Scientism as Black Magic: "Hiding Spirituality w/ Descartes, Kant and Freud"

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Scientism as Black Magic: "Hiding Spirituality w/ Descartes, Kant and Freud"

Post by AshvinP »

I came across a very interesting discussion with Jason Reza Jorjani. He discusses the force of "scientism" in the world as it emerged from the Cartesian and Kantian divisions. Jorjani believes it is not simply a metaphorical evil force, but a real demonic force of the spiritual realm which unconsciously grips the world. A force which drives increasing mindless mechanization of human existence. As we have discussed before on the previous iteration of this forum, I have serious disagreements with some of Jorjani's conclusions, especially his proposed "solutions", as far as I have understood them, but he is able to connect a lot of important thinkers and philosophies in an insightful and articulate manner. I definitely share many of his concerns.

Around minute 20, Jorjani goes into some detail about Giordano Bruno and what led to the Cartesian and Kantian divisions and then traces it through to the thought of Foucault and post-structural "deconstruction" in general.

Prometheus and Atlas, Author: Jason Reza Jorjani - Hiding spirituality with Descartes, Kant, Freud.
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."