Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

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Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

OMG ! I'm vexedly vaxxxed! Bit quiet hereabouts lately, and surely a bit of a click-bait title, but this from Steiner might stir things up, if youtube doesn't shut it down :o

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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Ben Iscatus »

And they put anti soul juice in our vitamin pills.
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Cleric K
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Cleric K »

If we're not caught up by the word itself - vaccine - and avoid the unnecessary speculations about covid, these things are serious matter. It's not difficult to imagine someone like Richard Dawkins being a great proponent of 'healing' the spiritual gene right out from the human genome.
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

I was hoping Cleric, as he often does, can shed some light on this in some nuanced way, other than the seeming conclusion that the idea construction of vaccination must turn us into de-spiritualized materialists. Given that I can resonate with the evolution of thinking, then what sense can more finely attained Thinking make of this?
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

Cleric K wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:55 pm If we're not caught up by the word itself - vaccine - and avoid the unnecessary speculations about covid, these things are serious matter. It's not difficult to imagine someone like Richard Dawkins being a great proponent of 'healing' the spiritual gene right out from the human genome.
It is an intriguing idea, for if corporeal phenomena are how Mind's Ideation manifests to us as none other than Mind focused in the corporeal construct, what does bio-engineered gene mutation and immune system, as opposed to natural, represent?
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Ben Iscatus
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Ben Iscatus »

what does bio-engineered gene mutation and immune system, as opposed to natural, represent?
The sixth root race?
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by AshvinP »

Soul_of_Shu wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:18 pm
Cleric K wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:55 pm If we're not caught up by the word itself - vaccine - and avoid the unnecessary speculations about covid, these things are serious matter. It's not difficult to imagine someone like Richard Dawkins being a great proponent of 'healing' the spiritual gene right out from the human genome.
It is an intriguing idea, for if corporeal phenomena are how Mind's Ideation manifests to us as none other than Mind focused in the corporeal construct, what does bio-engineered gene mutation and immune system, as opposed to natural, represent?

Here is some more context from Steiner's lecture which should be helpful:

Steiner wrote:At the Council of Constantinople it was decreed that the spirit did not exist; it was dogmatically stated that the human being consisted only of body and soul, and it was heresy to speak of a human spirit. In the same way attempts will be made to decree the soul, the inner life, as nonexistent.

The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.

The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.

[ These last two paragraphs have had select words or sentences quoted to characterize Rudolf Steiner as being either ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ vaccine. Every human being needs to examine these statements closely and of their own free will. Firstly in the light that the words are an English translation of notes taken at a German lecture. And secondly, as only a part of a much larger thought. In your research, be sure to use our Search feature to find other documents where ‘vaccine’ is referenced, and also other words like, ‘vaccinate’ or ‘vaccination,’ and ‘inoculate’ or ‘inoculation.’ Think ... Feel ... Will. See next paragraph. – e.Ed ]

People who think that playful ideas will help them to look ahead to the future are very much mistaken. We need serious, profound ideas to look ahead to the future. Anthroposophy is not a game, nor just a theory; it is a task that must be faced for the sake of human evolution.
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

Soul_of_Shu wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:18 pm
Cleric K wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:55 pm If we're not caught up by the word itself - vaccine - and avoid the unnecessary speculations about covid, these things are serious matter. It's not difficult to imagine someone like Richard Dawkins being a great proponent of 'healing' the spiritual gene right out from the human genome.
It is an intriguing idea, for if corporeal phenomena are how Mind's Ideation manifests to us as none other than Mind focused in the corporeal construct, what does bio-engineered gene mutation and immune system, as opposed to natural, represent?
Another question ... Why wouldn't the manifest idea construction of vaccine-boosted immune systems be an example of evolved Ideation at work, rather than some misconceived creation of bastardized, deprived ideation?
Here out of instinct or grace we seek
soulmates in these galleries of hieroglyph and glass,
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we who crave deep secrets and mysteries,
as elusive as the avatars of our dreams.
Ben Iscatus
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Ben Iscatus »

Another question ... Why wouldn't the manifest idea construction of vaccine-boosted immune systems be an example of evolved Ideation at work, rather than some misconceived creation of bastardized, deprived ideation?
I think (sic) because it's a one-size-fits-all solution, which betrays mechanized, socialist principles ;-)
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Re: Rudolf Steiner: Vaccines to Kill The Soul?!

Post by Cleric K »

Soul_of_Shu wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:02 pm I was hoping Cleric, as he often does, can shed some light on this in some nuanced way, other than the seeming conclusion that the idea construction of vaccination must turn us into de-spiritualized materialists. Given that I can resonate with the evolution of thinking, then what sense can more finely attained Thinking make of this?
Looking into the future doesn't present the seer with some finished and detailed picture. What can be perceived are the spiritual impulses that live in humanity across time. The forces that thrust consciousness towards the sensory spectrum are very strong. We can pictorially think of them as a kind of gravity that drags every thought and feeling in a certain direction. As long as souls are completely merged with that field, it is indistinguishable, just as we don't feel gravity in free fall. Yet at the moment we try to exercise our free spiritual activity, we immediately recognize this drag. And this is even when only concerning thinking. When we add the will it becomes even more difficult.

These forces span in time and it is possible to trace some of the shapes they want to assume. In Richard Dawkins, for example, we can clearly see this mixture of feelings, certain disdain for people who in his eyes are so intellectually paralyzed that they blindly believe in God. In fact, RD always seem to address the most naive forms of religiosity around, so widespread in the countless churches. To be fair, I myself would be having hard time conversing with such kind of people. Yet the thing is that RD focuses entirely on them. He never addresses more sophisticated spiritual views. It's like he's saying "Look, look what religion does to people! It turns them into mindless drones! These humans must be educated, they must be cured from the God virus." He's actually right about the first part but not about his methods of 'healing'. This is something typical when dealing with these things. There's always a kind of narrow focus on something specific on which the blame is put. For example, it's common to hear "We have first to solve the problem with poverty and hunger in Africa and only then we can take the liberty to amuse ourselves with spiritual ideas". This is precisely what is said in the video that in our age concepts and ideas are turned inside-out. The blindness about the true causes of these human catastrophes is precisely this turning inside-out. It is exactly by starting from our soul and spirit - that is, our ideas, desires, opinions, prejudices, likes and dislikes, that things should be solved from within outwards. It is as simple as someone trying to cure with drugs his failing liver while being blind that his excessive drinking is the real cause. These are very simple things and fortunately in our age they are already moving into general consciousness. It's almost a cliché today that one has to treat the causes and not the symptoms. Gradually we come to accept that simply because the outer facts force us to. But when it comes to spiritual life - and here it should be once again repeated that 'spiritual life' doesn't refer to rituals, churches and so on but to our life of thinking, feeling, willing - humanity still has the things inside-out. Up to the point of obvious things (as alcohol abuse) we're still able to spot the real cause. But when we have to go even deeper and understand the causes of human behavior itself, currently thinking bounces back and is thrust down into the sensory. To certain level of comfort we can trace causes to our own ideas and desires but when we need to go even deeper, instead of continuing in the same direction, we bounce back and return to thoughts about the outer world, brains, politics, nature, and seek the causes there. This is the main form that this turning inside-out takes. It is also the reason for the narrow mindedness of today, where everyone focuses on something within the sensory spectrum and calls it a 'cause of all misfortunes'.

Only a true deepening of our spiritual life can lead us to the true causes of our own ideas and desires. The direction of this deepening can be grasped from a recent post here.

The trouble, of course, is that this direction is very inconvenient. It's much easier to put the blame on genes, religious people, the spoiled youth, etc. The higher forces that bounce back human activity and thrust it back towards the sensory spectrum are at the same time what causes the extreme narrow mindedness we see today. Here one can object: "But physics is not narrow minded, it explores everything - from the atom to the Universe". Indeed it does but seen from a unprejudiced perspective we see that it is entirely under the influence of these thrusting down forces, which force physics to conceive as real only the contents of the sensory spectrum and try to derive all causes as proceeding from there.

All the above may seem as digressing from the topic but it's actually not. We should take the words of Steiner about vaccines in a much broader spectrum. We'll be completely off-base if we imagine that these words are lightly given in the way TV "clairvoyants" predict that an asteroid will strike the Earth. We can only grasp what all this is about if we make an effort to leave the narrow minded views and grasp the bigger picture. If we can't find the thrusting down forces within ourselves we won't find them in the World either.

From a higher perspective it is completely obvious that humans, thrust down by these forces, will continue to hold in holy sanctity their views, their desires, opinions, and will seek all kinds of solutions to problems by manipulating the sensory spectrum (that is through drugs, legislation, technology, etc.). What we're speaking here, for example, is one of the greatest threats for the comfortable sleep of the human "I"s. People will not reject it because it is illogical and doesn't explain what we see but because it hurts them. It pokes them in an area that is too intimate, that they believe is entirely their own affair. This is also the reason that they'll fight against all these 'threats'. And make no mistake, if they find a technical way to suppress the striving of certain souls to find deeper spiritual causes of human behavior, they'll use it without second thought. This is what higher vision reveals. It's like seeing into the inner life of a nation that is in war with another. Even if the details are not fully clear, the general direction of all human conduct is crystal clear. The souls are busy to invent whatever weapon, spying technology, propaganda tactics, infiltration tactics - anything that can be conceived, in order to defend the national interest.

This is clearly visible. The dark forces are inspiring the souls to seek such solutions. As said, we shouldn't be caught up the concrete word 'vaccine'. In fact we should be much more alert. Just as in real war, there are no rules of engagement. Everything can be utilized - education, music, arts, digital technology, medicine. And the interesting thing is that these impulses don't act as some ideology, some dark agenda that people consciously choose to support - it is simply what they want and what they believe in. They defend their own interest.

I understand that the above will sound completely conspiratorial to many. But please simply consider what is here being talked about. It's not about spreading sensations suitable for tabloids. We're talking about humans taking their life in control. This can only happen by deepening self-knowledge. Not abstract, theoretical psychological hypotheses but actual, practical understanding of our inner being. From there we can become conscious of all the blind desires, urges, addictions, irrational ideas, which rule our lives and toss us around, and also find completely unsuspected higher goals into which human energies can be directed. If this prospect seems ludicrous, dangerous and so on, then this will simply confirm that there's resistance to know the deeper reality of the human being and the Cosmos, and this 'threat' will be fought against. This will be eventually seen right below this post. There will be people who will fight with words what is being said here but if they had the chance they wouldn't hesitate to use also other means to silence such 'dangerous', 'sectarian', 'totalitarian' ideas. Ideas that in reality only seek to expand man's consciousness and lead him to freedom, clear understanding and the possibility for higher meaning of existence. Ironically, any such opposing behavior will simply confirm what was said in the video.
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