Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by Cleric K »

Federica wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:06 pm Yes, in this sense, your point reminds me of what MS said, that "we need to discover how much we really desire the spirit". I believe the interest shown by the immediate surroundings is an early test for anyone who has affinity with the path of living thinking, but the real challenge with the immediate surroundings is probably not so much that they feel no need to explore a similar path for themselves, but that some may conclude one has fallen for some obscure faith or sect. Thanks for the thoughts on the language of Michael!
BTW, coincidentally yesterday's daily OMA thought was also on the topic:
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov wrote:It is true that nothing is more precious than friendship, but human beings are not always interested in having a true friend; what they are looking for is an ally, someone who will approve and encourage them, even when they behave badly. Do you know many people who want their friends to be completely sincere with them and not necessarily approve of everything they do or say? Most people feel betrayed and fly into a rage at the slightest criticism. We all know that if you want to win someone’s good opinion, you have to praise, flatter and approve of them. What with those who refuse to listen to the truth and those who have found that it is not in their interest to tell it, many people around us spend their time deceiving or being deceived.
Those who truly want to evolve do not lie or try to deceive others; above all, they accept their comments and criticism. In fact, if they are truly wise, they will understand that it is useful to have enemies. Why? Because enemies can help them to advance.
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by Güney27 »

AshvinP wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:22 pm
Güney27 wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:41 pm
AshvinP wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:02 am

These are good points, Guney. Frankly, I don't think it's possible. I think of a 'skeptic' as someone who won't lift a finger to exercise their thinking muscles unless everything is presented to them in abstract conceptual proofs. Such a person cannot even follow a phenomenology of thinking-perception, let alone more involved esoteric discussion. The inner realities are what give rise to our ability to formulate 'proofs' yet cannot themselves be proved - that would be like trying to reconstruct a living person from the broken shards of a mirror that once reflected her image. It is even difficult for people well-versed in spiritual science to get a concrete inner understanding of the stages of evolution, planes, bodies, ethers, etc. for this reason.

It is all about re-orienting our normal intuition of the 'way the world works', deconditioning that intuition from very narrow assumptions, beliefs, and preferences. But our normal intuition is also conditioned by a narrow memory, a narrow experiential landscape, that has nothing to compare itself to. It can't remember its more living and organic childhood mode of thinking, let alone its modes of thinking in previous epochs of human history. So it needs to perceive the helplessness of its current situation and take a reasoned leap of faith towards trusting in a Wisdom beyond its narrow confines. The skeptic is practically by definition someone unwilling to trust in anything that is not already spread before him in known perceptions and concepts that can be passively absorbed.

Any person who wants a chance to understand their inner experience concretely needs to be very open and willing to struggle with their thinking, to sacrifice many accumulated beliefs and habits in the pursuit of Truth. And this is how it should be. It would be a terrible thing if we could 'prove' genuine esotericism to a skeptic or anyone else through a passively absorbed set of logical arguments. That would practically be the end of all striving towards inner perfection of creative and moral capacities, which is practically the end of human evolution. So we shouldn't get too concerned about convincing others of these inner realities. First, we need to continue working on our own intuitive orientation because there is surely a lot more work to be done at any given time. The most powerful means of transmission is through living examples to others of the noble ways we think, feel, and act.
I myself sympathize with an esoteric world understanding, but even after reading a lot, I cannot check whether all of Steiner's statements are true, I have to trust him. And hardly anyone will change their life so much, which one has to do in order to set an occult development in motion, if they don't have a sensible reason for it.
The intellect needs a reason to pursue these pursuits.
Maybe it would be better to start with something else, something like Owen Barfield or jung perhaps.
It is also important to understand why materialism arises from unproven assumptions.

Actually, it's not about pushing anyone into anthroposophy, but about showing someone that materialism is not an adequate explanation of the world.
I'm having trouble with this myself, so I wanted to get help from the forum.

How would you explain to someone, in simple language, why materialism (and all other philosophical positions that go along with it) are not facts but assumptions, and that they have problems that cannot be solved (for example the Hard Problem)?


We need to be clear on what we are challenging, to begin with. If it's only a matter of challenging the idea that mindless matter giving rise to consciousness makes no logical sense, i.e. it cannot even be conceived within the scientific paradigm, then there are plenty of ways to go about it in 'simple language'. BK uses quite simple language to debate materialists and these are quite convincing. Everyone on this forum has worked their way to that realization in one form or another, but we have seen on this forum that materialism (or reductionism) at a deeper level still remains alive and unchallenged for many such people. That is because reductionism isn't a world outlook adopted through a strictly rational or logical process. The heart will always continue leading the mind back to some form of reductionism (material or mystical) until the deeper 'arrows' that steer our thought-life are addressed.

How do we bring an intellectual thinker's attention to these deeper arrows of their own thought life? There is no really 'simple language' for this except for the phenomenology of intuitive thinking. So to answer your question, I would introduce them to something like Cleric's last essay. If that experiential path is pursued openly in good faith, then it will not only reveal the reductionist assumptions we have been clinging to in our thinking, but it will naturally elucidate the nature of spiritual science over time as well. Here we also return to what Cleric was pointing to. If we still feel that we have to trust Steiner (or anyone else) on esoteric claims, that we can't check those claims in our reasoning, then we have more work to do for our own intuitive orientation (and that is practically always the case). We should look at our encounters with others who challenge the spiritual nature of reality as primarily a way to strengthen and clarify that orientation, rather than logically convince them of anything. Great care is needed here because we always want to be conscientious of the risk of doing more harm than good in our interactions with others.

It is true that the intellect is now the 'bouncer' of the heart, but nothing makes it past the intellect to the heart unless it is approached from the inner side of the intellect. The latter needs to experience itself in the middle of the funnel, torus, etc. where holistic Ideas condense into fragmented concepts and perceptions, and where the latter feeds back and steers the development of Ideas. It needs to feel intimately involved with this process in all its daily activities. Usually, when we make logical arguments about these things, like the 'hard problem of consciousness', we end up distancing ourselves further from creative involvement with the inner experiential side. The arguments dictate a certain chain of reasoning that we passively absorb to spit out conclusions X, Y, or Z. The meaning of the conclusions, like "consciousness is all there is and brain processes are only the dashboard representation of consciousness", can be perfectly coherent and accurate but still distance us from the inner side of that reality.

The resolution to this conundrum comes when our concepts become more direct expressions of inner experiences, such as the physical exercise diagram that invites our thinking-will to set itself in motion and creatively experience the meaningful gestures of the pictures. If we do that also for our life of thinking on a consistent basis, then we will start to find all the esoteric concepts of stages of cognition, stages of evolution, higher planes, bodies, hierarchical beings, and so forth are of the same nature - they are pointing to the intimate layers of our TFW soul-life that can be creatively engaged and explored. Again, initially, this doesn't require any deep meditative experience but can be attained through healthy phenomenological reasoning. I have noticed that the more we talk about it in abstract terms, even if those terms are very clear and accurate, the more difficult it becomes for others to grasp the simple essence of what is being pointed to. The abstract arguments tend to play into old habits of thinking, reinforcing them, and these are precisely what blocks our higher insight into the inner gestures of the concepts being used.

This is why there is great value in the very simple imaginative metaphors that approach and engage the experiential layers of our soul-life from as many angles as possible. Metaphors are something we can really participate in with our thinking, actively discerning the connection between the object of the metaphor - like 'aliased frequencies' or 'decohered wave functions' - and our first-person perceptual experience where holistic, dynamic processes of Time have become fixed and static objects of space where we no longer perceive the underlying intents. But this requires a consistent effort, there is no one-time metaphor or explanation that will unlock the secrets of our inner life. As Lorenzo indicated above, every insight should have practical ramifications for how we work on our soul-life and establish harmonious rhythms with the intents of culture and nature. We find the most meaning in our lives when we gain more and more participatory responsibility for how that life unfolds.
Cleric's essay attempts to show phenomenologically how perception and our spiritual activity are intertwined at any given time. There is an additional element to our perception that lets us know what we are currently experiencing.

I think he makes an attempt to take the reader from thinking about thinking, in the form of abstract theories, back to reality.

I can almost follow the essay phenomenologically, but at the end there is still the unanswered question: to what extent can I check whether, in the intuitive context in which I live, the things that Steiner and other esoteric teachers report make up the world?

It was necessary to live in the sensory world in order to gain an intuitive orientation in it. How am I supposed to work on my intuitive orientation if I don't notice anything about the etheric, astral, devachan... worlds in my awake consciousness?
They thus become abstract speculative concepts.

If I report my dream to you, you will perhaps be able to understand it and interpret the content through your thinking, but you will never be able to check whether my dream really happened the way I reported it

So how can I check, without being clairvoyant myself, whether what Steiner and others report is true?
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by AshvinP »

Güney27 wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:26 am Ashvin,
Cleric's essay attempts to show phenomenologically how perception and our spiritual activity are intertwined at any given time. There is an additional element to our perception that lets us know what we are currently experiencing.

I think he makes an attempt to take the reader from thinking about thinking, in the form of abstract theories, back to reality.

I can almost follow the essay phenomenologically, but at the end there is still the unanswered question: to what extent can I check whether, in the intuitive context in which I live, the things that Steiner and other esoteric teachers report make up the world?

It was necessary to live in the sensory world in order to gain an intuitive orientation in it. How am I supposed to work on my intuitive orientation if I don't notice anything about the etheric, astral, devachan... worlds in my awake consciousness?
They thus become abstract speculative concepts.

If I report my dream to you, you will perhaps be able to understand it and interpret the content through your thinking, but you will never be able to check whether my dream really happened the way I reported it

So how can I check, without being clairvoyant myself, whether what Steiner and others report is true?


Some of our questions in this respect embed certain habits of thinking and corresponding assumptions. When we ask how the world is 'made up', or whether the world is made up of the concepts found in SS, what are we expecting to find as an answer? Here is a simple metaphor we could use.


That is the spirit when it enters our normal 'manmade' pathway of thinking, formed through sense perceptual experience and basic education. We will notice how simple and easy this is - once we set the spirit in motion within our cognitive life, we hardly need to do anything for the concepts to appear and form some basic chain of reasoning that flows to a conclusion about the World Content. 

If we refer to BK's analytic idealism, we will notice how all the concepts used are drawn from our normal intuition of how the 'world works'. MAL refers to some unified substrate of 'stuff' in which everything else takes place (materialists might call this the 'quantum field'). Alter refers to our experience of how portions of the unified substrate flow into a certain area and are enclosed by a membrane. We find this often at the cellular level, for ex. in cell division and reproduction. Dissociation refers to some psychological process by which contents of consciousness are separated out from within a unified personality and become self-aware (at this point we run out of sense-perceptible metaphors, so we compare to a person with DID, which is more of a literal description of what we think is happening). The thing to notice is how easily all of these concepts fit into our normal intuitions. They give the path of least resistance for our spirit to flow and therefore are experienced as 'simple' and 'easy'.

Compare that to the erosion process of a stream flowing through a 'natural' (living) environment. 

That is how our spirit behaves when it starts to work conceptually through spiritual science, i.e. sense-free concepts related to the inner life. It meets the stubborn yet valuable resistance of the normal intellectual mask and then actively shapes new and broader conceptual pathways through which it can flow. At every turn, our normal intuitions of 'how the world works' resist the spirit and make it seem like we aren't going anywhere, but in reality the erosion process is subtle and extended over time. The more our spirit is able to work through the resistance and broaden the angles of flow, it attains more velocity and momentum at certain junctures and it thereby becomes easier to further shape the normal intellectual constraints with its movement. There is a positive feedback towards gaining new intuitive orientation in the soul-spirit domain.

It is very important to observe how we aren't exploring some separate reality with our spirit in this case, compared to when we were thinking through the concepts of MAL, alter, dissociation, etc. It is the same reality. Our thinking is actually probing the meaningful relations of the Cosmos in both cases. But in the first case, it gains greater leeway (degrees of freedom) to explore how MAL, dissociation, and many other similar concepts relate to its living depth of experience. Cleric has referred to this before as fashioning new 'slots' within our cognitive life into which the higher worlds of soul-spirit experience can more freely incarnate, without our intellectual mask grinding down those higher worlds into sensory intellectual concepts. Especially if we are developing imaginative cognition and approaching the threshold, it is critical that we have established this leeway beforehand (unlike what happens in the cases of NDEs, psychedelics, and most mystical practices). 

What we also begin to realize here is that we don't know our normal waking or dreaming experience. We should approach these domains of experience as a great set of interrelated mysteries. Where do our sense impressions and concepts come from? Why do we think in one way and not another? What happens to our dream life while we are awake? How do our intents get translated into physical movements? Why do we form relationships with some people and not others? We can ask innumerable similar questions about our normal experiences. The most important thing is not to find the answers right away but to approach experiences with the inner disposition of humility and wonder. Then we will start to notice the SS concepts are not speaking of some remote worlds and what they are 'made of', but are speaking of the ways in which our normal everyday experience arises. 

All of these concepts can be located in the sphere of our normal experience with ordinary reasoning. For ex., the other day I was thinking about a claim by Steiner that, on the astral plane, our inner life approaches us from without. Our passions may approach us in the form of animal figures (which is our imaginative rendering of those inner impulses). Then I saw my cat coming into the room and started wondering, 'can I understand this physical experience as a reflection of the inverted experience taking place on the astral plane?' Again, it's not simple and easy - we have to flow our spirit against the resistance of the intellectual mask for this to bear fruit. One angle of approach is to ask how I came to be experiencing my cat approaching me in that moment. The structure of my apartment and room is a reflection of my intents and desires (interfering with the intents of countless other beings, like those who designed the apartment complex) - mostly it was vague sympathies and antipathies to decide where furniture should go and not go. Likewise, the place where I live is based on various inner factors. The fact that I have a cat is also based on such inner factors - it was actually quite an impulsive decision I made to get the cat as soon as I moved to my new apartment. In this sense, isn't it reasonable to say the cat approaching me in that moment can be understood as my temporally extended inner life (as interference of relations with the inner life of other souls) flowing towards me from without, such as we experience on the astral plane?  

I realize this is a very dim example and it won't mean much until we ourselves exert creative thinking activity to relate the spiritual concepts to our concrete experiences. As mentioned before, that is exactly how it should be if spiritual science is not to remain some abstract philosophy that we contemplate from a distance, but a transformative experience. The study of SS is most fruitful when we experience the meaning of the concepts as relating to the actual activity we are engaged in at that moment. In other words, we understand our creative thinking to be the very process by which the World evolves and practically all the SS concepts are simply providing different imaginative angles on how that process has unfolded and will continue to unfold. 
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by Güney27 »

AshvinP wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:51 pm
Güney27 wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:26 am Ashvin,
Cleric's essay attempts to show phenomenologically how perception and our spiritual activity are intertwined at any given time. There is an additional element to our perception that lets us know what we are currently experiencing.

I think he makes an attempt to take the reader from thinking about thinking, in the form of abstract theories, back to reality.

I can almost follow the essay phenomenologically, but at the end there is still the unanswered question: to what extent can I check whether, in the intuitive context in which I live, the things that Steiner and other esoteric teachers report make up the world?

It was necessary to live in the sensory world in order to gain an intuitive orientation in it. How am I supposed to work on my intuitive orientation if I don't notice anything about the etheric, astral, devachan... worlds in my awake consciousness?
They thus become abstract speculative concepts.

If I report my dream to you, you will perhaps be able to understand it and interpret the content through your thinking, but you will never be able to check whether my dream really happened the way I reported it

So how can I check, without being clairvoyant myself, whether what Steiner and others report is true?


Some of our questions in this respect embed certain habits of thinking and corresponding assumptions. When we ask how the world is 'made up', or whether the world is made up of the concepts found in SS, what are we expecting to find as an answer? Here is a simple metaphor we could use.


That is the spirit when it enters our normal 'manmade' pathway of thinking, formed through sense perceptual experience and basic education. We will notice how simple and easy this is - once we set the spirit in motion within our cognitive life, we hardly need to do anything for the concepts to appear and form some basic chain of reasoning that flows to a conclusion about the World Content. 

If we refer to BK's analytic idealism, we will notice how all the concepts used are drawn from our normal intuition of how the 'world works'. MAL refers to some unified substrate of 'stuff' in which everything else takes place (materialists might call this the 'quantum field'). Alter refers to our experience of how portions of the unified substrate flow into a certain area and are enclosed by a membrane. We find this often at the cellular level, for ex. in cell division and reproduction. Dissociation refers to some psychological process by which contents of consciousness are separated out from within a unified personality and become self-aware (at this point we run out of sense-perceptible metaphors, so we compare to a person with DID, which is more of a literal description of what we think is happening). The thing to notice is how easily all of these concepts fit into our normal intuitions. They give the path of least resistance for our spirit to flow and therefore are experienced as 'simple' and 'easy'.

Compare that to the erosion process of a stream flowing through a 'natural' (living) environment. 

That is how our spirit behaves when it starts to work conceptually through spiritual science, i.e. sense-free concepts related to the inner life. It meets the stubborn yet valuable resistance of the normal intellectual mask and then actively shapes new and broader conceptual pathways through which it can flow. At every turn, our normal intuitions of 'how the world works' resist the spirit and make it seem like we aren't going anywhere, but in reality the erosion process is subtle and extended over time. The more our spirit is able to work through the resistance and broaden the angles of flow, it attains more velocity and momentum at certain junctures and it thereby becomes easier to further shape the normal intellectual constraints with its movement. There is a positive feedback towards gaining new intuitive orientation in the soul-spirit domain.

It is very important to observe how we aren't exploring some separate reality with our spirit in this case, compared to when we were thinking through the concepts of MAL, alter, dissociation, etc. It is the same reality. Our thinking is actually probing the meaningful relations of the Cosmos in both cases. But in the first case, it gains greater leeway (degrees of freedom) to explore how MAL, dissociation, and many other similar concepts relate to its living depth of experience. Cleric has referred to this before as fashioning new 'slots' within our cognitive life into which the higher worlds of soul-spirit experience can more freely incarnate, without our intellectual mask grinding down those higher worlds into sensory intellectual concepts. Especially if we are developing imaginative cognition and approaching the threshold, it is critical that we have established this leeway beforehand (unlike what happens in the cases of NDEs, psychedelics, and most mystical practices). 

What we also begin to realize here is that we don't know our normal waking or dreaming experience. We should approach these domains of experience as a great set of interrelated mysteries. Where do our sense impressions and concepts come from? Why do we think in one way and not another? What happens to our dream life while we are awake? How do our intents get translated into physical movements? Why do we form relationships with some people and not others? We can ask innumerable similar questions about our normal experiences. The most important thing is not to find the answers right away but to approach experiences with the inner disposition of humility and wonder. Then we will start to notice the SS concepts are not speaking of some remote worlds and what they are 'made of', but are speaking of the ways in which our normal everyday experience arises. 

All of these concepts can be located in the sphere of our normal experience with ordinary reasoning. For ex., the other day I was thinking about a claim by Steiner that, on the astral plane, our inner life approaches us from without. Our passions may approach us in the form of animal figures (which is our imaginative rendering of those inner impulses). Then I saw my cat coming into the room and started wondering, 'can I understand this physical experience as a reflection of the inverted experience taking place on the astral plane?' Again, it's not simple and easy - we have to flow our spirit against the resistance of the intellectual mask for this to bear fruit. One angle of approach is to ask how I came to be experiencing my cat approaching me in that moment. The structure of my apartment and room is a reflection of my intents and desires (interfering with the intents of countless other beings, like those who designed the apartment complex) - mostly it was vague sympathies and antipathies to decide where furniture should go and not go. Likewise, the place where I live is based on various inner factors. The fact that I have a cat is also based on such inner factors - it was actually quite an impulsive decision I made to get the cat as soon as I moved to my new apartment. In this sense, isn't it reasonable to say the cat approaching me in that moment can be understood as my temporally extended inner life (as interference of relations with the inner life of other souls) flowing towards me from without, such as we experience on the astral plane?  

I realize this is a very dim example and it won't mean much until we ourselves exert creative thinking activity to relate the spiritual concepts to our concrete experiences. As mentioned before, that is exactly how it should be if spiritual science is not to remain some abstract philosophy that we contemplate from a distance, but a transformative experience. The study of SS is most fruitful when we experience the meaning of the concepts as relating to the actual activity we are engaged in at that moment. In other words, we understand our creative thinking to be the very process by which the World evolves and practically all the SS concepts are simply providing different imaginative angles on how that process has unfolded and will continue to unfold. 

I have to disagree with that.
So you're saying that just studying occult science changes thinking (consciousness).
In most cases of people who call themselves anthroposophists I have not observed this.
Furthermore, it is of considerable difficulty to understand what you say in the last post.

Furthermore, your post does not explain how one can check whether esoteric statements, such as that before Earth there was another planetary state in which we breathed fire, are true. This must be believed in confidence until one has acquired the ability to see spiritual events.

I myself am fascinated by Steiner's work, but there is a separation between the phenomenology of thinking, which we can all understand when we observe our thinking, as Cleric shows in his essays, and the claim that we can know that esoteric statements are true without having the ability to see clairvoyantly.
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by lorenzop »

Güney27 wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:35 pm Furthermore, your post does not explain how one can check whether esoteric statements, such as that before Earth there was another planetary state in which we breathed fire, are true. This must be believed in confidence until one has acquired the ability to see spiritual events.

I myself am fascinated by Steiner's work, but there is a separation between the phenomenology of thinking, which we can all understand when we observe our thinking, as Cleric shows in his essays, and the claim that we can know that esoteric statements are true without having the ability to see clairvoyantly.
Regarding claims such as the above, re mankind's history, there should be collaborating evidence from Science - this would demand a profound set of references in science literature - I mean folks would certainly be speaking about this.
Or if this lies outside the purview of conventional science, requires a specific kind of vision or consciousness, there would be collaboration from clairvoyants from various other schools, and collaboration from Steiners own followers.
I believe Steiner made claims about the constituent makeup of the planets . . . has his claims re the planet Mars held up to what the rovers have found?
Putting the above aside, and assuming Steiner is correct, you can then ask yourself: Why do I wish to pursue this knowledge?
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by Federica »

lorenzop wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:58 pm Regarding claims such as the above, re mankind's history, there should be collaborating evidence from Science - this would demand a profound set of references in science literature - I mean folks would certainly be speaking about this.
Or if this lies outside the purview of conventional science, requires a specific kind of vision or consciousness, there would be collaboration from clairvoyants from various other schools, and collaboration from Steiners own followers.
I believe Steiner made claims about the constituent makeup of the planets . . . has his claims re the planet Mars held up to what the rovers have found?
Putting the above aside, and assuming Steiner is correct, you can then ask yourself: Why do I wish to pursue this knowledge?

The bold is a common objection and it's precisely what Cleric referred to at page 2 of this thread. People who pick up the hobby of spirituality say: "if it's not popular, if folks don't talk about it, the stuff is not legit".
You are forgetting that Steiner's "claims" about the planets are primarily about the non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings, rather than about the physicality of the heavenly bodies that we call with those names.
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by lorenzop »

[quote=Federica post_id=22667 time=1699914275 user_id=386
You are forgetting that Steiner's "claims" about the planets are primarily about the non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings, rather than about the physicality of the heavenly bodies that we call with those names.

I didn't forget this as I didn't know this - 'non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings' is crazy town - I recommend running away from Steiner as fast as one can. I am out of here, and working on perfecting my Minestrone - actual soup and not some supersensible soul-sense soup.
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by AshvinP »

Güney27 wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:35 pm Ashvin,

I have to disagree with that.
So you're saying that just studying occult science changes thinking (consciousness).
In most cases of people who call themselves anthroposophists I have not observed this.
Furthermore, it is of considerable difficulty to understand what you say in the last post.

Furthermore, your post does not explain how one can check whether esoteric statements, such as that before Earth there was another planetary state in which we breathed fire, are true. This must be believed in confidence until one has acquired the ability to see spiritual events.

I myself am fascinated by Steiner's work, but there is a separation between the phenomenology of thinking, which we can all understand when we observe our thinking, as Cleric shows in his essays, and the claim that we can know that esoteric statements are true without having the ability to see clairvoyantly.

Studying the dynamics of our inner life, i.e. occult science, certainly changes thinking (and feeling/will). I am not sure what you observed. But as mentioned before, it should be a transformative experience. As Steiner said, "For every one step that you take in the pursuit of the hidden knowledge, take three steps in the perfecting of your own character. " We should sense our inner orientation becoming more humble, more patient, more disciplined, more attentive to our experience, more cautious about what qualities we implode into the World-state through our deeds, more interested in what intents, feelings, and impulses animate other souls, and so forth. Spiritual reality is so structured that genuine knowledge of its secrets is inwardly transformative because that reality would not continue to evolve unless humanity also grew into a position of creative responsibility for the nested layers of its manifestation.

I definitely did not intend to suggest that by ordinary reasoning we will fully understand and verify all claims made by spiritual scientific research. That of course is not the case. But we can discern whether various claims hang together into a coherent whole IF we are also working on perfecting our character as above. It is very often our impatience, our unreasonable expectations, our preferences, etc. that block our holistic reasoning through these unfamiliar topics. These lower impulses all feed into our normal intuitions of 'how the world works' which is actually quite upside down. Once such normal intuition is that the life of soul-spirit arises from physical things and processes. A key part of PoF is reorienting this intuition through the experiential observation of how our spirit fashions the familiar structures and 'laws' of the perceptual spectrum.

Once that is understood, it is only a matter of discerning how the spirit can work at many nested scales - individual, nation, cultural epoch, etc. to planetary incarnation - through all sorts of perceptual structures and mediums according to the adaptive needs of any given ecosystem, i.e. the tasks set for the Earth organism and the various groups and individuals who comprise it. It always helps to remember the individual human organism is a 'little world' of the 'big world'. We are not only a mineral body, but a watery body (90% of our organism is water), airy body, and warmth/fire body (concentrated in the blood but permeates the airy, watery, and mineral bodies as well). Just as our conscious spirit uses its perceptions and concepts as tools to achieve certain tasks related to our personal life of thinking, feeling, and will, the superconscious spirit uses these aspects of our organism to achieve tasks related to the whole stream of human destiny.

It is practically guaranteed from any evolutionary framework that the current organic relations as we find them were not always the same. Even secular science claims that we were once amphibious creatures breathing water, which of course still exist. Scientists have also discovered organisms deep within the Earth's crust that 'breathe' and metabolize chemicals. ... ed/1383847
Living this far away from the sun’s rays means that the bacteria do not undergo photosynthesis, which is the basis for almost all other live on Earth.

Yet the bacteria have managed to find an energy source that enables them to thrive deep inside the earth’s crust.

“The bacteria feed on chemicals that are released when water seeps down through the rocks. The rocks contain iron ions that can react with sea water and produce hydrogen, which the bacteria can use as an energy source for producing their own organic matter,” says Lever.

“This form of chemical synthesis, which is an alternative energy source to photosynthesis, also occurs elsewhere on Earth, for instance around warm springs in the seabed. But this is the first time that it has been found in the earth’s crust below the sea.”

Again, even under a secular scientific understanding, these are images of our own past evolutionary states, although the normal materialistic intuition doesn't allow for these states to be still embedded in our living experience, raised up to soul-spiritual levels of existence. The point is not to reach some kind of bulletproof understanding of these ideas that we can then communicate to others via sensory-intellectual concepts. We actually gain a lot more in our understanding of our normal experience if we start questioning and investigating such expectations and desires because these latter structure our thinking- and feeling-states at the threshold of the spiritual worlds. The most important thing is to realize that, through our thinking, we are always seeking ideas/principles that allow for a greater harmony of the facts of our experience (outer and inner). This holds no matter if we are doing physical or spiritual science, via ordinary cognition or clairvoyant cognition. We can illustrate this principle as follows.

Imagine you suddenly gained clairvoyance on the spot and were able to meditatively access past stages of the Earth's evolution, and before your spiritual gaze arose images of human-like creatures breathing fire. Would this confirm absolutely that Steiner's claim is true? Not really - it may just be that you got so enamored with Steiner's claims and then hallucinated this imagery in a meditative state. Probably Lorenzo would say that is the case and it is only a 'subjective' experience that can't be replicated by others, and in a sense he is right. Isolated experiences are never how we arrive at a sense of truthfulness. Rather it is whether the content of those experiences and ideas based on them can harmonize many other facts of our current experience, making them explicable and/or raising them into a higher light of understanding. Some of these other facts may seem completely unrelated to the idea of 'humans breathing fire on Old Moon', but once we have returned to the living details of our experiential stream equipped with such ideas we gradually begin to see how they cohere that stream into a more meaningful whole than it was before.

And that all comes back to what we mentioned before - only if we are willing to energetically move our thinking in unfamiliar directions, with great interest in both our life of inner and outer experience, can any supersensible facts find their proper place in our intuitive orientation. We have seen plenty of people on this forum who simply aren't willing to do that and therefore remain stuck trying to understand supersensible experience based on normal physical intuition. There can be no question of convincing or helping such people understand what is being spoken of unless they can meet the efforts at least halfway.
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by Federica »

lorenzop wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:35 pm
Federica wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:24 pm You are forgetting that Steiner's "claims" about the planets are primarily about the non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings, rather than about the physicality of the heavenly bodies that we call with those names.
I didn't forget this as I didn't know this - 'non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings' is crazy town - I recommend running away from Steiner as fast as one can. I am out of here, and working on perfecting my Minestrone - actual soup and not some supersensible soul-sense soup.

Then I suggest that you use dry, not canned, borlotti beans and soak them for 24 hours before adding them to the minestrone :)
The reason why it is impossible to observe thinking in the actual moment of its occurrence is the very same which makes it possible for us to know it more immediately and more intimately thany any other process in the world.
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Re: Esoteric knowledge for skeptics

Post by AshvinP »

Federica wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:24 pm
lorenzop wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:58 pm Regarding claims such as the above, re mankind's history, there should be collaborating evidence from Science - this would demand a profound set of references in science literature - I mean folks would certainly be speaking about this.
Or if this lies outside the purview of conventional science, requires a specific kind of vision or consciousness, there would be collaboration from clairvoyants from various other schools, and collaboration from Steiners own followers.
I believe Steiner made claims about the constituent makeup of the planets . . . has his claims re the planet Mars held up to what the rovers have found?
Putting the above aside, and assuming Steiner is correct, you can then ask yourself: Why do I wish to pursue this knowledge?

The bold is a common objection and it's precisely what Cleric referred to at page 2 of this thread. People who pick up the hobby of spirituality say: "if it's not popular, if folks don't talk about it, the stuff is not legit".
You are forgetting that Steiner's "claims" about the planets are primarily about the non-local supersensible nature of the planet-beings, rather than about the physicality of the heavenly bodies that we call with those names.
Along these lines, its really interesting to consider how little we know about our own planet Earth, particularly its interior layers that embed past stages of evolution. We only have familiarity of the outermost crust, like we generally only have familiarity with the outermost skin and structures of our own organism. Its really humbling when we realize how little of what we imagine to exist "inside" is actually something we haven't perceived and investigated, only assumed and inferred from our normal intuitions of 'how things are and work'.

At astonishing depths within the Earth, researchers recently found endoliths (organisms that live inside rock or in the tiny pores between interlocking mineral grains), which eat rock. Thousands of different species have been found, including representatives of bacteria, archaea, and fungi. Endoliths have been found inhabiting the Earth’s crust at depths up to nearly two miles, far from sunlight. Owing to the costs of digging so deeply into the Earth, it is unknown whether they live at deeper levels. They appear to survive by feeding on traces of iron, potassium, or sulfur.
The magnificent gorge of the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon is but a mere scratch on the Earth’s surface; it may be compared to a fingernail scratch on glass. We have drilled gas and oil wells, but even the deepest are mere pinpricks in the Earth’s mantle. Near Murmansk on the Kola Peninsula, Russians attempted to drill a super-deep “Mohole,” a hole through the Mohorovic Discontinuity, the layer that separates the crust from the upper mantle. It is a ten-mile hole into the Earth’s crust in search of answers to conflicting questions. After nineteen years, Project Mohole was halted, having achieved a depth of only 7.5 miles. The data gathered are contrary to many longstanding assumptions by geologists. For example, temperature increased with depth more dramatically than anticipated; a body of ore was located at a depth where none was thought to exist; and fluids and gasses, including hydrocarbons, were found circulating through the rocks of the crust at depths where high pressure would hypothetically rule out cracks and fissures in the bedrock. Had the project been completed, the Mohole would have examined only one four-hundredth of the distance to the center of the Earth. Inevitably and clearly, our understanding of the Earth’s interior is far more a matter of conjecture than knowledge.

Much of what we “know” about the Earth’s interior has been inferred. The interior of the Earth is not a “solid” as we understand the term, but in a semi-plastic state that allows ions to migrate (more or less) at will.

- THE INNER LIFE OF THE EARTH: Exploring the Mysteries of Nature, Subnature & Supranature
"A secret law contrives,
To give time symmetry:
There is, within our lives,
An exact mystery."
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