Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

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Lou Gold
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Lou Gold »

Federica wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:57 pm
Lou Gold wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:12 pm
Federica wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:16 am Maybe a galactically naive question, but why do we express prayers to Lord, and not to Christ? (at least as far as I can gather from the examples frequently brought to the forum)
Perhaps personal intention is fully expressed as "The Christ my Lord" (Source of Light) and is abbreviated simply as "Lord" to express the quality of relationship. -- prayer as a humble petition.
Hi Lou, thanks! Then mine was, indeed, a galactically naive question :D
You are welcome.

I do find the notion of a galactic naiveté as intriguing.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Federica »

As the discussion on the other thread is centered on understanding what Christ promised and prophesied in a way that has practical relevance for the course of Earthly evolution and our individual lives, and that is not "hopelessly abstract, remote, floating in the air", I would like to quote a striking passage from a newly shared series of writings. This instalment is about the Etheric Christ in particular, and the process by which the presence of the Etheric Christ within the human constitution (life body) in the times we are now traversing, is meant to bring the necessary evolution of thought towards a more spiritual faculty, that the author calls "of perception" (not in standard sense, but in the sense of direct spiritual perception free from maya).

What I find striking, and would be interested in hearing others' thoughts about, are the very specific correspondences drawn between the Etheric Christ and the earthly organization, some of the forces that characterize it, and the parallel evolution of thought, as manifested in the development of the natural sciences and technology. I have never come across anything similar in terms of concreteness, and I wonder if it's simply that my library is very limited or else. For example, there's a reference to the Etheric Christ bringing the principle of motion into the light-destroying forces of electricity and magnetism, resulting in a new electro-motive and magneto-motive force, working as accelerator of the ongoing evolutionary processes - acceleration currently manifesting as information technology. This process is put in correlation with cellular biology - the means by which the Etheric Christ is operating at the level of the life body of man - and with the XX century discovery of light phosphorylation, crucial in effecting the reawakening of "perception" in man (away from "perspective", which refers to the various evolutionary forms of dual rational thought).

Steve Hale wrote: In order to understand what is meant and intended by the term ‘etheric regeneration’, it is important that we attempt to comprehend this new force described as pertaining to the Christ in His presence in the etheric body of man. It is necessary here to indicate this actual presence by first describing its activity within the human psychophysical system, and then by demonstrating the impact and effects of its functionality. This force of the Etheric Christ can be adequately described as a Third Force, as it relates to the first physical force of electricity and the second chemical force of magnetism. These two forces comprise the physical-etherical constitution of man in his life between birth and death. As such, they are forces that reflect the principle of light, and thus represent light’s mutation in effecting the appearance of the material-sensory world. Therefore, it can be said from the outset that these electrical and magnetical forces are representative of the progressive destruction of light, and act as indicators of the actual dilution, or weakening of light in its process of mutation into recognizable forms.

The Third Force ushered in by Christ’s reappearance in the etheric body of man necessarily consists of these two forces, electricity and magnetism, but supplied with certain motion aspects that are conveyed to man in the form of tendencies to compulsion. Thus, we have the electromotive and dynamotive, or magnetomotive aspects as representing this third force. The significance of this motion aspect has a two-fold purpose: 1) to accelerate the process of the destruction of the physical earth; and, 2) to accelerate the process of the liberation of the principle of light from its material forms in order to effect the ultimate re-spiritualization of the materialized earth and man. The nature of these third force aspects enables this process to occur based on the magnitude of the acceleration employed. The establishment of the electromotive aspect of the third force conveyed by the Etheric Christ gives the necessary basis for the veritable irruption of information that can be seen as having occurred over the last one hundred years with regard to man’s technological advancements, and which has served to substantially complete the technological aspect of the scientific-technological perspective of thought.

The completion of this third perspective has taken place in our time because of the power that the bestowal of this greater electromotive force has had in effectively overcoming the influence of the mechanical attributes associated with the Law of Thermodynamics. By reducing the effects of entropy and its static interference that have an adverse bearing on the electrical activity necessary for the retention of information, and thus act as limiting conditions in the human psychophysical system, this electromotive force has literally been bestowed immediately, and without exception, on mankind in general with this etheric incarnation, as opposed to the previous physical incarnation of Christ in one man only.

The fact of this etheric presentation in the form of the greater electromotive force can be scientifically ascertained based on the current knowledge of human electro-cellular processes as they relate to the generation of this force. In the analysis and description of this process can be seen a most remarkable event that assures the true redemption and salvation, or resurrection of man, in Christ. To begin with, it must be stated that the history of the active study and research of the biology of the cell, the basic unit of life, has existed for four hundred years. Ever since the invention of the microscope in the early scientific period of the seventeenth century, man has studied the biological behavior of cells. This study led to detailed descriptions of the cell and its functional parts that remained substantially unaltered at a certain fixed point of knowledge until a dramatic discovery occurred in the early twentieth century. It is important to note that this discovery was not a mere oversight that had been simply overlooked if it had always existed. This is not possible due to the microscopic nature and precision of the field of inquiry, and to the monumental importance of what was discovered. In point of fact, what was discovered had not been overlooked, or been improperly identified, or whatever other form of justification might be offered as a reason for its presence as a biological fact; for in the functional description of this integral cellular process was to be found the verification of the actual working mechanism of the Etheric Christ.

Christ now actually works on a cellular level, as cells represent the fundamental units of life, and thus carry the formative forces necessary for the building up of the life-etheric processes required to sustain the form and animation of the physical body. These processes now became significantly enhanced with the evidence of a new mechanism, termed light phosphorylation, wherein a more efficient method was created for transforming the light energy from photosynthesis into that form of chemical energy that could better serve the metabolic exchange of nutritive substances required for cellular regeneration, and thus provide the necessary psychophysical energy for man’s further development towards completing the organic faculty of thought. This energy, when fully harnessed, will serve ultimately to effect the reawakening of perception based on this etheric regeneration.

The light-chemical energy now established in the cellular system of man has a two-fold function: 1) to act as a filtering agent in the improved processing of nutritive substances through the blood by enhancing the efficiency of the separation of impure and non-nutritive materials prior to their entry into the bloodstream; and, 2) to produce the electrically charged solution of sodium and potassium ions required to create the so-called ‘action potential’ in the neural system that is the basis for the electromotive force itself. The force and effect of this light-chemical energy, termed adenosine triphosphate, serves as the first measure of the etherization or purification of the blood required to effect the regeneration necessary for the eventual reawakening of perception. The function of the action potential, having its basis in this chemical exchange of sodium and potassium ions, creates the affective nerve impulses of the peripheral and cerebral nervous systems. Its consequent expression in the form of the electromotive force serves to overcome, to a certain degree, the direct and alternating current resistance that plays on the neurons of these two interacting nervous systems, thus resolving to a significant degree the problem of human entropy.

It is important here to reiterate the influence of this presence of entropy from a scientific standpoint, for this research has precisely determined the relationship that prevails between entropy and the dissemination of information. Scientific inquiry has been able to ascertain that the greater the presence of entropy in a system, or the measure of non-useful mechanical energy based on the resistance found there, the less information is available for reception and transmission in that system. Entropy in the human system, until a hundred years ago, was of such a sufficient magnitude as to prevent any discovery or material creation beyond one of a mechanical nature. With the so-called ‘irruption of information’ characteristic of the late nineteenth century and on, we can see the influence of this working mechanism of the Etheric Christ in solving this problem of information based on entropy; for herein can be seen the tremendous advancements of the technological age of the twentieth century.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:09 pm As the discussion on the other thread is centered on understanding what Christ promised and prophesied in a way that has practical relevance for the course of Earthly evolution and our individual lives, and that is not "hopelessly abstract, remote, floating in the air", I would like to quote a striking passage from a newly shared series of writings. This instalment is about the Etheric Christ in particular, and the process by which the presence of the Etheric Christ within the human constitution (life body) in the times we are now traversing, is meant to bring the necessary evolution of thought towards a more spiritual faculty, that the author calls "of perception" (not in standard sense, but in the sense of direct spiritual perception free from maya).

What I find striking, and would be interested in hearing others' thoughts about, are the very specific correspondences drawn between the Etheric Christ and the earthly organization, some of the forces that characterize it, and the parallel evolution of thought, as manifested in the development of the natural sciences and technology. I have never come across anything similar in terms of concreteness, and I wonder if it's simply that my library is very limited or else. For example, there's a reference to the Etheric Christ bringing the principle of motion into the light-destroying forces of electricity and magnetism, resulting in a new electro-motive and magneto-motive force, working as accelerator of the ongoing evolutionary processes - acceleration currently manifesting as information technology. This process is put in correlation with cellular biology - the means by which the Etheric Christ is operating at the level of the life body of man - and with the XX century discovery of light phosphorylation, crucial in effecting the reawakening of "perception" in man (away from "perspective", which refers to the various evolutionary forms of dual rational thought).

Steve Hale wrote: ...

It's a very interesting perspective, Federica. From what I can tell, it tracks well with Steiner's research as discussed here.

Light itself is being destroyed in this post-Atlantean age of the Earth's existence, which until the time of Atlantis was a progressive process. Since then it has been a process of decay.* What is light? Light decays and the decaying light is electricity. What we know as electricity is light that is being destroyed in matter. And the chemical force that undergoes a transformation in the process of Earth evolution is magnetism. Yet a third force will become active and if electricity seems to work wonders today, this third force will affect civilisation in a still more miraculous way. The more of this force we employ, the faster the earth will tend to become a corpse and its spiritual part prepare for the Jupiter embodiment. Forces have to be applied for the purpose of destruction, in order that man may become free of the Earth and that the Earth's body may fall away. As long as the earth was involved in progressive evolution, no such destruction took place, for the great achievements of electricity can only serve a decaying Earth. Strange as this sounds, it must gradually become known. By understanding the process of evolution we shall learn to assess our culture at its true value. We shall also learn that it is necessary for the Earth to be destroyed, for otherwise the spiritual could not become free. We shall also learn to value what is positive, namely the penetration of spiritual forces into our existence on Earth.

On the other hand, as you said, it goes into pretty specific detail and seems to box the 'etheric Christ' into a specific bodily mechanism, and I am not sure if that's a great way to think about it. What he refers to could certainly be connected with the new impulse in some way, but I simply have no knowledge of this 'light phosphorylation' process. In the lecture, Steiner emphasizes that the main factor will be the new teaching of Christ that works with moral force on those who are receptive to it. Perhaps 'solving the problem of information based on entropy' will make it such that the teaching reaches more people, and I guess that is already evident from what we are doing here. As Steiner hints in that lecture, the etheric body is not limited to one physical location at a time, so perhaps the technological transformations are intermediate stages between information mediated through the localized mineral element and mediated solely through the non-local etheric.

Anyway, overall, I don't think it's very useful to get highly speculative in this domain. What is most concrete is inwardly discerning how the shared life of thinking revolves around a 'common center of gravity' which attracts it's becoming at all scales, as Cleric said on the other thread, and the more we resonate with this Center through the morally conscious life, the more we participate in bringing its intended aims to realization, whatever specifically those may be. We know the big redemptive picture and some archetypal paths of development within that 'wavefunction', but the more we zoom into the specifics, the more it will depend on the freedom of individual souls how exactly it collapses. The risk is always that we box our thinking into a specific conclusion, a certain thinking mold, that then influences how we perceive all further facts that come to our attention.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Federica »

AshvinP wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:16 pm It's a very interesting perspective, Federica. From what I can tell, it tracks well with Steiner's research as discussed here.

Light itself is being destroyed in this post-Atlantean age of the Earth's existence, which until the time of Atlantis was a progressive process. Since then it has been a process of decay.* What is light? Light decays and the decaying light is electricity. What we know as electricity is light that is being destroyed in matter. And the chemical force that undergoes a transformation in the process of Earth evolution is magnetism. Yet a third force will become active and if electricity seems to work wonders today, this third force will affect civilisation in a still more miraculous way. The more of this force we employ, the faster the earth will tend to become a corpse and its spiritual part prepare for the Jupiter embodiment. Forces have to be applied for the purpose of destruction, in order that man may become free of the Earth and that the Earth's body may fall away. As long as the earth was involved in progressive evolution, no such destruction took place, for the great achievements of electricity can only serve a decaying Earth. Strange as this sounds, it must gradually become known. By understanding the process of evolution we shall learn to assess our culture at its true value. We shall also learn that it is necessary for the Earth to be destroyed, for otherwise the spiritual could not become free. We shall also learn to value what is positive, namely the penetration of spiritual forces into our existence on Earth.

On the other hand, as you said, it goes into pretty specific detail and seems to box the 'etheric Christ' into a specific bodily mechanism, and I am not sure if that's a great way to think about it. What he refers to could certainly be connected with the new impulse in some way, but I simply have no knowledge of this 'light phosphorylation' process. In the lecture, Steiner emphasizes that the main factor will be the new teaching of Christ that works with moral force on those who are receptive to it. Perhaps 'solving the problem of information based on entropy' will make it such that the teaching reaches more people, and I guess that is already evident from what we are doing here. As Steiner hints in that lecture, the etheric body is not limited to one physical location at a time, so perhaps the technological transformations are intermediate stages between information mediated through the localized mineral element and mediated solely through the non-local etheric.

Anyway, overall, I don't think it's very useful to get highly speculative in this domain. What is most concrete is inwardly discerning how the shared life of thinking revolves around a 'common center of gravity' which attracts it's becoming at all scales, as Cleric said on the other thread, and the more we resonate with this Center through the morally conscious life, the more we participate in bringing its intended aims to realization, whatever specifically those may be. We know the big redemptive picture and some archetypal paths of development within that 'wavefunction', but the more we zoom into the specifics, the more it will depend on the freedom of individual souls how exactly it collapses. The risk is always that we box our thinking into a specific conclusion, a certain thinking mold, that then influences how we perceive all further facts that come to our attention.
Thanks! And what a lecture... On its basis, I think I'll let this whole topic rest on the side for now. It's difficult for me and I have so much else to progress on.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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