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Trauma and Spiritual Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:50 pm
by Lou Gold
In a separate conversation, Ashvin asked an excellent question:
Why should 'events' force us to realize the deeper levels of understanding as opposed to us freely seeking and confronting them ourselves?
Here's a quite interesting discussion...

Key idea to contemplate: "In dissociated space, we are not able to evolve our energy."

Re: Trauma and Spiritual Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:20 pm
by David_Sundaram
Lou Gold wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:50 pm In a separate conversation, Ashvin asked an excellent question:
Why should 'events' force us to realize the deeper levels of understanding as opposed to us freely seeking and confronting them ourselves?
Key idea to contemplate: "In dissociated space, we are not able to evolve our energy."
I have no idea of what the concept of 'dissociated' space is intended to represent, but, speaking of what I think of as associated :D time-n-space, concurring with the view that 'trauma' is, in some sense at least, necessary to prod/spur psychospiritual 'development', from my treatise:

"The ... point I want to be sure I get across (because it is counterintuitive to those who are still philosophically wrapped up in a body-ego based, and hence physiosocially focused, calculus) is that the pains and losses (etc.) that are suffered and shared in the course of incarnational Life, even as horrific as these will undoubtedly be experienced as being in the course of the apocalypse that is presently unfolding, are not something to be either feared or lamented (not 'really', that is).  It is the very unavoidability of such experience that motivates souls to break out of and jettison the ego‑shells which they would otherwise ‘naturally’ not be inclined to do, because it then becomes unmistakably clear that personal pleasure-maximizing and pain-minimizing schemes and strategies amount to no more than vain attempts to climb and/or carry others up to a higher deck on a sinking physiosocial ‘ship’.

Though self-gratifying physiological and social support systems as well as imaginative projections which lead people to hope and emotionally anticipate that they will, even if not right away, at least experience relief, ease, fulfillment, happiness, etc. in the future may indeed be Love and Joy sustaining up to a point, the fact remains that soulfully encountering and  experiencing the kinds of ‘troubles’ that are, in the final analysis, inescapable aspects of being ensconced ‘in’ a physically limited, temporally transient personal body that is subject to frustration, pain, loss, ego‑defeat, death, etc. is necessary for the kind of self‑transcendental ‘i’dentity expansion and psychospiritual growth spoken of in this chapter to  be situationally ‘called’ for and stimulated to ‘come’ forth.  A soul’s capacity for psychospiritual fortitude and interpersonal empathy (stemming from cognition and appreciation of the ubiquitousness and transcendency of the Presence and Power of Life Itself), for instance, would never develop otherwise (albeit these are just a couple of a whole host of psychospiritual awareness and adeptitude based capabilities which must be conscientiously directed and devotionally deployed in service of Life Itself for a nodal soul  to transcendentally e‧merge from the ‘womb’ of its embryonic other-dependency and infantile selfishness.
