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Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:28 pm
by RehabDoc
A great deal of our real experience of the world has to do with dynamics and the insoluble issue of motion as a truly continuous process. This was the issue that Newton and Leibniz were attempting to address with the invention of the Calculus. But did they really manage to address it? Or just come to some type of approximation? One of the ways in which meaning reveals itself through process is when things tend to 'line up' or correlate in ways that we cannot readily explain rationally. Well, we can call it all 'coincidence' as did Arthur Koestler in his famous book, 'The Roots of Coincidence'.. .

But, there are some co-occurrences that are extremely hard to explain and accept as random correlation in time. And if we are indeed meaning-seeking beings, then it is likely that we will place significance on such temporal correlation of events.

This issue, which has drawn the attention of mystics throughout the ages, and more recently, has been approached by Jung and Pauli, as well as by F David Peat and many others, is of deep concern and fascination, I think. I am wondering how it relates to 'The Idea of the World' and the deep nature of time. If time is a continuum, that each moment has infinite depth and, effectively, anything can happen with non-zero probability, even though the laws of nature make some things more likely to occur than others. But how certain might that connection be? And is there a fundamental and inescapable uncertainty that founds reality? Are the laws of nature potentially mutable? Or are they fixed as they are forever?

This and many other questions like it are to be explored in a series of talks and discussion being sponsored through the Pari Center ( ) in the town of Pari, a mountaintop town in Tuscany, founded by F David Peat.

More information, should anyone be interested, can be found here: ... nd-matter/

It looks to me like it is going to be a fantastic and deeply probing look at the nature of Synchronicity and the bridge that time and the dynamical provides between Mind and Matter....