Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

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Lou Gold
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Lou Gold »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:32 am
Lou Gold wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 9:45 pm And you know this because you personally have performed the protocols and have consciously attained the awareness and experience? I plead for a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.
Asking yes/no questions implies that the inquirer understands the two alternatives and knows them to be mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that people simply don't even try to understand what it's meant with 'intuitive thinking'. In our popular culture, this is instinctively equated with thinking driven by mysterious feelings. We stand at a crossroad and say "My intuition tells me that I must turn right". But this is not in the least the intuitive thinking we're talking about. This is simply intellectual reading into inexplicable sympathies. There's nothing thoughtful in choosing the path in this way. We simply feel one direction to be more sympathetic than the other and our thinking simply testifies of this feeling. We haven't thought anything out, we simply say "I feel better about this direction, even though I have no clue why".

I'm not saying that these feelings don't have their rightful place and that they shouldn't be taken into account. I'm only saying that 'intuitive thinking' implies something else.

There have been so many attempts to explain this that I have little hopes that this time it will be any different but nevertheless, here's one more try.

In our modern intellectual consciousness we feel our thoughts as tiny mental sparks zipping around and coalescing into logical structures. There's a saying that we hear often here: "The map is not the territory". These assemblies of mental sparks are considered to be nothing but a map of the real territory - the true reality. I doubt anyone here would disagree with this comparison.

Yet where people disagree strongly is when it is suggested that these mental sparks are only flown off particles of actual currents of reality. Let's imagine the supposed real territory, the maternal Cosmic Womb, the Cosmic Waters, as the all encompassing loving embrace of the Divine Feminine. The map analogy represents the human being as a small sack of amniotic fluid, part of the Cosmic Fluid. This representation happens through assemblies of tiny fluorescent sparks within our local amniotic fluid within the sac. Seen in this way, it's completely natural to feel the mental sparks as only a quite marginal, almost accidental, manifestation of true reality.

But what if the sparking activity is fully legitimate part of the Cosmic Being? What if it is not merely accidental assembly of sparks that only serve to represent as a map the supposed real territory? What if when we think the sparks, we live in portion of the actual territory? What if the territory is not only the Cosmic Waters but also the currents of Cosmic Fire? This is the fire of the Spirit, which runs like electricity through the waters and sets them in motion. It's the active, Masculine Cosmic principle.

Here's a metaphor:


Cosmic Fire forms shafts of plasma. But we can also see that small packets of plasma get disconnected. These can be likened to our floating mental sparks which mechanically assemble into maps of the supposed reality.

Intuitive thinking can only be approached when we realize that we indeed use the sparks as map building material but in its essence, the thinking activity that propels the sparks is in itself something of the territory. It is part of the Fiery aspect of the living Cosmos.

Obviously, the great difficulty is that we don't see thinking as something laid before us. What we perceive as thoughts is only the effects of thinking. Now another analogy comes to mind: Sonoluminescence. This is the phenomenon of light emission when bubbles are imploded through sound. Similarly, thinking is like the invisible spiritual activity which speaks its Word through the waters and produces light phenomena - perceptible thoughts. If we can't distinguish thought perceptions from the invisible first-person willed activity which excites these perceptions, it's impossible to make a step forward.

What do popular teachings do? They recognize that the map is not the territory. Perfect! They recognize that the assemblies of mental sparks form a map and as such they are not the territory. They point at reality but are not themselves that full realty. Excellent! Then what do the teachings do? They say "These pesky mental sparks only stand on our way to reality. The obstruct our perception of the territory by overlying it with mental maps." Fair enough. And what is the offered solution? "Let go of the sparking activity". Well, OK. But in this way we also lose our point of contact with half of reality - the first-person experienced fiery aspect of reality, which is active, creative, which excites the waters and shapes the temporal unfolding of the fluid dreamscape.

This one-sidedness is so simple, so obvious, so eye-poking that I still marvel how people simply pass through it without even noticing.

So this is it in a nutshell. Our mental sparks can indeed be assembled into maps but the thinking activity which assembles them is also the immediate aspect of the Fiery Territory of the Cosmos. In our thinking we live in the inner reality of that territory. When thinking begins to assemble sparks into maps and contemplate them, obviously it builds a veil. Yet simply stopping any thinking activity, cuts us off the Cosmic Fire. We remain in a pocket of hazy amniotic fluid, we feel the pulse of the maternal heartbeat through the fluid and call that reality. But that reality can only become complete when we find the complementary Cosmic Principle which arts through the waters. We can only approach this Principle when we investigate our thinking - which is direct manifestation of Cosmic Fire - and in this way we find how it is embedded in the Cosmic currents, which art the Cosmos at large. In this sense, intuitive thinking implies that instead of throwing away the disconnected pockets of plasma in the above metaphor, we begin to discover the Thinking of the Cosmos, how it runs through us and energizes us, how our sparkling thinking is only a severely limited manifestation of the Cosmic Fiery currents, which meaningfully art the dreamscape from within. This feeble thinking activity of ours is destined to evolve into the magical force of the Spirit which stirs the World Waters.

Please read my question literally and stop strawmanning it into something other than I intended.

And you know this because you personally have performed the protocols and have consciously attained the awareness and experience? I plead for a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.

I am asking whether the precise protocols were followed and the resulting experiences were obtained in the judgement of yourself or Ashvin according to your own precise comprehension and not according to whatever the key words like intuitive, imaginative and inspirative thinking might mean to me or Dana or more commonly in the culture. In the original question, I was being completely generous toward Ashvin's interpretations and asking if he personally performed the practices and consciously attained the spiritual experiences? (I'm still waiting to hear his simple response.)
Last edited by Lou Gold on Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:32 am Unfortunately, I'm afraid that people simply don't even try to understand what it's meant with 'intuitive thinking'. In our popular culture, this is instinctively equated with thinking driven by mysterious feelings. We stand at a crossroad and say "My intuition tells me that I must turn right". But this is not in the least the intuitive thinking we're talking about. This is simply intellectual reading into inexplicable sympathies. There's nothing thoughtful in choosing the path in this way. We simply feel one direction to be more sympathetic than the other and our thinking simply testifies of this feeling. We haven't thought anything out, we simply say "I feel better about this direction, even though I have no clue why".
'People' is quite a broad category. Surely this oversimplification is not what Pageau is engaging in, for example in the conversation with BK, with the intuitions about how the design of medieval cities is inspired in a way corresponding to cosmic archetypal ideas; or what the artist is engaging in when inspired to create some iconic image. Can you be more specific as to how people engaging in such examples of activity correlates to some special category of 'intuitive thinking' as you define it, or why those respective examples should be set apart, if at all?
Here out of instinct or grace we seek
soulmates in these galleries of hieroglyph and glass,
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as elusive as the avatars of our dreams.
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Cleric K »

Lou Gold wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:17 pm Cleric,

Please read my question literally and stop strawmanning it into something other than I intended.

And you know this because you personally have performed the protocols and have consciously attained the awareness and experience? I plead for a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.

I am asking whether the precise protocols were followed and the resulting experiences were obtained in the judgement of yourself or Ashvin according to your own precise comprehension and not according to whatever the key words like intuitive, imaginative and inspirative thinking might mean to me or Dana or more commonly in the culture. In the original question, I was being completely generous toward Ashvin's interpretations and asking if he personally performed the practices and consciously attained the spiritual experiences?
OK Lou, I agree. I wrote the reply few moves ahead in the game, simply because I know that whatever the answer would be to that yes/no question, it would not lead you closer to the heart of the matter. But maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart, maybe you simply were interested in this yes/no question for its own sake, without expecting this to tip you to consider more seriously or less, the actual topic.

So I'm sorry. If there has been actual interest on your part in the essential nature of intuitive thinking then my reply will become relevant again few moves down the line. If you haven't had that interest to begin with, them my apologies, I've inappropriately tried to explain something for which you were not even asking.
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Lou Gold
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Lou Gold »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:21 pm
Lou Gold wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:17 pm Cleric,

Please read my question literally and stop strawmanning it into something other than I intended.

And you know this because you personally have performed the protocols and have consciously attained the awareness and experience? I plead for a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.

I am asking whether the precise protocols were followed and the resulting experiences were obtained in the judgement of yourself or Ashvin according to your own precise comprehension and not according to whatever the key words like intuitive, imaginative and inspirative thinking might mean to me or Dana or more commonly in the culture. In the original question, I was being completely generous toward Ashvin's interpretations and asking if he personally performed the practices and consciously attained the spiritual experiences?
OK Lou, I agree. I wrote the reply few moves ahead in the game, simply because I know that whatever the answer would be to that yes/no question, it would not lead you closer to the heart of the matter. But maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart, maybe you simply were interested in this yes/no question for its own sake, without expecting this to tip you to consider more seriously or less, the actual topic.

So I'm sorry. If there has been actual interest on your part in the essential nature of intuitive thinking then my reply will become relevant again few moves down the line. If you haven't had that interest to begin with, them my apologies, I've inappropriately tried to explain something for which you were not even asking.
YIKES! Cleric, you've done it again, taking a particular personal approach and projecting it as a general truth.

I have a personal path that allows me to consciously explore and learn from intuitive, imaginative and inspirative awareness that I've practiced for 25 years with continued satisfaction that consistently leads me deeper into the heart of the matter. Your speculative projection "maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart" is quite contrary to my personal intention and practice, which works for me and includes aspects like communing with non-corporeal entities, understanding from where symbols come, living in an archetypal present and more. In my way, there is no proselytizing. If someone is called to it, it will happen. My way also increases my appreciation of ways other than my primary way. It gives me a non-judgemental non-comparative generosity toward other sincere seekers and their ways. If your way or Ashvin's give you the experiences you seek, I rejoice in your experiential satisfaction and praise the Divine generosity that produces such blessings. The only question I ask is, "Does it do it for you?"
Last edited by Lou Gold on Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Cleric K »

Soul_of_Shu wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:36 pm
Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:32 am Unfortunately, I'm afraid that people simply don't even try to understand what it's meant with 'intuitive thinking'. In our popular culture, this is instinctively equated with thinking driven by mysterious feelings. We stand at a crossroad and say "My intuition tells me that I must turn right". But this is not in the least the intuitive thinking we're talking about. This is simply intellectual reading into inexplicable sympathies. There's nothing thoughtful in choosing the path in this way. We simply feel one direction to be more sympathetic than the other and our thinking simply testifies of this feeling. We haven't thought anything out, we simply say "I feel better about this direction, even though I have no clue why".
'People' is quite a broad category. Surely this oversimplification is not what Pageau is engaging in, for example in the conversation with BK, with the intuitions about how the design of medieval cities is inspired in a way corresponding to cosmic archetypal ideas; or what the artist is engaging in when inspired to create some iconic image. Can you be more specific as to how people engaging in such examples of activity correlates to some special category of 'intuitive thinking' as you define it, or why those respective examples should be set apart, if at all?
OK, so Pageau conceives of thinking inspired by archetypal idea-beings. Let's imagine vividly how such inspired thinking may look for the one experiencing it. Let's say I'm the medieval architect. My lightbulb (or wax candle, if we're to be epoch-correct) shines and out of the blue I have a great idea about city design. It's efficient for transportation, takes care of sewage, it's safe (has city walls and stuff). As I move through the ideas, more of them begin to pop up and click into place. I'm in the inspired flow. It turns out that the way the ideas arranged, even without knowing it, followed very deep occult principles. Maybe there were seven fountains in the city square, surrounded by twelve columns. Maybe the orientation was aligned with the Sun's position in the Spring equinox, the arrangements of buildings correspond to the celestial hierarchies and so on.

Now this is all great and we can take it very seriously that actual archetypal forces, as real as gravity and electricity are for the physicist, have been governing the precipitation of ideas. In a way, the architectural ideas were in musical resonance with the archetypal structure of our Cosmic environment - seven planets, twelve beings of the Zodiac, etc.

The real question now is how can we approach this archetypal realm in its reality and not only experience its human-level precipitations, as when Manna descended from the heavens for the ancient Hebrews. As long as we don't seek to grow consciously into that archetypal realm, it all remains a religious story. The materialist would say "These ideas were simply generated by lucky train of neural activity. Everything has rational explanation. The twelve columns reflect the neural dynamics of the twelve cranial nerves and so on for everything else. We're mistaking our deep biological structure, which of course determines the computation of thoughts, for some fantastic archetypal realm."

This is where we're standing today. We should realize that simply having beautiful ideas about the archetypal world is no longer sufficient as our human cognition remains strictly in the horizontal layer of abstract assemblies. So today it's not enough to have a story, a myth about the way our thoughts appear in our minds. It's possible for our spiritual being itself to grow into higher (soul and archetypal) orders of reality and experience directly how the inner dreamscape crystalizes from these realms and how the spirit moving within the crystallizations evolves into a new archetypal being.

So are we willing to bridge the worlds? Are we satisfied with simply having a modern myth for the beyond? Or we realize that we've reached a point where the myths have been only symbolic pointers for the structure of spiritual reality and that it is through the development of our being of body, soul and spirit that we gain consciousness of that reality which we live and breathe all the time.

Intuitive thinking begins with the humble realization that in our spiritual activity we've never been apart from the archetypal world. It has always been the essence of what we call idea or meaning. It's only that for a long time we've been oscillating within a horizontal layer of mineralized intellectual shards of this archetypal world, which makes it feel that it exists in isolation from the rest of reality. It's as isolated as water in ice crystals is isolated from water in fluid form. It's one underlying Cosmic Spirit that weaves and recognizes itself in the different forms of aggregation. In intuitive thinking we begin to discover our spiritual being along this gradient and not only within mineralized concepts.
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Lou Gold »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:41 pm
So are we willing to bridge the worlds? Are we satisfied with simply having a modern myth for the beyond? Or we realize that we've reached a point where the myths have been only symbolic pointers for the structure of spiritual reality and that it is through the development of our being of body, soul and spirit that we gain consciousness of that reality which we live and breathe all the time.

One way is to engage our every breath directly into the here-and-now as is beautifully revealed in this brief documentary about the life and works of Thich Nhat Hanh:

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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by AshvinP »

Lou Gold wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:28 pm
Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:21 pm
Lou Gold wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:17 pm Cleric,

Please read my question literally and stop strawmanning it into something other than I intended.

And you know this because you personally have performed the protocols and have consciously attained the awareness and experience? I plead for a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.

I am asking whether the precise protocols were followed and the resulting experiences were obtained in the judgement of yourself or Ashvin according to your own precise comprehension and not according to whatever the key words like intuitive, imaginative and inspirative thinking might mean to me or Dana or more commonly in the culture. In the original question, I was being completely generous toward Ashvin's interpretations and asking if he personally performed the practices and consciously attained the spiritual experiences?
OK Lou, I agree. I wrote the reply few moves ahead in the game, simply because I know that whatever the answer would be to that yes/no question, it would not lead you closer to the heart of the matter. But maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart, maybe you simply were interested in this yes/no question for its own sake, without expecting this to tip you to consider more seriously or less, the actual topic.

So I'm sorry. If there has been actual interest on your part in the essential nature of intuitive thinking then my reply will become relevant again few moves down the line. If you haven't had that interest to begin with, them my apologies, I've inappropriately tried to explain something for which you were not even asking.
YIKES! Cleric, you've done it again, taking a particular personal approach and projecting it as a general truth.

I have a personal path that allows me to consciously explore and learn from intuitive, imaginative and inspirative awareness that I've practiced for 25 years with continued satisfaction that consistently leads me deeper into the heart of the matter. Your speculative projection "maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart" is quite contrary to my personal intention and practice, which works for me and includes aspects like communing with non-corporeal entities, understanding from where symbols come and more. In my way, there is no proselytizing. If someone is called to it, it will happen. My way also increases my appreciation of ways other than my primary way. It gives me a non-judgemental non-comparative generosity toward other sincere seekers and their ways. If your way or Ashvin's give you the experiences you seek, I rejoice in your experiential satisfaction and praise the Divine generosity that produces such blessings. The only question I ask is, "Does it do it for you?"

Cleric was also explaining how "yes/no" questions and answers presuppose the higher worlds function exactly like the world we perceive and investigate with abstract intellectual cognition. So, whatever higher realities you have experienced, clearly you are still interpreting their meaning with that same intellectual cognition when asking these questions and expecting answers in that mechanical way. We aren't seeking what makes us feel personally happy, at peace, 'enlightened', satiated, etc., although those things may result along the way with humility, sacrifice, pain, sorrow, anguish, etc. experienced at certain times as well, but we are seeking what is objectively true about this gradient from lower to higher Consciousness. These objective truths are first-person and relational, and cannot be captured in yes/no binary of the intellect - I can't say the higher world amenable to imagination starts at point X and ends at point Y, and the world amenable to inspiration starts at Y and ends at Z, and I am at a certain point between X and Y. That sort of answer simply can't be given. But the nature of the relational gradient of Consciousness is still objective, can be explored, and can be communicated with conceptual symbols expressed through analogical reasoning. That is what Cleric has done endlessly here with his essays/posts and I can't remember a single time you have actually asked a question to seek deeper understanding of what he is writing rather than to express your own opinion and declare, "I've been there and done all that!".
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Soul_of_Shu »

Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:41 pm Intuitive thinking begins with the humble realization that in our spiritual activity we've never been apart from the archetypal world. It has always been the essence of what we call idea or meaning. It's only that for a long time we've been oscillating within a horizontal layer of mineralized intellectual shards of this archetypal world, which makes it feel that it exists in isolation from the rest of reality. It's as isolated as water in ice crystals is isolated from water in fluid form. It's one underlying Cosmic Spirit that weaves and recognizes itself in the different forms of aggregation. In intuitive thinking we begin to discover our spiritual being along this gradient and not only within mineralized concepts.
Ok, to be concise, 'as above, so below', and now in the indelible understanding of this axiom we can "realize our true origin, place and integral role in the Oversoul" (Seth Speaks 1972), and must consciously strive to leverage this dynamic to our collective benefit. As the iconic swooshing Nike symbol of some winged goddess implores us—which alas is currently used to sell $20 sneakers for $200—C'mon people, JUST DO IT ! :mrgreen:
Here out of instinct or grace we seek
soulmates in these galleries of hieroglyph and glass,
where mutual longings and sufferings of love
are laid bare in transfigured exhibition of our hearts,
we who crave deep secrets and mysteries,
as elusive as the avatars of our dreams.
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Lou Gold
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Lou Gold »

AshvinP wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 7:27 pm
Lou Gold wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:28 pm
Cleric K wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 5:21 pm

OK Lou, I agree. I wrote the reply few moves ahead in the game, simply because I know that whatever the answer would be to that yes/no question, it would not lead you closer to the heart of the matter. But maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart, maybe you simply were interested in this yes/no question for its own sake, without expecting this to tip you to consider more seriously or less, the actual topic.

So I'm sorry. If there has been actual interest on your part in the essential nature of intuitive thinking then my reply will become relevant again few moves down the line. If you haven't had that interest to begin with, them my apologies, I've inappropriately tried to explain something for which you were not even asking.
YIKES! Cleric, you've done it again, taking a particular personal approach and projecting it as a general truth.

I have a personal path that allows me to consciously explore and learn from intuitive, imaginative and inspirative awareness that I've practiced for 25 years with continued satisfaction that consistently leads me deeper into the heart of the matter. Your speculative projection "maybe it was not your intent at all to get closer to the heart" is quite contrary to my personal intention and practice, which works for me and includes aspects like communing with non-corporeal entities, understanding from where symbols come and more. In my way, there is no proselytizing. If someone is called to it, it will happen. My way also increases my appreciation of ways other than my primary way. It gives me a non-judgemental non-comparative generosity toward other sincere seekers and their ways. If your way or Ashvin's give you the experiences you seek, I rejoice in your experiential satisfaction and praise the Divine generosity that produces such blessings. The only question I ask is, "Does it do it for you?"

Cleric was also explaining how "yes/no" questions and answers presuppose the higher worlds function exactly like the world we perceive and investigate with abstract intellectual cognition. So, whatever higher realities you have experienced, clearly you are still interpreting their meaning with that same intellectual cognition when asking these questions and expecting answers in that mechanical way. We aren't seeking what makes us feel personally happy, at peace, 'enlightened', satiated, etc., although those things may result along the way with humility, sacrifice, pain, sorrow, anguish, etc. experienced at certain times as well, but we are seeking what is objectively true about this gradient from lower to higher Consciousness. These objective truths are first-person and relational, and cannot be captured in yes/no binary of the intellect - I can't say the higher world amenable to imagination starts at point X and ends at point Y, and the world amenable to inspiration starts at Y and ends at Z, and I am at a certain point between X and Y. That sort of answer simply can't be given. But the nature of the relational gradient of Consciousness is still objective, can be explored, and can be communicated with conceptual symbols expressed through analogical reasoning. That is what Cleric has done endlessly here with his essays/posts and I can't remember a single time you have actually asked a question to seek deeper understanding of what he is writing rather than to express your own opinion and declare, "I've been there and done all that!".
C'mon Ashvin,

I accept your statement that "These objective truths are first-person and relational, and cannot be captured in yes/no binary of the intellect ". I did not expect a capture or description and I'm not leading into it. I am simply asking if you have had, according to your own understanding, these first-person and relational experiences, which defy the intellect? If you say "no" I will respond "I hope you do" and if you say "yes" I will say "I'm happy you were so blessed."

I am not saying that Cleric does not have a conceptual way that he has endlessly expressed nor am I judging it as false or inferior to what I do. I celebrate the diversity of ways. When I say that I'm satisfied with my way, I'm not asserting that it always or generally brings comfort and happiness. Sometimes it's quite the opposite. I'm also not saying "been there done that" to Cleric's way. Why don't I ask about it and seek to probe more deeply? Because I have my own path of heart. And it gives me many experiences beyond the mere intelect. I am comfortable and satisfied in saying "YES" to my own question.
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Re: Why I believe Analytic Idealism is flawed

Post by Martin_ »

So my intellect is not capable to determine whether i've had an intellect-defying experience or not? this is new.
"I don't understand." /Unknown
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