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Matter And Consciousness: Shifting The Metaparadigm

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:42 am
by Lou Gold
The New Dimensions podcast interview with Peter Russell, "Matter And Consciousness: Shifting The Metaparadigm", is quite consistent with the Idealism presented in this forum. I'm not sure that it breaks any new ground and there probably will be quibbles here over particulars. However, I found the way that Russell uses common language as a less technical "easier grokking" way of accessing a popular audience to be quite appealing.

The podcast will be streaming at no cost through 29 June. Here's the burb:
Russell explains the difference between a paradigm and a metaparadigm and why consciousness cannot be explained within our current systems. He asserts that science is able to measure phenomena such as energy, time, and space, yet has not found a way to prove or measure consciousness. “These are all concepts in the mind…I am conscious I am having these ideas of energy and matter…it’s the irony that all of science takes place in the mind and yet science ignores the mind.” He asks us to ponder the difference between mind and matter and suggests that the brain, which is matter, does not create consciousness, but provides input into consciousness. Russell describes how all of life has the capacity for consciousness, but distinguishes the ideas of recognition, awareness, and self-awareness. Further, he offers insight into the essence of “I am,” and how our seeking is actually obstructing our natural state of contentment.

Re: Matter And Consciousness: Shifting The Metaparadigm

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:53 pm
by Jim Cross
Russell explains the difference between a paradigm and a metaparadigm and why consciousness cannot be explained within our current systems.
I grow weary of this argument. We can't "explain" matter within our current systems either.