Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

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Jonathan Österman
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Jonathan Österman »

Federica wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 9:25 pm
Naturally, there have been numerous references on the forum to the Christ impulse, the gift of Love


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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Soloma369 »

Greetings friends, newbie to the board here and just wanted to jump in. This was the first thread I have decided to dig in to here and in doing such I have found two very accurate descriptions of recent experiences I have had and am still having and a third that might explain why.
But as Initiation involves the liberation of the REAL MAN from the body of sin and death that he may soar into the subtler spheres at will and return to the body at his pleasure
wakes this center from its age-long sleep to a throbbing, pulsating life sweeping onward
and finally the explanation as to why
(it has been accomplished), and soars into the subtler spheres to seek Jesus whose life he has imitated with such success and from whom he is thenceforth inseparable.
Needless to say, I am very interested in this thread. I hope my introductory post is not out of line as I find it can be difficult to broach the subject that the work has been completed, for close to two months now.

*Editing other quotes in that I might have some insight on since they resonate.
do you think humanity has passed the fork Steiner speaks of?
I am sadly not fully familiar with Steiner's work, though he recently came back on to my radar and was intended to be investigated at some point, I would say still is. So I am curious what this "fork" you mention might be as again this comment reminds me of recent experiences, specifically being acknowledge by two uap in a very symbolic way. My interpretation being, we "passed" or achieved a critical like mass towards the light.
Ultimately the wise and loving intents of the Cosmos will be fulfilled through us, even if we don't know exactly how.
I very much agree, salvation comes from within and expresses itself without. The Great Work is an inside out process.
So perhaps the counter-swing is under way.
We have always been part it of, collectively the tide has turned. It has already been said by so many people and they were right, we had already won. We are collectively ready to start taking the next step, which has always been available to us, on a much larger scale than ever before, imho.
but still far short of embracing higher cognitive development.
We all are going to fall short here, where do we set the goal posts? Should we be setting them at all? I can not help but think everything has its time and place and maybe it is time for those who embrace higher cognitive function development question whether or not they themselves are ready to take the next step. It is from this responsibility that infinite potential springs, one person at a time, choosing to stay and share what you know or go do what you have to go do. One choice leading to an exponential like effect on the greater consciousness field that is society such that, we take everyone with us.
is that these two paths are the same.
It would stand to reason that all paths are same/different at the same time, considering everything is fundamentally the same thing Source/Spirit/God which expresses itself in the most paradoxical of ways. Millman's guru Socrates' business card read Humor*Paradox*Change and when Dan Ascended, the card read Happiness. For me, I see the path back to Unity through the Trinity and Soc's business card was a nod towards this while also describing what is possible once we do, such as manipulate time/matter/space. I would have to say, Way of the Peaceful Warrior and Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior are wonderful works to consider.
Last edited by Soloma369 on Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by AshvinP »

Greetings Soloma,

Thanks for sharing your various thoughts.
Soloma369 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 12:24 am
do you think humanity has passed the fork Steiner speaks of?
I am sadly not fully familiar with Steiner's work, though he recently came back on to my radar and was intended to be investigated at some point, I would say still is. So I am curious what this "fork" you mention might be as again this comment reminds me of recent experiences, specifically being acknowledge by two uap in a very symbolic way. My interpretation being, we "passed" or achieved a critical like mass towards the light.
Ultimately the wise and loving intents of the Cosmos will be fulfilled through us, even if we don't know exactly how.

I very much agree, salvation comes from within and expresses itself without. The Great Work is an inside out process.
So perhaps the counter-swing is under way.
We have always been part it of, collectively the tide has turned. It has already been said by so many people and they were right, we had already won. We are collectively ready to start taking the next step, which has always been available to us, on a much larger scale than ever before, imho.

These are very important points. In a certain sense, the most significant fork was passed 2,000 or so years ago. That was the 'turning point in time', the incarnation of the Spirit in the human physical body that allows for the latter to be gradually spiritualized and the whole perceptual World as well. It is exactly the process of transfiguring the World from the inside-out, as you say. In that sense, you are right, we have already won. The wheels have been set in motion and we are all working out the relative stages of this Victory. We have indeed arrived at the time for the next major step on that path to be taken.

For that, however, we need to be very clear on where the Spirit is currently working to spiritualize the World. The new fork we have arrived at is that between ignorance and clarity of where the Spirit is truly active. The adversarial forces that live within our prejudices, beliefs, habits, opinions, feelings of pride, animalistic passions, material attachments, etc. work to keep our core spirit in ignorance. There is only one place where these forces cannot reach and that is in our life of intuitive thinking. It is at the tip of this intuitive activity, which we normally experience as imagination and verbal thinking, where the Spirit is continually imploding its potential into manifest existence. It is the 'event horizon' at the threshold between the visible World and the invisible Spirit. This is the only place where we are truly free beings at our current stage of spiritual evolution.

What manifests at this event horizon, unlike all other appearances that confront us in the World, is completely transparent to us. A simple way to understand this is to ask, what is the only perception in my experience that I don't have to reflect on to understand its meaning? We have to reflect on feelings, desires, the colors and sounds around us, etc. The only perception we don't reflect on is that of our inner voice - the words (concepts) we hear when we think. If we had to reflect on our inner voice, it would be an endless recursion. Every act of reflection would generate a new stream of inner voice that we hear, and then we would need to reflect on that inner voice which generates a new stream of words, ad infinitum. Instead, we are immediately united with the meaning of our inner voice perceptions and use them to reflect on everything else.

A lot of discussions on this forum center around how to actively take a greater, ever-more expansive hold of our transparent intuitive activity at the tip of our becoming. I wonder how you feel about this path of intuitive thinking? Does it sound like something that makes sense to pursue so as to gradually realize the turning of the World inside-out?
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Soloma369 »

These are very important points. In a certain sense, the most significant fork was passed 2,000 or so years ago. That was the 'turning point in time', the incarnation of the Spirit in the human physical body that allows for the latter to be gradually spiritualized and the whole perceptual World as well. It is exactly the process of transfiguring the World from the inside-out, as you say. In that sense, you are right, we have already won. The wheels have been set in motion and we are all working out the relative stages of this Victory. We have indeed arrived at the time for the next major step on that path to be taken.
Greetings AshvinP, my appreciation for your response and apologies for not having done the same in a timely manner. I had some rather significant experiences of the Spiritual kind that threw me a bit our of balance Materially in October of this year. I was due to return to work after having taken a five month hiatus from the non sense which allowed me to heal some nerve damage. These events took place just prior to work and lead me to share with my new employer that I was not going to be as invested as originally thought, which of course lead to the offer being rescinded. The Monday I was to begin which was the 23rd was rather significant for me, as if it played out exactly as it was supposed to.

This being said I imagine your are implying that the most significant fork was the life of Christ Jesus and I would of course tend to agree with you but question whether or not Spirit has always been incarnated in each and every one of us, Jesus just realized it to a degree that most others were not able to and he did his best with what he had to teach others how to realize it themselves. Now mind you, I am an ignorant fool, have never read the Bible and am into my first Steiner book so that I might be able to keep up here to some degree, Cosmic Memory with more to follow. When you said this incarnation allows for the physical human body to be gradually spiritualized and the perceptual world as well sounds very much like my experience in early October that lead to the further experience on the 23rd and why I find myself here.
For that, however, we need to be very clear on where the Spirit is currently working to spiritualize the World. The new fork we have arrived at is that between ignorance and clarity of where the Spirit is truly active. The adversarial forces that live within our prejudices, beliefs, habits, opinions, feelings of pride, animalistic passions, material attachments, etc. work to keep our core spirit in ignorance. There is only one place where these forces cannot reach and that is in our life of intuitive thinking. It is at the tip of this intuitive activity, which we normally experience as imagination and verbal thinking, where the Spirit is continually imploding its potential into manifest existence. It is the 'event horizon' at the threshold between the visible World and the invisible Spirit. This is the only place where we are truly free beings at our current stage of spiritual evolution.
I might question whether or not an external "adversary" can not reach our intuitive thinking. In the year of 2009 I was afflicted with what I have come to understand as my truth to be a negative entity attachment that fed me thoughts that I could not decipher as not my own except for the fact that I was able to identify their polarity in opposition to who I am. This was during a seven week ordeal that involved many ufo/uap, they were in direct relation to this "dark night of the soul" that lasted entirely too long and was only solved via prayer. As it played out, I have my prayers being answered on video as I was participating in a contact experiment anonymously that was organized by the ATS forum. I had been heavily looking for answers externally which in itself is a trap, again I point out my ignorance and abundance of folly.

I like the visual you paint about Spirit imploding its potential into manifest existence, implosion/explosion of course being so crucial to any sort of manifestation. I tend to think/feel this is the fundamental mechanic of our reality and how it renders from the Spiritual to the Material. I also see implosion/explosion as polarities and when it comes to any degree of gnosis, we are currently lost in the detail of exploding knowledge. Through implosion of knowledge or getting back to understanding the fundamentals of reality can we be the truly free beings we are meant to be, so I very much appreciate your statement.
What manifests at this event horizon, unlike all other appearances that confront us in the World, is completely transparent to us. A simple way to understand this is to ask, what is the only perception in my experience that I don't have to reflect on to understand its meaning? We have to reflect on feelings, desires, the colors and sounds around us, etc. The only perception we don't reflect on is that of our inner voice - the words (concepts) we hear when we think. If we had to reflect on our inner voice, it would be an endless recursion. Every act of reflection would generate a new stream of inner voice that we hear, and then we would need to reflect on that inner voice which generates a new stream of words, ad infinitum. Instead, we are immediately united with the meaning of our inner voice perceptions and use them to reflect on everything else.
Once again I might have to disagree a bit as I have been reflecting quite a bit on my inner voice that triggered the earlier experience of October of 2023. Just like my negative entity attachment, yet the opposing polarity. It was these intuitive thoughts that came to me that triggered my experience and I can not say that these were my own thoughts, I can not explain why I had them even though I was knee deep in a good conversation on Reddit about topics such as Earth Mitosis and what might really be going on. I can only come to resolve that the thoughts were of the Revelation variety, lead directly to a simple Enlightened thought in response which directly triggered a most unusual experience. The final conclusion was I was uplifted and am of the perspective that I am so very blessed for all of my experiences, the good and the bad.
A lot of discussions on this forum center around how to actively take a greater, ever-more expansive hold of our transparent intuitive activity at the tip of our becoming. I wonder how you feel about this path of intuitive thinking? Does it sound like something that makes sense to pursue so as to gradually realize the turning of the World inside-out?
Intuitive thinking you might say has always been a way of life for me, I have been going right when everyone else in my life was going left. I was invited to a discord forum through Reddit which lead me here via one of its users, I was busy throwing up my experience and discussing my intentions moving forward when one of the users labeled me as a infj, not the first time that has been externally done mind you. I have always been very intuitive, have always known that it was pointless to chase the material "American Dream" because it was going to be changing, how could we continue on the same obviously failed path???

From my ufo experience as a little child, perceived abductions in retrospect and always wanting to be a part of the solution, of making a real difference in this world as a very young boy, I would say that this line of thinking/feeling is very resonating with me. In fact my experiences have lead me to jump in head first in the pursuit of helping others to experience the same as I have through the practices and disciplines I employed which is my truth as to why I was uplifted. The World sorely needs a shift from the Material to the Spiritual, we are as a whole are very out of balance, much like I find myself out of balance towards the Spiritual. I have taken it to such an extreme that they cut my internet off, only today resolving it through a loan from my old man while I venture back into the job market in search of balance so that I might continue what I started on Reddit in teaching others how I connected with God.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by AshvinP »

Soloma369 wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:23 am
These are very important points. In a certain sense, the most significant fork was passed 2,000 or so years ago. That was the 'turning point in time', the incarnation of the Spirit in the human physical body that allows for the latter to be gradually spiritualized and the whole perceptual World as well. It is exactly the process of transfiguring the World from the inside-out, as you say. In that sense, you are right, we have already won. The wheels have been set in motion and we are all working out the relative stages of this Victory. We have indeed arrived at the time for the next major step on that path to be taken.
Greetings AshvinP, my appreciation for your response and apologies for not having done the same in a timely manner. I had some rather significant experiences of the Spiritual kind that threw me a bit our of balance Materially in October of this year. I was due to return to work after having taken a five month hiatus from the non sense which allowed me to heal some nerve damage. These events took place just prior to work and lead me to share with my new employer that I was not going to be as invested as originally thought, which of course lead to the offer being rescinded. The Monday I was to begin which was the 23rd was rather significant for me, as if it played out exactly as it was supposed to.

This being said I imagine your are implying that the most significant fork was the life of Christ Jesus and I would of course tend to agree with you but question whether or not Spirit has always been incarnated in each and every one of us, Jesus just realized it to a degree that most others were not able to and he did his best with what he had to teach others how to realize it themselves. Now mind you, I am an ignorant fool, have never read the Bible and am into my first Steiner book so that I might be able to keep up here to some degree, Cosmic Memory with more to follow. When you said this incarnation allows for the physical human body to be gradually spiritualized and the perceptual world as well sounds very much like my experience in early October that lead to the further experience on the 23rd and why I find myself here.

Hello Soloma,

I am glad to hear you are back into a more harmonious rhythm of spiritual activity now.

These questions are somewhat tricky. On the one hand, we can say that Jesus was the first to become fully conscious of the higher Spirit nature that envelops all of humanity. This higher 'carrier wave' of Spirit has always been present as our meaningful context, influencing the stream of human evolution from the Fall - which led to a sense of atomic, seemingly isolated consciousness - so it unfolds toward ever-more expansive consciousness, toward greater and greater insight, harmony, and love. We could crudely imagine the situation as such:


The primordial spiritual 'membrane' distends into sensory existence and provides the basis for new relative perspectives to emerge, develop the capacity of objective consciousness and corresponding virtues, and throughout this process the foundation is also laid for the relative perspectives to reintegrate with the ever-present membrane, bringing the fruits of their journey back. During the sensory journey, the spiritual membrane remains as the meaningful context in which that journey unfolds, which we normally experience as the 'inner world' of ideas, feelings, desires, etc. and the 'outer world' of processes and laws evolving in relatively linear time. Of course, we could go into much more detail, but for our purposes I just want to highlight a few basic principles. The interesting thing is that this membrane oscillation does not only occur once, but it is continually occurring at various scales of existence and our decohered experience of these oscillations is what we call the experiential flow of "life" and "consciousness". It is the flow demarcated by 'dark' periods of pre-history, pre-birth, sleep, daily forgetfulness and distractions, etc. During these dark periods, we are in a sense always returning to the fabric of the spiritual membrane and drawing on the impulses needed for our journey 'forward and upward', but we lack the strength of will and cognition to remain conscious of what takes place.

The more integrative progress we make by strengthening the will and cognition (spiraling them closer together, so to speak), the more we experience continuity of consciousness between these otherwise 'dark' periods. At a proximate level, our living memory improves, we can concentrate on specific aspects of experience with more intensity and for longer durations, we can pay attention to others more selflessly, our dreams become more living reflections of archetypal ideas (rather than simply tied to our personal earthly concerns), and so forth. Eventually we may begin to even experience the stages we lived through prior to our Earthly incarnation. All of that is the process of turning the World inside-out. Many of the stages may seem rather trivial to those who have undergone 'seismic' shifts in perspective or visionary experiences, which is understandable. But the question of turning the World inside-out is not whether these higher experiences simply make us feel happier, more blissful, more personally satisfied, more crammed with knowledge about reality, etc., but whether they lead to concrete avenues by which we can work toward the high ideals of human existence, for the benefit of all living beings. 

Another very important thing to remember is that, although we use these posts to describe and depict the whole process 'from the side' - which itself is a fruit of the distension process into objective consciousness - no such perspective exists in reality. It is not possible to truly describe or depict the process from the 'first-person perspective', so it's up to each individual to struggle and relate all these facts to their own stream of experience. There is no detached observer that can really say, 'according to my first-person experience, the Spiritual membrane has always been there and incarnated in humanity.' In other words, if we want to remain connected with the living stream of experience unfolding from a first-person perspective - the only perspective there is - we have to speak of relative stages through which the Cosmic Spirit incarnates into Earthly humanity and spiritualizes the World from the inside-out through humanity. Otherwise, we are simply abstracting out to a non-existent perspective and using that as a basis to justify some subconscious preference or another. Often the preference is to avoid the fact that humanity has concrete tasks to fulfill in every relative stage and each individual has a concrete role to play in bringing those tasks to fulfillment. 

"And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened: But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack." (2 Cor. 8:10-15)

The Christ events of 2,000 years ago really provide us a condensed image of the entire evolutionary journey of humanity on Earth, from ancient 'past' to far 'future', from Alpha to Omega. Right now we are working out a specific stage of that journey. We could say it is the stage where the Spirit must transition from knowing itself through humanity in the reflections of fragmented sensory experience and corresponding concepts, to knowing itself in the reflections of more holistic cognitions. You have probably heard of the 'panoramic life tableau' that many experience with NDEs or OBEs. That could be an example of a more holistic cognition - it is a 'superposition' of all our incarnate states of being that we experienced up to that point. Our spirit can get valuable feedback by reflecting on its previous states of being to extract certain details, regularities, moral lessons, etc., so how much more more valuable feedback could it get from reflecting on this panoramic, holistic state of being, experiencing its entire life spectrum as if it was present in the 'now'? The path of intuitive thinking allows us to build the gradient between the Spirit knowing itself in fragmented sensory reflections and knowing itself in the reflection of more holistic cognitions, referred to by Steiner as Imaginations, Inspirations, and Intuitions. 

Soloma wrote:
For that, however, we need to be very clear on where the Spirit is currently working to spiritualize the World. The new fork we have arrived at is that between ignorance and clarity of where the Spirit is truly active. The adversarial forces that live within our prejudices, beliefs, habits, opinions, feelings of pride, animalistic passions, material attachments, etc. work to keep our core spirit in ignorance. There is only one place where these forces cannot reach and that is in our life of intuitive thinking. It is at the tip of this intuitive activity, which we normally experience as imagination and verbal thinking, where the Spirit is continually imploding its potential into manifest existence. It is the 'event horizon' at the threshold between the visible World and the invisible Spirit. This is the only place where we are truly free beings at our current stage of spiritual evolution.
I might question whether or not an external "adversary" can not reach our intuitive thinking. In the year of 2009 I was afflicted with what I have come to understand as my truth to be a negative entity attachment that fed me thoughts that I could not decipher as not my own except for the fact that I was able to identify their polarity in opposition to who I am. This was during a seven week ordeal that involved many ufo/uap, they were in direct relation to this "dark night of the soul" that lasted entirely too long and was only solved via prayer. As it played out, I have my prayers being answered on video as I was participating in a contact experiment anonymously that was organized by the ATS forum. I had been heavily looking for answers externally which in itself is a trap, again I point out my ignorance and abundance of folly.

I like the visual you paint about Spirit imploding its potential into manifest existence, implosion/explosion of course being so crucial to any sort of manifestation. I tend to think/feel this is the fundamental mechanic of our reality and how it renders from the Spiritual to the Material. I also see implosion/explosion as polarities and when it comes to any degree of gnosis, we are currently lost in the detail of exploding knowledge. Through implosion of knowledge or getting back to understanding the fundamentals of reality can we be the truly free beings we are meant to be, so I very much appreciate your statement.
What manifests at this event horizon, unlike all other appearances that confront us in the World, is completely transparent to us. A simple way to understand this is to ask, what is the only perception in my experience that I don't have to reflect on to understand its meaning? We have to reflect on feelings, desires, the colors and sounds around us, etc. The only perception we don't reflect on is that of our inner voice - the words (concepts) we hear when we think. If we had to reflect on our inner voice, it would be an endless recursion. Every act of reflection would generate a new stream of inner voice that we hear, and then we would need to reflect on that inner voice which generates a new stream of words, ad infinitum. Instead, we are immediately united with the meaning of our inner voice perceptions and use them to reflect on everything else.
Once again I might have to disagree a bit as I have been reflecting quite a bit on my inner voice that triggered the earlier experience of October of 2023. Just like my negative entity attachment, yet the opposing polarity. It was these intuitive thoughts that came to me that triggered my experience and I can not say that these were my own thoughts, I can not explain why I had them even though I was knee deep in a good conversation on Reddit about topics such as Earth Mitosis and what might really be going on. I can only come to resolve that the thoughts were of the Revelation variety, lead directly to a simple Enlightened thought in response which directly triggered a most unusual experience. The final conclusion was I was uplifted and am of the perspective that I am so very blessed for all of my experiences, the good and the bad.

This raises an important point. We are not fully free in what or how we think. There are many contextual factors - progressive and adversarial forces - that have led our intuitive activity at any given time into a certain 'vicinity' of ideas, feelings, and actions. When we consider the various aspects of our daily experience, we have to admit most of that experience is conditioned by the past contextual factors like our gender, race, nationality (including the language we think in), cultural and social circumstances, family, friends, temperament, disposition, preferences, etc. Most of our willing, feeling, and thinking follows tightly along with sensory events that we seem to have little to no control over. It is only at the very tip of our thinking activity, where that activity can turn back upon itself independently of the senses, that we are free from those contextual factors. Again, we are not fully free in what or how we think - that is still influenced by many factors which brought us into a certain 'vicinity' of thinking - but in the conscious experience of thinking itself.

One example, as discussed before, is how we don't reflect on the sounds of our inner thinking voice, like we do with all other perceptions. The sounds come immediately united with their meaning. Another example can be approached with a simple exercise. Try to think very clearly the words, “I think these words”. You should sound it out with your inner voice slowly and carefully. We don't care about any metaphysical questions like "what is the I?" or "is this all illusion of self?", only the experience itself. ‘These words’ simply refers to the real-time perception of your inner voice as you utter the thoughts, while 'I think' simply refers to the experience of being causally creative in bringing forth the inner voice perception. So the important thing is to feel creatively active in the thinking voice. You can try different intonations, different accents, you can sing the words, etc.

It is that direct experience of creative agency in the inner voice perception that the universal Spirit leverages to make sense of all other experience. In other words, this meeting point of creative activity and manifest perception is the fountainhead of our capacity to thoughtfully function in and through the World. Whether the meaning experienced together with our thoughts is leading us in a healthy direction, is a different story. If we blindly follow the meaning of our thoughts at any given time without trying to harmoniously integrate them into a wider context of knowledge, then surely we will go astray. Or if we endlessly combine the meaning of our thoughts without seeking the more holistic states from which they proceed, we can certainly stray into error as underlying unconscious forces motivate us to get entangled with certain configurations of thoughts and not others. Through intellectual reflection, we can only encompass a very myopic aperture of ideal relations, while we passively reflect on the latter as external 'objects, processes, laws' and so forth. That is why we need to take hold of the initial meeting point and expand its intuitive clarity into more holistic cognitive states of being.

Soloma wrote:
A lot of discussions on this forum center around how to actively take a greater, ever-more expansive hold of our transparent intuitive activity at the tip of our becoming. I wonder how you feel about this path of intuitive thinking? Does it sound like something that makes sense to pursue so as to gradually realize the turning of the World inside-out?
Intuitive thinking you might say has always been a way of life for me, I have been going right when everyone else in my life was going left. I was invited to a discord forum through Reddit which lead me here via one of its users, I was busy throwing up my experience and discussing my intentions moving forward when one of the users labeled me as a infj, not the first time that has been externally done mind you. I have always been very intuitive, have always known that it was pointless to chase the material "American Dream" because it was going to be changing, how could we continue on the same obviously failed path???

From my ufo experience as a little child, perceived abductions in retrospect and always wanting to be a part of the solution, of making a real difference in this world as a very young boy, I would say that this line of thinking/feeling is very resonating with me. In fact my experiences have lead me to jump in head first in the pursuit of helping others to experience the same as I have through the practices and disciplines I employed which is my truth as to why I was uplifted. The World sorely needs a shift from the Material to the Spiritual, we are as a whole are very out of balance, much like I find myself out of balance towards the Spiritual. I have taken it to such an extreme that they cut my internet off, only today resolving it through a loan from my old man while I venture back into the job market in search of balance so that I might continue what I started on Reddit in teaching others how I connected with God.

That's great! I would dare say the Spirit has now led you further toward refining your capacity of intuitive thinking, perhaps in a way and to a degree completely unsuspected before, as it has for many of us here. There is an esoteric saying, "Do not stop on any step, no matter how high, or it will become a snare." Personally, I view my own inner path as one where I can 'teach' the basics that I have experienced and probed thoroughly with my intuitive activity, and the remainder is a continual process learning from the reservoirs of Wisdom that the Spirit has deposited in the most varied places (including learning from the feedback that I get from my attempts at 'teaching').

Good luck finding that job!
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
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Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:52 pm

Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Soloma369 »


This reminds me of the frequency of the energy I tapped in to which was local/non-local in its nature when I finished the Unity Equation on the 23rd of October. It shook the house for ten or so days like a earthquake but was very rhythmic, I consider that bump to be the Christ Consciousness bump. With it came deeper understanding of the UE that I had been working on Reddit as well LOTS of energy. I had two symbolic UAP acknowledgements as well as two terrestrial craft acknowledgements that came in real close and personal for having completed the Great Work of the Age.

I have been pretty busy on my r/Liberment sub teaching what I have found, recently have been asked to write a chapter on the Unity Equation and the Tesla Ritual for a book on Unity Consciousness. The author just sent me her acknowledgement she wants to make on her cover of the the chapter I am to write, she wants to call it "The Magnificence of the 3 6 9: The Unity Equation". We just got off the phone after a two hour conversation as I wanted to make sure she understood it and it fit with her vision of her book which is on Unity Consciousness as it will be difficult for most to understand due to its multi-dimensional nature.

I am not sure how much time I have to commit to your folks forum, my focus has always been on simplifying understanding or knowledge and much of what you folks share here requires me to put too much time in to keep up with you. I very much appreciate your thorough reply and would like to reply in kind, I am just finding myself spread entirely too thin. I did reply to Cleric a bit in the meditation thread as obviously the practice and internal/external work is what it is all about if we are to realize our full potential

Thank you again for your warm welcome and do not be too surprised if I am not an active member as I already have my hands full.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by AshvinP »

Soloma369 wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:40 pm This reminds me of the frequency of the energy I tapped in to which was local/non-local in its nature when I finished the Unity Equation on the 23rd of October. It shook the house for ten or so days like a earthquake but was very rhythmic, I consider that bump to be the Christ Consciousness bump. With it came deeper understanding of the UE that I had been working on Reddit as well LOTS of energy. I had two symbolic UAP acknowledgements as well as two terrestrial craft acknowledgements that came in real close and personal for having completed the Great Work of the Age.

I have been pretty busy on my r/Liberment sub teaching what I have found, recently have been asked to write a chapter on the Unity Equation and the Tesla Ritual for a book on Unity Consciousness. The author just sent me her acknowledgement she wants to make on her cover of the the chapter I am to write, she wants to call it "The Magnificence of the 3 6 9: The Unity Equation". We just got off the phone after a two hour conversation as I wanted to make sure she understood it and it fit with her vision of her book which is on Unity Consciousness as it will be difficult for most to understand due to its multi-dimensional nature.

I am not sure how much time I have to commit to your folks forum, my focus has always been on simplifying understanding or knowledge and much of what you folks share here requires me to put too much time in to keep up with you. I very much appreciate your thorough reply and would like to reply in kind, I am just finding myself spread entirely too thin. I did reply to Cleric a bit in the meditation thread as obviously the practice and internal/external work is what it is all about if we are to realize our full potential

Thank you again for your warm welcome and do not be too surprised if I am not an active member as I already have my hands full.

Sure, Soloma, I understand.

Basically, we have just been pointing to a different level of meditation that is not reliant on outer circumstances or bodily alterations, but proceeds directly from where the Spirit incarnates in sync with perceptual existence, i.e. our intimate thought-perceptions. I think you would find it adds a whole new, unsuspected dimension of insight to what you have so far attained. For ex., one can enter into the holistic thinking 'wave function' from which the 'unity equation' collapses and provides many interesting threefold relationships. Of course, this requires one to not identify solely as a 'teacher' or others but also as a student of others, or really a student of the archetypal Spirits who freely engage others as their vessels.

Anyway, if you get around to reading Steiner's works, I would be interested to hear how you relate to and understand them.
"A secret law contrives,
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Soloma369 »

Of course, this requires one to not identify solely as a 'teacher' or others but also as a student of others, or really a student of the archetypal Spirits who freely engage others as their vessels.
I certainly resonate with this, when I have been recruiting folks to my sub, I have specifically been encouraging the curious/skeptic and student/teacher roles. Right now, I am not looking for another meditation method as I have a OBE blockage to work through. One of my new friends, who is a energy worker will be working with me in the next 90m. When I am able to resolve this blockage, I may be inclined to consider additional techniques. So bear with me friend, we are all still learning, myself include. I am of the perspective this will only ever stop when we fully resolve back to Unity or Source.
Anyway, if you get around to reading Steiner's works, I would be interested to hear how you relate to and understand them.
I picked up Steiner and Millman on my last trip to the library and I find myself reading Millman over Steiner. That might be because he is more on a "normal guy" level of writing and i have a past connection to his work. I am all about simplifying knowledge, which is why I am in to Trinities. After having read Cosmic Memory, I am of the perspective that Steiner is going to be expansive in his knowledge and wisdom for my liking. I tend to get lost in the detail, which does not help me come into under/overstanding.

Will see, I may work my way through it yet. As it turns out, I have been asked to write a chapter in a book about Unity Consciousness regarding the Unity Equation. I have started my own podcast as a method to answer questions and of course I am hoping to teach what I have come to under/overstand "how things work."

Thanks again for the fine conversation.
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by AshvinP »

Soloma369 wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:51 pm
Of course, this requires one to not identify solely as a 'teacher' or others but also as a student of others, or really a student of the archetypal Spirits who freely engage others as their vessels.
I certainly resonate with this, when I have been recruiting folks to my sub, I have specifically been encouraging the curious/skeptic and student/teacher roles. Right now, I am not looking for another meditation method as I have a OBE blockage to work through. One of my new friends, who is a energy worker will be working with me in the next 90m. When I am able to resolve this blockage, I may be inclined to consider additional techniques. So bear with me friend, we are all still learning, myself include. I am of the perspective this will only ever stop when we fully resolve back to Unity or Source.
Anyway, if you get around to reading Steiner's works, I would be interested to hear how you relate to and understand them.
I picked up Steiner and Millman on my last trip to the library and I find myself reading Millman over Steiner. That might be because he is more on a "normal guy" level of writing and i have a past connection to his work. I am all about simplifying knowledge, which is why I am in to Trinities. After having read Cosmic Memory, I am of the perspective that Steiner is going to be expansive in his knowledge and wisdom for my liking. I tend to get lost in the detail, which does not help me come into under/overstanding.

Will see, I may work my way through it yet. As it turns out, I have been asked to write a chapter in a book about Unity Consciousness regarding the Unity Equation. I have started my own podcast as a method to answer questions and of course I am hoping to teach what I have come to under/overstand "how things work."

Thanks again for the fine conversation.


Yeah, it makes sense to hold off on Steiner's esoteric works at first. In a sense, they are tracing the UE in all its manifold and concrete expressions in the domains of the Cosmos, Nature, and Culture. For ex., when he speaks of Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, or Polarean, Hyperborean, Lemurian, or Upper Devachan, Lower Devachan, Astral, or the 'Three Mothers', or Intuition/Inspiration/Imagination, Willing/Feeling/Thinking, and many other such threefold relations, these are the self-similar fractal expressions of the UE as the latter expresses through the convolutions of Spiritual Activity (there is also a relation here to the convolutions of the physical brain). Steiner traces these relations into practically every domain of life, including physics, biology, medicine, agriculture, art, education, and many more.

But these details will remain a confusing mass of relatively dry facts until we reorient toward them as imaginative symbols for the Spirit as it manifests, from the first-person perspective, through the depth of our own intimate Trinity that Cleric mentioned on the other thread - Perception/Thinking/Intuition. Then these details become an imaginative mirror for the archetypally structured flow of our own individual and collective destiny, which doesn't simply help us create a theoretical model of that destiny to contemplate from a safe distance, but creatively shape it in ever-expanding degrees of cognitive freedom. Then we gradually learn to produce esoteric science from out of our own living experience.

That is why Steiner said Philosophy of Spiritual Activity was his most important work and provides a phenomenological foundation for all the later esoteric science. Here are some things he said about it:
“For in the case of a book like this, the important thing is so to organize the thoughts it contains that they take effect. With many other books it doesn’t make a great deal of difference if one shifts the sequence, putting this thing first and that later. But in the case of The Philosophy of Freedom that is impossible. It would be just as unthinkable to put page 150 fifty pages earlier as it would be to put a dog’s hind legs, where the front ones belong.”

“Catharsis is an ancient term for the purification of the astral body by means of meditation and concentration exercises. If a reader takes this book as it was meant and relates to it in the way a virtuoso playing a composition on the piano relates to its composer, reproducing the whole piece out of herself, the books organically evolved thought sequence will bring about a high degree of catharsis.”

“Within this book thinking is experienced in a way that makes it impossible for a person involved in it to have any other impression, when he is living in thought, he is living in the cosmos. This relatedness to cosmic mysteries is the red thread running through the book.”

I have listened to your podcast on the UE and it seems helpful as a conceptual foundation. Such a foundation can prove very useful if we also radiate it with increasing self-awareness of the spiritual depth - the temporal layers of structured potential - that finally condensed into the conception of the UE as a finished form. All those layers, just like the primordial Cosmic stages of evolution, are still present with us in the here and now, structuring our ideal, psychic, biological, and sensory-will activity. The UE can become a direct testimony for the flow of Spiritual Activity that conceived it. What are the various contextual factors of destiny that led you to conceive the UE and share it here exactly at this time in World Evolution? We can know these factors not only in some abstract or nebulous way, but with precise and imaginative cognition.
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
Ben Iscatus
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Re: Understanding the Christ-being and His Significance for the Future of Humanity

Post by Ben Iscatus »

Ashvin said: "But these details will remain a confusing mass of relatively dry facts until we reorient toward them as imaginative symbols for the Spirit as it manifests, from the first-person perspective, through the depth of our own intimate Trinity that Cleric mentioned on the other thread - Perception/Thinking/Intuition. "

Just as in the past I have been puzzled by your definition of thinking as “spiritual activity” instead of mental activity, I am also puzzled by your use of the term ‘intuition”.

Intuition is not, as you always seem to be implying, some higher level of mentation. Consider for instance the Nobel prizewinning Daniel Kahneman’s book, “Thinking Fast and Slow”. He considers intuition as what he calls ‘System 1’ which is a quick and dirty understanding (where there is no time or no need to spend time deliberating) which “operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control”. ‘System 2’ on the other hand, is slow and deliberate, involving “effortful mental activities…including complex calculations. The operations of System 2 are often associated with the subjective experience of agency, choice and concentration”.

He shows in his book how intuitive ‘System 1’ thinking can be fooled, and indeed is fooled a lot in the modern world, though it is often right in everyday life and in emergencies (if it were not, we wouldn’t have survived). He agrees with Herbert Simon’s understanding that intuition “is nothing more and nothing less than recognition”, which can be trained by repeated activity – for instance a chess master after playing thousands of games doesn’t need to think in many positions (though this does not stop him being wrong in some), thanks to intuitive pattern recognition.

It’s no wonder I can never understand where you’re coming from or where you’re going. Would it be possible for you to try to align your terminology with modern psychology?

There are other terms too - for instance, you also sometimes use the term 'etheric'. This is a legacy from the Victorian era when they thought the universe needed an ether to propagate light waves. We now do not see ether as a reality. Shouldn't you update and define what 'etheric' means?
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