inner soul configuration

Admittedly, the wooden pattern example was not the most striking I ever came up with. I was mainly trying to tie into your chair example, and I agree the particular eventline I sketched isn’t a great case for how the degrees of freedom are built into every layer of the concentricity and normally create some healthy level of misalignment. That’s why I then spent two long paragraphs detailing a much better example which I believe illustrates my point much more effectively. In short, I understand and agree with your whole elaboration on why following a horizontal insight is not a great example of the DoF we are interested in developing. I would say, though, I don’t think the only way to leverage degrees of freedom is by means of concentration, meditation, study-meditation. Also ‘normal thinking’ immersed in the daily flow of worldly activities can be a means to that.

Alright, can you share an example of the bold so I have a better understanding of what you intend to convey?

I will say that it is one thing to notice our inevitable misalignments in the daily flow, pay attention to them and learn from them, realizing there is great wisdom in this iterative process of our evolution, but another thing to convince ourselves they are healthy or should be sought out to some extent. We don't need to seek them out because they will naturally seek us out every step of the way. As Cleric said, many people spend their entire lives in a perpetual state of misalignment.

Federica wrote:
Ashvin wrote:It may be more helpful to just ask a question - why did you choose this example to illustrate your point instead of another phenomenological one, an example that has nothing to do with your conception of our recent exchange on the forum, which you admittedly found irritating?

🚩If you think this is an attempt to avoid your reasoning🚩, the proverbial 'slap in the face', and don't want to answer, that's fine. I would then ask you to come up with another example, unrelated to your conception of what took place in the recent discussion, to illustrate the point you are trying to make. Perhaps my response to the first part has already modified your view on the ideas at issue.

Suffice to say, 🚩so it's not felt as a complete avoidance,🚩 I don't think this 'concrete' example is either phenomenological or helpful to orient our intuition of the concentric layers of intent across the elemental to Cosmic spectrum.

Ashvin :)

At this point I genuinely wonder if you noticed: your “question” here is precisely the one I asked you to consider as a premise to my whole comment! :D I believe it was clearly put: "I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this. I hope you will not just discard them by default."

So - you can imagine - I for myself know the answer. If you can, please believe me :D
My hope was that, rather than confirming your bias about me, you would try to consider what other reasons I might have had to write what I wrote, other than: Here's a twisted soul in a self-victimizing delirium. Anyway, for some reason, you couldn’t do what I asked and just had to turn the question back to me. Now I could keep playing the same game, but I won’t. Let me answer the question for you now.

I wanted to flag a trait I notice. I notice that you tend to have a 🚩monolithic stance.🚩 I found it clearly present in our latest BK discussion for instance, and I found noticeable traces of it in your essay too (as I tried to describe) and in your reply here. And I think the illustration I provided is an effective way to flag both cases in one go. That’s why I chose it.

Trying to be more precise - I do take these conversations non trivially (unapologetically so). However, from there to the "proverbial slap in the face” there is whole gradient of contexts and a whole trajectory of inner growth. The slap in the face was a long time ago, and in a different context. Over against that, the 🚩monolithic stance🚩here appears when you prefer to force-fit new data into the template of your old judgments, ignoring the new context. Not that this is an unusual phenomenon, but I thought I could express myself more openly and freely here. I added multiple smiles to my "point of irritation", I repeated it was anecdotal compared to the main point, but it didn't help. You kept force-fitting my thoughts and feelings on my behalf, into your old templates. You are right, of course, my example can’t be a phenomenological example from my perspective. How could it be, only you hold the first person experience of it. From my viewpoint it’s a speculation. Nevertheless, I think it is an appropriate speculation. On the one hand, it suggests that, when the essential DoF are kept in focus, they attenuate the monolithic character of truthfulness as it seems to emerge from your essay (in my opinion), and on the other hand, it shows that, when our DoF are left out of focus, the risk is to mistake them for contextual lawfulness (which I feel applies to both your BK discussion and our discussion about it). Moreover the example incorporates a phenomenological invitation. It's a real experience that can be re-membered and re-evaluated in these perspectives. There you have them, all the reasons why I thought that was a fitting example.

Yes, as soon as you felt the need to caveat your post with - "I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this." - I thought to myself, "Oh no, here we go again..." :) It felt like you were trying to blunt the impact of what you knew would be highly personalized and speculative.

You have clearly shown above why it is not a fitting example. I think you are too merged with your feelings on this topic, Federica, to see the obvious fact that you are making premature and conclusive judgments and convincing yourself that it is something useful to contemplate. Not only is the assessment of my IFTS speculation from your viewpoint (red), but it is speculation that you are treating as if it reflects phenomenal facts that are useful (blue), even though you know that's a speculative treatment. And throughout all of the speculation, I still don't understand how it helps clarify the point about DoF, even if the speculation about my ITFS experience was entirely valid.

Feel free to respond, but I say we let this whole part of the discussion subside and focus on the first part. I will try to resist continuing this line further.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by AshvinP »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:23 pm
AshvinP wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:54 pm ...
Thank you Ashvin! There are so many everyday examples here that can bring us to the essence of our inner life, only if we're willing to make the needed observations.

The concentric alignment of the inner ITFS depth is really key. It is of great value if we get in the habit throughout the day, to make these circles concentric 🧿 even if just for a split-second. My personal favorite when I'm walking through the city streets, is waiting at a traffic light 🚦. It gives the perfect opportunity to freeze for a few seconds and make the whole spectrum - from the elemental to the Cosmic - in concentric alignment. With our mind we make concentric the lower circles while with our heart we allow ourselves to be made concentric to the Cosmic minds, in prayerful submission.

Here's another way to metaphorically express these concentric relations and the multi-arm pendulum:

An interesting thing to contemplate is how adding each additional circle on top of the others, yields ever more complicated patterns. Another thing to contemplate is how if we look carefully, we'll see how periodically the three circles completely align. This is really what we strive for in the split-second experiences 🧿 and when we try to hold these experiences for longer in meditation. It can be said that when we reach the stage where we can hold all the circles in alignment, when all ITFS are in tune, we are in the Intuitive stage. Then our thinking is united with and intuits the true ideal foundations (the largest circle - S). Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition can be metaphorically understood as the stages of alignment of the grids, where we first learn to align the smallest grid of our thinking life (T). It's important to note that at our stage, aligning the grids doesn't mean that they disappear. We're still in the Earthly context, yet our whole physical body (S) is so attuned to the Cosmic ideal curvatures, that only from this perspective we understand what it means for the Gods to Think-Will the ideal lattice of the inner Cosmos. As the circles wiggle again, the Intuitions transduce into images and concepts.

The physical condition is a spiritual state of existence, where these circles are all out-of-phase - thus the incredible complexity of the experience (yet mathematically lawful). It can be noted that in the animation above I have taken care that the rates of rotation of the circles have integer ratios. Only because of this, the conjunction moments may happen. This is very important in music:


The Greeks were the first to investigate the numerical relations of the string lengths (related to frequency). They found that the simplest integer relations sound most consonant. For example, the perfect fifth interval, which corresponds to a 1:3 ratio and the octave 1:2. Our familiar 7/12 tone system originates from such relations. The more nodes the vibrations share, the more consonant they sound. On a larger scale this holds also for rhythm, where the measures are divided into whole, half, quarter, etc. notes. For example, I may be playing quarter notes, and the other person plays whole notes but what counts is to have the conjunction at the end of the measure.

If the animation above is set up with irrational ratios of the rotations, then there may never be a conjunction. Alas, this is how most of the life in present humankind passes between birth and death. There are still so many human beings who live in permanent Moiré chaos of spiritual phenomena, never sensing a conjunction of the spiritual depth. I really pray that the tides are gradually turning.

Thank you, Cleric, there is an endless depth to explore in these new illustrations.

The Moiré animation is an excellent visualization of the concentric alignment/misalignment. The dynamic movement and shapes really help convey we are dealing with living inner patterns of our intuitive flow that take on different TFS constellations depending on the layer of experience and corresponding resistance to our intentional activity. In a certain sense, the patterns really do remind of archetypal soul life, biological life, and sensory life, in so far as they become more orderly, stable, and consistent as we move from center to periphery. I suppose that is only to be expected since ideal reality is indeed weaved of a musically mathematical structure.

I'm curious, do you code all of that in the shadertoy image? Who is writing all the commentary in brown?

The analogy to musical ratios that are integer (consonant) vs. irrational (dissonant) is also great. I am sure that could be developed much further to metaphorically explore the conjunction moments of our ITFS rhythms.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Cleric K »

AshvinP wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:28 pm Thank you, Cleric, there is an endless depth to explore in these new illustrations.

The Moiré animation is an excellent visualization of the concentric alignment/misalignment. The dynamic movement and shapes really help convey we are dealing with living inner patterns of our intuitive flow that take on different TFS constellations depending on the layer of experience and corresponding resistance to our intentional activity. In a certain sense, the patterns really do remind of archetypal soul life, biological life, and sensory life, in so far as they become more orderly, stable, and consistent as we move from center to periphery. I suppose that is only to be expected since ideal reality is indeed weaved of a musically mathematical structure.

I'm curious, do you code all of that in the shadertoy image? Who is writing all the commentary in brown?

The analogy to musical ratios that are integer (consonant) vs. irrational (dissonant) is also great. I am sure that could be developed much further to metaphorically explore the conjunction moments of our ITFS rhythms.
Thank you, Ashvin!

I took the hex grid code from because I was too lazy to write one myself :)
In this case my code is only in the hexCircle() and mainImage() functions (towards the end). I simply replicate the hex grid and give it some form and rotations.
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Re: Essay: A Phenomenology of Truthfulness

Post by Federica »

AshvinP wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:59 pm Yes, as soon as you felt the need to caveat your post with - "I ask you to ponder the possibility that this is not necessarily the expression of a twisted soul who makes up foolish cases only to vent unconscious antipathies. After all, there are other motives that could explain why I am writing this." - I thought to myself, "Oh no, here we go again..." :) It felt like you were trying to blunt the impact of what you knew would be highly personalized and speculative.

You have clearly shown above why it is not a fitting example. I think you are too merged with your feelings on this topic, Federica, to see the obvious fact that you are making premature and conclusive judgments and convincing yourself that it is something useful to contemplate. Not only is the assessment of my IFTS speculation from your viewpoint (red), but it is speculation that you are treating as if it reflects phenomenal facts that are useful (blue), even though you know that's a speculative treatment. And throughout all of the speculation, I still don't understand how it helps clarify the point about DoF, even if the speculation about my ITFS experience was entirely valid.

Feel free to respond, but I say we let this whole part of the discussion subside and focus on the first part. I will try to resist continuing this line further.

I am fine with letting this subside. I don’t have difficulties considering that I may be too merged with a feeling, or wrong in my speculations, but I do have difficulties contemplating the possibility that I see whole patterns and behaviors that literally do not exist, in other words that I am floating in a delirium of some sort :) So I agree we should let this fall. If it’s a dead end, so be it. I tried to answer the question, and so I am at peace with that.

Regarding your last question, I meant any thoughts that formulate and accompany actions in the world, moving us along a certain curvature and not another one. As understanding of our life trajectory is improved, everyday thinking should also express more and more useful DoF. We don’t always have the possibility to deeply reflect or meditate on, say, our replies in a friendly conversation, or our smaller decisions to spend our time in this or that activity.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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